Femeie supraviețuiește după ce s-a rupt frânghia de parasailing

Femeie supraviețuiește după ce s-a rupt frânghia de parasailing

Parasailingul, deși exaltant, poate fi, de asemenea, incredibil de periculos, lucru pe care Katie Malone l-a învățat direct în timpul calvarului terifiant. În timp ce s-a lansat în aer cu un parasail în Mexic, nori de furtună de rău augur au umplut cerul. Dar ea nu și-a imaginat niciodată frânghia că se va sparge în vântul aspru, lăsând-o să plutească la o mie de picioare în aer. Terapeutul de masaj în vârstă de 31 de ani din California a fost aruncat violent timp de 45 de minute, înainte de a se prăbuși la două mile distanță, rupând 11 oase. #InsideEdition


47 thoughts on “Femeie supraviețuiește după ce s-a rupt frânghia de parasailing

  1. Mexican parasailing business owner’s compensation to her: “next time you come back, I give you free ride. I no charge.”

  2. You gotta use your brain, you can't live off of someone else's. It is obviously a stormy weather. Worst day ever to do such extreme stuff. Why would you be on that thing?

  3. Probably will be paying for that Vacation for a long time medavaced in a private plane. Get travel insurance if your gonna do dangerous things

  4. Your sueing a company in Mexico!! Good luck with that they will be up and gone and never to be heard of again! That’s a 3rd world country! I doubt they even have a correct mailing address to get letters from the court

  5. Real eyes, realise real lies. She should have looked up too. Any fool could have seen those storm clouds up ahead. Happy that she survived her traumatic ordeal.

  6. Both acting with ignorance, really most people know if there's a storm coming near the shire you should leave the place nit paragliding or even go fir a swim is responsibility for both parties to know specially those who have the business

  7. Was she kidnapped into sky surfing or did she agree to do it even tho the weather was shifty n she could of rescheduled it, your choices have consequences and your blaming a business over your dumbass choices?

  8. I was living in a condo on Acapulco Bay. I witnessed a woman being flown into condo balcony’s in the building next door. It was at such speed, that she was killed instantly and bloodied & beyond belief after her second hit! Many times we we witnessed people being dropped and dragged in the water, or crashed at such speed into the beach, ambulances were called! You don’t know these people!! Would you fly in an airplane with someone who can’t read or write??? When on holiday, please don’t leave your brain and good sense at home. They just want your pesos!!

  9. 31 year old massage therapist gets her:
    A. Gay friend
    B. Dude that has been trying to hit for ages
    to pay for a Mexican vacation.

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