URMĂȚI PARTEA I https://youtu.be/sGgSCRSt4jY Acest iaht este de vânzare: https://bit.ly/nautistyles TREBUIE VĂRIT ÎN MAI MULT: https://youtu.be/obWsg-SW-II Mulțumiri imense lui NEAL EASTERLY și FRASER YACHTS pentru configurarea acestui lucru. Alăturați-vă nouă în acest răsfăț privat și extra special al unui tur cu însuși constructorul ALLSEAS YACHTS – Tim Alls. Acest tur a fost prea tare pentru a-l tăia într-un videoclip scurt, așa că este primul turneu de pe canalul nostru care are premieră ca un tur în DOUĂ PARTI. În PARTEA I, am vizitat punțile exterioare: Cockpit, Tender Deck, Bow, The Flybridge. Am verificat Spacious Pilothouse, Salonul și Galeria care mi-au furat total inima 😉 În PARTEA a II-a – Acest videoclip, putem vedea Sala mașinilor, care a furat cu siguranță inima lui Rico (și pentru toți cei din domeniul tehnologiei și mecanicii Geeks care sunt în favoarea!)… și ce rămâne cu Maestrul?! Ei bine, doar așteaptă și vezi… una dintre băile mele personale preferate… sau shell spun Spa-Like Head?!… doar te las cu asta! lol Suntem super încântați să vă arătăm această frumoasă „Doamnă” și tot ce are de oferit! Ea ar fi un croazier grozav sau/și un World Cruiser… da, cu siguranță te vei bucura de ea ca o a doua casă pe apă sau ca o casă de lux de weekend, dar băiete, ea s-a născut pentru Cruise The World! Sunteți interesat să CUMPĂRĂȚI acest iaht SAU un alt YACHT ALLSEAS? Vă rugăm să contactați NEAL EASTERLY @ FRASER YACHTS CALIFORNIA Neal.Esterly @ FraserYachts.com Lista: https://bit.ly/3gWvQga 0:00 Introducere 0:54 Exterior 1:21 Cabine 6:50 Spațiul echipajului 8:28 Sala motoare 27: 25 Specificații 27:36 Cabină principală 33:00 Ieșiri Distracție plăcută, #YachtTour #ExplorerYacht Știu că unii dintre voi veți spune: „Victoria, acesta nu este un Superyacht!” Ei bine, de fapt este prin definiție, verifică-l aici: https://youtu.be/HQy4kPV5HgE https://nautistyles.com/nauti-blog/size-does-matter-boat-vs-yacht MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-uri , COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUBSTANȚĂRI! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!! 🙂 #Superyacht Aceasta nu este procedura ta obișnuită! Nu fac tururi de tip plictisitor, monoton, tip tip-mers-cu-camera-voice off! Acest canal înseamnă să te distrezi și să nu te iei prea în serios în timp ce verifici cele mai tari iahturi de acolo. Multumesc pentru vizionare! ABONAȚI-VĂ AICI https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRft… Stați cu mine: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nautistyles/ Blog: https://www.NautiStyles.com Vrei să obții NAUTI : https://www.ShopNauti.com Ahoy, căpitanul V
8.900.000 USD ALLSEAS 92 EXPEDITION Explorer SuperYacht Tour Liveaboard ÎN ÎNTURUL LUMII Yacht PARTEA II

37 thoughts on “8.900.000 USD ALLSEAS 92 EXPEDITION Explorer SuperYacht Tour Liveaboard ÎN ÎNTURUL LUMII Yacht PARTEA II”
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That engine room looks like a hospital surgery room. As it should.
If Tony Stark built a boat…..it would be like this one.
Awesome doesn't even begin to describe this Explorer! Everything is so well thought out from deck to deck. Thanks for a wonderful tour!
This ship compares very favorably with the Bering. Attention to detail is amazing.
Its so out dated
The "engine room" is the top selling point followed by granite showers, basins, etc…
That dude is an engineering and design genius.
There is a huge difference between Portland, Maine & Portland Oregon. I started in Houston, Tx and was supposed to go to my aunts in Portland, Oregon…. I was 9 yrs old and flying to the wrong one (this was 1984). You get an unexpected layover while they freak. plus, you get food, treats, and a personal stewardess to hang out with! I honestly think this is what made me get into adventures and traveling. To me this mix up made the entire trip better. I wonder what the rules are for a miner traveling alone are now?
Certainly beautiful.
Does Tim Know Alexi? I met Mr Alls at a boat show. Nice guy. A real man.
Woow what a great boat, I want. You both come with me. We make lot's of experience around the world.
Rico du bist der Kapitän. No matter what.
Why hasn’t he made the monitoring system available to the Yachting Industry
Is this still available?
Great video guys! Lovely boat very impressive, one can dream!
I watched it again
I’m going to have a nightmare about storage tonight. Haha
As a boat virgin, I found the info very worthy!!
"Panama Channel" LOL Hey Rico, it's a canal!!
Definitely an Engineers boat.
I would buy the hull/super structure from Tim but would have Bering build out the interior and exterior and add their flare. 👌🏻
I really do like the looks of the luxury boats but this one is more like home. That engine room had me. Too bad I could not afford one with mine and my wife’s combined income for a life time. I used to work on boats in lake union and I live in Olympia. I see great boats like this all the time. Still have a couple of customers that own 50’+ yaughts and get to work on them
Well, after watching this and the Bering 77 many many times, this one wins! The fit out is just more appealing, the seaworthiness around the bow is is huge factor, and the overall engineering wins. But one thing i consider a failure of both, a True expidetion ship would be it's ability to go to the Antartic, so being ice class and enough round trip range to go from, let's say Hobart Tassie, carrying enough fuel, provisions and spares. I think with a little thought this could be engineered as such. The engine room on this is far better laid out than the Bering. You blokes may have jumped the gun on choosing Bering?
Is there a black water treatment system?
With all due respect, this boat seems to be superior to the Bering yachts; I am surprised that you didn't go for All Seas on your custom build. This was $8.9 million for a 92', so a 75'-77' would be about $7.0, the same as your Bering. Can you comment on your selection process?
I like how she gets in the cedar closet. Lol
Coming back to this after 3 years to glean new tips, and… dang! This is still about the most competent monohull motor-yacht design I've ever seen. The evolution of experience and potential contingency plans/operations just oozes from every aspect. Besides that, it's so cozy and homelike! Most yachts feel like a wannabe hotel lounge, but this feels like a home, like a comfy cottage wrapped in armored preparedness.
Thank you again for being you, and for giving us these marvelous tours of exceptional vessels!
I would need this guy on speed dial if I ever bought this boat
He put the room in Engine Room.
I have never seen or imagined seeing a better designed boat. Absolutely love it. I would cruise the globe endlessly if it was mine.
You know, I love your Chanel, but I wish you would showcase the workers and craftsmen that make all this possible. The incredible skill that it takes to make this happen. Please think about this. Without them this would never happen. Looking forward to your response. Grazie mille ciao franco
Hands down this is the best sea worthy boat out there. I mean the crew cabins and engine room alone speaks volumes for the quality of people you will attract to work on this boat. Amazing.
This is the most beautifully built ship, woodwork in her is absolutely the most stunning look to it. I wish i could live in a ship like that, carry a small car and the tender where you beach it, and drop down bow to access landing without getting wet is the best. And it doesn't need to be short when the crane can lift quite a large tender. Absolutely thr best galley, master cabin to much to believe. Wow 😮😂❤😊
Tim. This is the best engineered ship I have seen you made maintenance and trouble shooting so nice. Now I just need to hit the lottery lol.
Still a fantastic long distance boat!
Thanks guys for bringing us along and showing us this lovely lady.👍🏻😎
Tim seems to be the type of designer who is not scrambling to "outdo" himself each time he decides on a plan. He is very aware of what works, and why it works, and why changing things around may not be such a good idea. This boat has exquisite design details, without ostentatious frippery. The overall systems design is outstanding, with equipment based on experience and personal knowledge installed. I would feel very confident in cruising this yacht to Hawaii or further. For that kind of voyage, an experienced captain and engineer, as well as a deckhand/steward would be necessary.