Un tur al incredibilului HM Royal Yacht Britannia. În acest tur complet al iahtului privat al Reginei Elisabeta a II-a și al Prințului Philip, vizităm toate zonele navei, inclusiv dormitoarele private, camerele de relaxare, sălile de mese și zonele de lounge ale Reginei Elisabeta și Ducelui de Edinburgh. Pe lângă faptul că aruncăm o privire în culise, inclusiv zonele echipajului și camera mașinilor. Aceasta a fost o vizită uimitoare la o navă incredibilă! —————————————————— Deveniți un Patreon pentru a vă arăta sprijinul și pentru a ne ajuta să creăm și mai mult conținut. În schimb, veți obține acces exclusiv la videoclipuri extraordinare nevăzute până acum, cărți poștale scrise de mână și multe altele! https://www.patreon.com/benanddavid
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Despre noi: Ahoy! Suntem Ben și David. Suntem căsătoriți din 2014 și locuim în Cambridge în Marea Britanie. Acum vreo 5 ani am prins bug-ul călătoriilor și croazierelor! De când am creat videoclipuri distractive cu vase de croazieră, inclusiv tururi de vase de croazieră, actualizări de știri despre croazieră, recenzii de croazieră, sfaturi și trucuri de croazieră, vloguri de croazieră și multe altele! Vă ducem în toate aventurile noastre de croazieră în întreaga lume, inclusiv în Marea Mediterană și Caraibe. Ne place să navigăm cu cele mai bune linii de croazieră din lume, inclusiv Royal Caribbean, Norwegian Cruise Line, MSC Cruises, Disney Cruise Line, Celebrity Cruises, Princess Cruises, P&O și Carnival Cruise Line. #Croaziera #Croaziera #Călătorii
Iahtul Regal Britannia al Reginei Elisabeta a II-a – Tur complet al iahtului privat Queens

48 thoughts on “Iahtul Regal Britannia al Reginei Elisabeta a II-a – Tur complet al iahtului privat Queens”
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Where's the galley? Or gallies…if the royal family had a separate galley from the crew?
وداعاً اليزابيث
A crew of 220 busy being through it in leith Harbour lovely
Shoe Removal should be Mandatory
Shame it’s not in use
Heartbreaking to visit – all it needed was an updated engine! Thank you Tony Blair…
Disgusting people that live off the backs of the working people. All monarchs are way past time to be sent into the dustbin of history. They have zero legal legitimacy and continue to steal the wealth of the people.
The decommissioning of this ship is the only time the Queen was publicly reduced to tears. Notice the understated class?
Queen eLIZARDbeth
Amazing as to how large the ship actually is!
I went on this 22 years ago when visiting the UK.. one of the highlights. I fully understand why the Queen cried when she had to give it up.
What kind of small minded evil did it take to decommission that magnificent yacht.
The money it generated was lost and the money for it's up keep went on single mothers! Labour = Ruin! Stunning vessel and about time we built a new one for His Majesty!
Utterly Delightful!
It’s not hms Britannia
Mi fa schifo.
Wonderful video! than you for taking the time to create this.
The queen mary and queen Elizabeth aren’t cruise ships but Ocean liners
Even if her majesty is dead,her ship is still here.
kings now
Pedo cruises with little children it should be scuttled if not already.
The Queen went to Thunder Bay (Fort William, Port Arthur) in 1959. It was quite the sight!
Oh ffs ducky
Great Video.
When was the last time that the Queen had a
swim on a swimming pool
The reason France had the Revolution in 1789 …
Thank you both for bringing us such a great peek into the Royal life.
I toured her in '99. A national treasure. No wonder HM shed tears at the decommissioning. Ps was told this is the only place where the Queen's private loo on public display!
Tell us you’re a British Vessel without telling us you’re a British Vessel.
Yacht: PUBS
Those Corgi-plushies all over the place are a nice touch – and just adorable. And in addition a convenient way of getting close-to-accurate without having actual dogs aboard at all times and all the hassle that would come with that.
Amazing that the Brits put up with this unnecessary extravagant waste for as long as they did. 220 crew!!! Ridiculous.
I love the pubs, nice touch.
I know from personal experience that those bunks were from comfortable.
Remenber whes this yacht in 90° years was renting at the criminals bankers …
I do fellows all the royal family rules and my mother always told me that plain trousers and jeans and normal jewellery are only used for every day used and my mother always told me that track suits are only use for sports occasions with sports watch and my mother always told me that trousers suit and plain jewellery are only used for business occasions and expensive clothes and expensive jewellery are only used for very special occasions like wedding and Christmas and party or ballroom dancing
A fudge boy paradise…..carry on……..
I was in the UK in 2012. We toured the Royal Yacht Britannia when we were in Scotland. It has a tea room on board for light lunches and afternoon tea. We had lunch on board to soak up the atmosphere and say we had a meal on board.
my mate was 19 years on the yacht as a chef . rip joe .
5:03 those cute pelmets
Why wasn't the Royal Family given a new modern yacht?
Interesting. I did see the Britannia in the St. Lawrence seaway in the 60s. Hoped to see more engine room detail.
Wasn't ONASSIS' yacht, Christina O, powered by steam because it was smoother running in order to keep his fragile multi million dollar antiques and paintings from vibration damage?