Repararea casei noastre BENETEAU TO CRUISE peste OCEANE | Ep 43 | Navigand pe Merewether

Repararea casei noastre BENETEAU TO CRUISE peste OCEANE |  Ep 43 |  Navigand pe Merewether

Săptămâna aceasta, în Martinica, facem toate lucrările pe Merewether, de la repararea tachelarului până la cumpărături de perne și plăci de SUP. Kieran petrece mai mult timp pe catarg decât pe uscat, iar eu mă aprovizionez cu bunătăți organice vegane pentru viitoarea traversare. Pot spune că avem nevoie de o pauză după aceste săptămâni, zdrobind locuri de muncă din stânga, dreapta și centru. Reușesc să-l trag pe Kieran pentru niște aventuri pe apă și explorări ale munților. Acum suntem gata să ne îndreptăm spre vest, peste Oceanul Pacific! Alătură-te echipajului nostru! Căutăm noi echipaje pentru a se alătura călătoriei viitoare. Înscrieți-vă pentru a fi unul dintre patronii noștri pentru o șansă bună de a ni se alătura în călătoria noastră în jurul lumii. Sprijină-ne: Instagram: Facebook : Sponsori și colegi: UK Sailmakers – True Headings –


38 thoughts on “Repararea casei noastre BENETEAU TO CRUISE peste OCEANE | Ep 43 | Navigand pe Merewether

  1. Keeping Isabelle safe is your primary job Kieran! Well done in replacing that stay. I’ve watched a few sailing videos now. I know about water safety here in Canada. That said, I have yet to see any sailors wearing or having quick access to life jackets. I haven’t even seen them show any on board, either. Why is that?

  2. I am going to preface this by saying I have no experience on a sail boat in anyway, but I have used cable ties extensively for decades. I would keep an eye on where those sails come in contact with the pool noodles, cable ties can rip an arm open when installed as most people install them, I would imagine they would do a number on sail fabric as well.

  3. Just started watching your vids. You are learning fast, great content, very good videography proper amount mixture of conversation and boat work and exploring. Well done!

  4. Just started following you guys.  Awesome video and great job on all the boat projects!  Fair winds and following seas Merewether!!

  5. You are a beautiful couple love the sailing life seen through your channel as I am home bound bed bound. I was thinking have you ever considered using that torchable metal like solder like stronger than steel material on your stay where it was worn?? Just a thought..

  6. Hello from the USA . State of Iowa Winter here . February 8th 2021 . Vise grip on your punch can save your hand . I really appreciate your content. Stay safe and well . Thanks for taking us a long .

  7. Beautiful views, thats so wonderful you two are able and healthy to explore and travel freely off the grid , your content if spectacular! Where are you two from, im new to the channel

  8. Great video.(I'm binge watching all you videos from the 1st one.) A question: Does one need to be able to speak French to get boat related stuff purchased/done in Martinique and do either of you speak French?

  9. Gosh it sucks that my wife is so fat that that I'm then unable to make a nice travel vlog such as this…

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