Cowgirl din Yunnan navighează către o insulă a nudiștilor | Sălbatic navigație

Cowgirl din Yunnan navighează către o insulă a nudiștilor |  Sălbatic navigație

Am navigat spre Ile de Levant și Port Cros, în coasta de azur, în sudul Franței. Ile Levant găzduiește o sectă care adoră soarele, precum și o bază militară și de lansare de rachete, iar Port Cros a fost doar un loc remarcabil pentru ancora pentru 4 nopți. Pentru actualizări mai recente: Instagram: @wildlings_sailing Facebook: e-mail: Ne susțineți? Ko-fi: PayPal: Tricourile noastre: Lucruri pe care le avem utilizare. Primim un mic % dacă cumpărați folosind aceste link-uri… Cameră cinematografică: Telefoanele noastre: VHF portabil: Difuzor Bluetooth retro/Radio FM:


49 thoughts on “Cowgirl din Yunnan navighează către o insulă a nudiștilor | Sălbatic navigație

  1. Oh my goodness what lovely news, my favourite millennial (new and improved) John and Yoko have posted a video!  
    I usually wind some bits back to enjoy them again, like your song last time which was just amazing, so this means 30+ minutes of sweet, gentle escapism in a hectic, stressed-out, rat-race world. Thank you both so much for being so wonderfully tranquil. I really think you should be prescribed for stress-induced illnesses (I mean to ease them, not to create them, ha ha ha). Bless your dear, gentle hearts, both of you, you are such a lovely tonic!
    When you have 500,000 subscribers please don't change this magical formula one tiny bit. Whatever 'it' is, you've got acres of it.

  2. (1964) Movie " The Incredible Mr. Limpet " . Aquatic life fanatic Henry Limpet (Don Knotts) falls into the sea and transforms into a fish, quickly becoming pals with a crab and developing a romantic bond with a fetching female fish

  3. wow u put naked or nude in the title and u yield 30x the views of ur other vids … I will make a note of that … 🤣🤣🤣

  4. See the Universe!! Eat Salpa! LOL!
    Love your style and the banter between you two. Please keep on sharing your journey.
    Wishing you the best!

  5. Oh wow! I was in Kunming last year with my girlfriend. She studied there. Beautiful place. yes nice food.

  6. I used to experiment with hallucinogenic plants and mushrooms. Kind of like delirium with influenza. Vomiting and paranoid feelings. I did it four or five times and decided it's not that much fun. Hard to get off a flight once you've taken off. Just have to wait it out.

  7. BREAKING NEWS… AT LAST 4MIN54 NADIYANA FINALLY GETS HER KIT OFF. Lol…… Sorry Nadiyana if you read this, but I guess by now you're getting used to daft British sense of humour.

  8. 听见你讲 昆明 food 。。BBQ、、、 哈哈、、、
    各是 东寺该 西寺汉 茅斯拐拐小楼上改、、??哈哈哈

  9. Did anyone ever tell you you look alot like Hwasa from Mamamoo? 😀
    Love your channels, you both make such a lovely couple! Happy Safe Sailing!

  10. Another wonderful video. I've just recently found your channel. God willing when I "cast off" I will have a woman as beautiful, charming and intelligent by my side. If she also has an equally cute accent then I will be truly blessed. <3

  11. Hi m8, I love ur show I would love to see you explain please the details of the ship. I mean tell us the way u sail as u set ur sails I'd like it if u tell us how u do it all and ways of rigging her sails. How u sail etc. My thanks. Mr M Papworth

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