Commodores – Sail On (Versuri)

Commodores - Sail On (Versuri)

Publicat pe 03 OCT 2020 muzică: Commodores – Sail On Urmărește-l pe Lionel Richie pe:, abonați-vă și nu uitați pentru a apăsa clopoțelul de notificări pentru cel mai recent conținut, de asemenea, like și comentariu #Commodores #Sailon #LionelRichie


25 thoughts on “Commodores – Sail On (Versuri)

  1. You get a thumbs down because……….in order for others to sing along the lyrics need to appear a head of the song and not on cue. I've everyone a thumbs down because of this.

  2. Who hasn’t sent this to someone that wanted to control you😁😃😀put u down only to become the words for all to see… ooooooo how I watch my words !!!!!!! God does slap you in his own time of day😘😍✌🏻😏

  3. It's great to hear this issue, breaking up with someone who doesn't really appreciate you, from a man's POV…. always loved this song and its very deep meaning… we've all been there, loving someone who doesn't appreciate us… it happens.. always best to just "Sail On" (keep living your life whole moving on from said failed relationship)…

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