Ghidul COMPLET de navigație pentru navigatori și pescari noi. Aflați cum să vă conectați remorca, să vă pregătiți barca pentru lansare, să aflați cum să vă lansați singur barca, cum să conduceți barca, cum să vă încărcați barca și să vă pregătiți pentru următoarea călătorie. Acesta este ghidul COMPLET pentru a învăța cum să vă descurcați propria barcă. Barca 101 | Curs de barca | Călătorie pentru începători | Ghiduri de barca | Barcă de pescuit #boating #fishing #boating101 Cum se lansează FĂRĂ un doc: 00:00 – Introducere 00:25 – Cum să-ți atașezi camionul la o remorcă 03 :15 – Pregătiți-vă barca pentru lansare 04:20 – Cum să vă lansați barca 06:35 – Cum să vă planificați barca 07:15 – Cum să vă încărcați barca 09:55 – Pregătiți-vă remorca pentru călătorie Barca mea Polar Kraft: https :// DSG Malea Jacket: Puteți să-mi luați ghidurile de plimbare cu barca și pescuit de la Sfaturi pentru rețelele sociale la: https://nicolestone. com Urmărește-mă pe rețelele sociale: Instagram: @nicolestoneoutdoors Twitter: @nicolekstone Facebook: Nicole Stone Outdoors TikTok: Nicole Stone Outdoors
Noțiuni de bază despre barca: Ghid COMPLET pentru lansare, încărcare, conducere și multe altele!

44 thoughts on “Noțiuni de bază despre barca: Ghid COMPLET pentru lansare, încărcare, conducere și multe altele!”
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thank you for a very informative and well done video
Weird way to propose…
New boater here. Amazing video. Thank you for the content.
Do you need engage the 4×4 on the truck?
Very good educational video. I will have correct you just a bit. The only thing that I would like to correct you on, as you probably already do it, is before you launch the boat, make sure that everything is loaded up. I would go out on the water anytime with you. You know what you are doing!
You ment that you gradually build the plane
Great video! Very helpful with the basics !
Soooo I watched your videos for 1st time boaters and I'm telling you, you have helped me out so much. I listened to the guys at the job and friends you have boats. They really over explained everything. You really broke it down and for that I'm grateful. I took my boys out today for the 1st time and we had a blast! Thanks for the info…
Nice video! Just a suggestion on launching the boat. I noticed that you placed the bow line on the dock without securing it which meant you had to quickly get out of the truck upon launch in order to grab the line because of the possibility of the boat drifting backward and taking off with the line. I suggest that you have a line long enough to reach a cleat or pole on the dock or secure the line to your truck. I have a tie down D ring in the bed of my truck which I use to secure my bow line to using a brass snap swivel connector.
Great video. Very informational. Only complaint is, don't power-load onto the trailer. It's bad for the launches. Use the trailer winch.
Great video compilation Nicole! We are loading our boat out of our Maine lake for the first time today!
She’s dope af
Beautiful boat
Thanks for the video very informative
Great video very helpful thanks Nicole
awesome video, thank you!!
Do they require a license to drive your boat ??
might want to unplug the trailer lights
Great video except…….don't rely solely on setting the parking brake unless you have a 4wd. Invest in a brake depresser that goes against the steering wheel to keep the brake pedal engaged. Or you might find your truck in the water.
Don’t twist chains. If you twist chains and heavy load is applied (or occurs without your actions:
1. Deformation: The chains may undergo deformation, meaning they can become misshapen or distorted. Twisting the chains can cause them to lose their original form and integrity. This deformation can affect their strength and ability to bear loads properly.
2. Weakening: Twisting the chains and subjecting them to a heavy load can lead to weakening of the metal. Chains are designed to handle forces in a straight line, and twisting them can create stress concentrations and weaken the material. This can make the chains more susceptible to breaking or failing under load.
3. Fatigue failure: Repeatedly twisting the chains and applying heavy loads can induce fatigue failure. Fatigue failure occurs when a material weakens over time due to cyclic loading, and the chains may eventually develop cracks or fractures that can propagate and lead to catastrophic failure.
4. Chain failure: Under extreme conditions, such as excessive twisting and overload, the chains may fail completely. This failure can result in the chains breaking apart, which can be dangerous and potentially cause injury to people nearby or damage to property.
You could reduce or get the right size chain.
Overall, great video and very informative.
Great video! I'd love to get into boating but I'm a bit intimidated. This was very helpful and easy
I know a North Dakota plate when I see one lol
I trimmed my motor up when picking up front went higher lol I had to trim it down to even out
Can i please offer some suggestions? As a new boater, you're using a lot of boat lingo. New boaters aren't going to know what "planed" or "trimmed out" mean. I'm having to stop every 30 seconds or so to google some of the boat jargon you're using just so I can kinda grasp what you're saying. If you really did make this video for new boaters wanting to learn, maybe you can explain in the beginning some of the boat jargon you will be using. I just want to learn from a fellow woman boater. Your video is great, and you're a natural teacher. Just need some additional info added, please.
You look a lot like West Coast Shanelle from Ridiculousness… except 100x prettier, of course. Took me a second, like "why is Shanelle teaching me to hitch a boat?" Great vid, learned a lot!
Awesome boat very nice
I’m looking into getting my license here soon, since my parents said I’m old enough to start going out on the boat by myself or with my friends now if I want. So this was a good video to have, very helpful
Liked & subbed
Nothing about pre start , make sure plug is in?
Don't forget to remove drain plug. In some states (MN) for example, it is illegal to drive with it in. It was an excellent presentation.
Good video, covers off all the major stuff. Couple of points though …
– After loading, hook the bow safety chain below the winch strap
– Double check the boat is fully winched up before rear straps/transom saver go on
– If possible drain boat, bilge/livewell as much as you can before leaving the water
– Unplug electrical for trailers with bulb lights, not needed with newer LED types
Thanks for posting, will pass this vid on to new boaters I meet and have launch questions.
Nice job
I fell in love
Great video brilliant and you make it look so easy thank you so much from Sydney Australia

Zip tie the chain back to itself a handful of links to shorten it. It’ll break easy if needed but keeps the chains off the ground and doesn’t have an influence on the strength of the chain.
60 year old beginner
I needed this! Thank you!
Just like a lot of folks, I just got my first boat, and this video is amazingly helpful. It wasn't 30 minutes, it didn't have a lot of steps that were just magically done. You didn't just talk about the steps: you actually demonstrated it. You didn't skip basic stuff that experienced boaters don't think that total beginners would need. I've watched a lot of launching/loading videos and yours is by far the best. Thank you!
Her hair is beautiful but it's super dangerous being down while working with things like this
Well you marry me so you can just launch the boat every time

thank you for this. Last week I hit a boat on the highway that slipped off its trailer, it was dark and I just swerved and clipped it. I have a local radio show on fishing and this week it is on boats and safety and etiquette. This will help me a lot since I don't trailer a boat but fish a lot. I am "Terrible at Fishing" fyi. thank you again, great explanations.