ADEVĂRUL despre cumpărarea unui CATAMARAN. Nu te minți..

ADEVĂRUL despre cumpărarea unui CATAMARAN.  Nu te minți..

Mulțumim patronilor noștri pentru susținerea acestui videoclip. Acest videoclip nu a fost sponsorizat și este pur și simplu opinia mea. Mă întreb de mărimea și agilitatea pisicii care a fost plasată printre porumbei. Acest videoclip a necesitat destul de multă muncă, am făcut aproximativ 10 revizuiri și încă nu sunt 100% mulțumit de el, dar este un drum lung pentru a descrie ceea ce cred că este o filozofie de navigație multicoca bună și sigură. O carte despre catamarane pe care trebuie să o dețineți Diagrama polară pdf Revista Yachting World – Articolul Sailing Across Atlantic Un videoclip cu un Leopard 45 care se desfășoară în diferite condiții Un tip care navighează lumea într-o lagună http://bit. .ly/CatamaranImpiChannel Treci peste Novak la catamarane de performanță Alătură-te societății de apreciere Multihull pe FB Credite cântec: 00:27 Jangle – Forward – https://open. 04:47 flare – chad lawson (Obțineți o încercare gratuită a celei mai bune muzică pentru videoclipurile dvs.: musicbed 06:19 The Dwelling Light – Ataraxia – https :// 10:44 Dormitoare – Ziua zăpezii – 18:43 Micha el Dunstan – Lay in the Sun – Acoustic – Produs de Elayna & Riley Editat de Josef Switak Urmăriți Instagram-urile noastre pentru mai multe!! Nu uita să ne dai like pe Facebook! Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru Patreon. Pentru transmisiuni LIVE, conținut exclusiv și alte avantaje! Descărcați muzica Elaynas aici! Ia niște produse oficiale La Vaga! Abonați-vă la noul nostru site sexy pentru postări și actualizări pe blog! Urmărește-ne pe Twitter! Apreciați pagina Elaynas Music din carte! Întrebări frecvente Ce camere folosim? CAMERA MARE: ALTĂ CAMERA MARE: CAMERA LA MÂNĂ: GOPRO: DRONE: SELFIE STICK: Ce software folosim? Adobe Premiere Pro Predict Wind


31 thoughts on “ADEVĂRUL despre cumpărarea unui CATAMARAN. Nu te minți..

  1. Pardon me if I missed it but I did not hear any specific recommendations other than a reference to performance? What are some specific guide lines and boat model recommendations? Also, in your tour video I got the impression that a disadvantage of a cat is that they can be hot in the cockpit area and below? Is this true compared to a mono hull?

  2. Well what's wrong with just sticking with James Wareham designs are those designs the problem or are the hybrids that copy those designs the problem

  3. I didn't understand some of what you were saying. What I got was that I need to think about sail ability, safety, and usability. When I'm ready I'll contact you for advise!

  4. Howdy. Ive been watching a few of your vids and your clearly enjoying what your doing. I think i have to agree with most things you are saying, but as we all know, opinions are like arseholes ……we've got one. We all have our priorities on how we are going to sail or not. While there are a lot if nice cats out there. I think sitting out in the weather either on the port or stbd quarter. Is plane stupid. Cruising is most enjoyable in the best perfoming, safest boat you enjoy. Yes you will get caught in bad weather sometimes, just have things in place to deal with it.

  5. I use to enjoy sailing hobby catamarans on single hull and trying to keep going as much as I can…that was 30 years ago and I always dream of doing it again

  6. I really wanted to hear what you had to say about catamarans, but no possible way I could put up with the super annoying background music.

  7. This video has been out a year, it is very relevant. Thanks for opening my eyes. My husband will appreciate it!😁

  8. Friend of mine bought a big cat and it basically fell apart on him on his first trip. He had to redesign it and beef the F out of it so he could continue using it. Lots of glass fiber and steel reinforcing work.

  9. I thought I knew some English, actually thought I knew it enough to understand a video about catamarans and those someones who was gonna lie to me, so I shouldn't be lied to… After the video I don't understand even if a cat is better or worse in opinion of this man speaking which seems Australian… Pity – he obviously seemed to want to say something useful for me. Sorry.

  10. Gdday loved the video I’m a Pom that became a Kiwi ,what you said about the wrong boat is very true I bought a cat that turned out to be way to fast for me and my age now I’m looking at a cat that was designed for ocean cruising and built by a real multi hull builder and sailor I’m a charter game skipper going back to my first love sailing,you said so many truths that took me a long time to learn but I learned I’m going to get the book you suggested and I think your video is a must watch for anybody thinking of cruising,be safe out there regards Tony.

  11. As a new female sailor looking at purchasing our first sailing vessels this has been excellent information. Thank you for sharing!

  12. A very good explanation, quite sensible and worthy of reflection. Just one thing – those equations. You are going to come through the screen and give me what for if I ignore them but you offer no further explanation of their meaning or application. Ok what about PV= nRT or E=MC squared. Very meaningful but their relevance is not immediately discernible from looking at them. Even if you know the first one is a gas law and the second is Einsteins equation, what does it mean in practical terms? I think you need to clarify those equations a little bit further and please don’t tell me the full explanation is available if I sign up for your Patreon. Better yet I’d like to hear the explanation from Elayna. Having said that I still thank you for the valuable information and I am still a fan. Sail on!

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