Costul de croazieră și de croazieră cu normă întreagă în Caraibe | Sailing Balachandra E082

Costul de croazieră și de croazieră cu normă întreagă în Caraibe |  Sailing Balachandra E082

În acest videoclip, Costul de croazieră și de croazieră cu normă întreagă în Caraibe, vă împărtășim încă o dată costurile detaliate implicate în timpul croazierei și al locuinței la bord în Caraibe pe lună în cursul anului trecut. Dacă nu ați văzut celelalte videoclipuri ale noastre despre buget și costul de croazieră, vă rugăm să reveniți și să le verificați. #cruisingbudget #liveaboard #sailingchannel Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre și doriți să vedeți mai multe/mai bune videoclipuri, mai des puteți deveni un susținător Patreon: Dacă încă nu v-ați ABONAT și doriți să vezi mai multe, da click pe butonul SUBSCRIBE de mai sus si asigura-te ca dai un like acestui videoclip! În august 2017, ne-am vândut totul și ne-am mutat la bordul Balachandra, o barcă cu pânze C&C44 din 1986, apoi am navigat peste 300 de mile marine până în Halifax, Nova Scoția, pentru a petrece o iarnă rece canadiană în apele înghețate ale Atlanticului de Nord. Sailing Balachandra este vlog-ul nostru de navigație pe YouTube, inspirat de alte canale grozave, cum ar fi Delos și La Vagabonde, care documentează aventurile mele și ale partenerului meu Nawal, în timp ce navigăm pe glob. De asemenea, ne scufundăm în multe proiecte de ambarcațiuni DIY atât deasupra, cât și dedesubtul punților și împărtășim cu tine toate avantajele și dezavantajele trăirii la bord cu normă întreagă. Sailing Balachandra este publicat săptămânal, așa că vă rugăm să vă abonați pentru a nu rata videoclipurile viitoare! Acest videoclip a fost filmat cu echipamente de la Optrix de către Body Glove, Nikon, Apple, GoPro și Polaroid. .com/track/beautiful-story LICENȚĂ N: TTEXTENDED157339559892860327 EXTINSĂ Mulțumiri speciale prietenilor noștri cubanezi Grupului Nucay pentru că ne-au dat permisiunea de a folosi albumul „Tropicalissimo” în seria noastră YouTube. Altă muzică: Biblioteca muzicală YouTube Sprijină-ne pe Patreon: Urmărește-ne pe Facebook: Instagram:


37 thoughts on “Costul de croazieră și de croazieră cu normă întreagă în Caraibe | Sailing Balachandra E082

  1. Very informative. I was wondering about your boat insurance, is it meaningful to have anything other than third party liabilities, for an old boat?

  2. Lotta money. I tied up to a dock in st Lucia @600/ month with electric and I didn’t want to leave . In SXM the dock was $350/ month .i rarely
    check in to any island on the leeward side of the Caribbean chain. No Flags . Most places didn’t care.

  3. Excellent. Thanks. Pretty much what I have experienced. I wonder how your cost of living compares to what it would be had you stayed in Nova Scotia? I do not find cruising to be all that more or less expensive than living ashore. It is more interesting!

  4. Very useful information. Just one small suggestion, for those new to the channel,they might not know what boat you have,and since insurance, maintenance,and fuel cost are all intrinsically linked to that, it's a good idea just to add a brief introduction 😉

  5. Thanks for the very informative video and channel, much appreciated ! One question: the amounts are in USD or CAD? I'm assuming USD but thought I'd check 🙂 thanks again!

  6. Can you guys do a video on what a Canadian wanting to cruise has to do in order to be able to.
    Every country has different regulations. But from a Canadian perspective with Transport Canada Rules & Regs. From wanting to buy to purchasing, registering etc. Captains lisencing etc.

    It's not just as easy as but a boat and sail. There are a lot of hoops to jump through!

    Ps. Love the videos! Watching from Central NewBrunswick.

  7. Thank You very much for your information. I have a question about your boat insurance. I pay a lot for my boat insurance here in NS, CAD 518 this year. I asked some other friends and they pay around CAD 400 Caribbean not included. Who is your insurance company? if you don`t mind?

  8. $ 100 a month for health ins, that’s a deal !
    I pay little over a grand, but $ well spent considering what I went through last fall.
    Acute diverticulitis, surgery, short stay in ICU, 16 days in hospital, follow up @ home for 2 weeks with nurse, therapist… Ins payed out over $ 190,000 😧.
    My only copay was for ambulance ride, was like $120.

  9. People are so amazed when we tell them living on a sailboat is (relatively) cheaper than traditional land life. at 20 when we bought our boat it was the perfect move. at 23, we wouldnt change a darn thing!

  10. Thanx for this video, guys! We heard so many different stories about the Caribbean (moneywise), that it's nice to see a good list from a couple that tries to live on a budget without going extreme 🙂
    Happy greetingz, Wim

  11. you are not actually paying the true cost for the damage all the diesel, propane and gasoline cause, so I'm sure your calculations are inaccurate. It's true you sure don't need to use any of these fuels, and the alternatives are better for you and everyone else.

    I can say your "costs" are more than 10x of mine for the same cruising ground and others would "need" 1000x more money and some people don't need to use any money, so this is purely your own personal costs.

  12. A water maker seems a luxury if you only spend $30/mo to purchase it. I think once you have that luxury you can’t go back?!

  13. That was an amazing video, very informative. I would have an extra expense to get donairs delivered express by plane.. lol
    Just found your channel, I’m loving every bit of it, you definitely made a new happy subscriber. 506

  14. We are looking/buying a catamaran this spring, moving from Canada.
    My question is does the health insurance coverage assume you still have Canadian medacare or is this stand alone insurance? (as you know you loose the medacare if you're outside of Canada too long)
    If you do not mind me asking what insurance company do you use?
    thanks in advance

  15. nice breakdown of costs. as a person who doesnt drink i cant help but notice that your yearly alchool consumption would pay for 2 extra months of cruising

  16. Thinking on doing this myself although my sailing skills are non existent. Have you encountered much danger? How skilled should one be before doing what you do?

  17. Thanks for the information so I have coment that I group in Puerto Rico and I was getting some information about sailing I did realize that buying the boat at the caribian was shipper the out northeast in us.and I notice the prices of a boat here where higher out here.I find realizes the cost and maintains on the boat you where raid we don't have the experience on the investment.we are not buying a glad

  18. Heyyy I love the channel,I just sold everything I owned to buy a sailboat to start sailing around the world 🙂 thanks for the inspiration,just made my first YouTube video hahaha it’s actually doing pretty good

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