Este posibil să-ți arunci propria vela?

Este posibil să-ți arunci propria vela?

În acest videoclip verific dacă este posibil să-ți sufle propria vela. Acesta se bazează pe videoclipul care a apărut despre un portar care a folosit o umbrelă și o suflantă de frunze pentru a se propulsa înainte. Să vedem dacă chiar funcționează! Janitor Video: Obțineți caseta de experiment aici: Verificați cartea mea de experiment: Urmărește-mă pe Twitter: https:/ / Facebook: Instagram: Urmăriți alte videoclipuri populare de pe canalul meu Gömböc—The Shape That Shouldn’t Exist Trage cu un pistol Nerf înapoi în timp ce conduceți cu viteza glonțului înainte Cuțit superhidrofob felii picături de apă în jumătate Real- Pelerina de invizibilitate a vieții poate ascunde orice! Cum functioneazã? Ce se află în interiorul celui mai rapid conductor de căldură din lume? Puteți folosi umbrele în loc de parașuta? Deschiderea unei sticle de azot lichid sub apă! Avertisment: NU ÎNCERCAți—Văzând cât de aproape mă pot apropia de o picătură de neutroni *Orice experiment pe care îl încercați este pe PROPRIUL RISC. Action Lab nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru orice vătămare dacă încercați ceva ce vedeți în acest videoclip sau pe canalul Action Lab.


34 thoughts on “Este posibil să-ți arunci propria vela?

  1. Hey everyone, you will notice that on the scale with the "sail" on we got -3 grams. This means that some of the air bounces off the sail and gives a small amount of thrust in the forward direction. If you have a completely curved sail that directs all the wind backwards then you can redirect your thrust backwards and move forward. However, the point is that you will always get more thrust by just pointing your fan the other direction. And no, the guy with the umbrella is not creating enough thrust hitting the umbrella to move forward. The way he goes forward is called an electric skateboard:)

  2. You did everything except imitate the video. THE ACTUAL EXPERIMENT.

    It wasn’t just a mop bucket, it was one with excellent wheels.

    And it wasn’t a sail, it was an umbrella.

    This is bad science

  3. Your mechanics are wrong, your sail is flat. He is using an umbrella which has a concave pattern forcing the air outward thats why it works. I tried it and it worked. I feel like you need a follow up video.

  4. ur sail is flat, so first mistake, and 2nd mistake ur kart is too heavy …. people do it with very light weight things and the umbrella is not flat…

  5. Take an umbrella with one of the panels loose. So you dont break your arm. Try on a bicycle you can ride in the rain and stay dry.

  6. Bruce Yeany made a science video 6 years ago where he makes a model on wheels. he shows the effects of using a flat sail vs a curved one, and his curved model on wheels WORKED.
    He also used methods to show the airflow differences. This reflects poorly on the lack of science here. 🙁
    I'm still lacking evidence showing it can't overcome someones weight, which I'm willing to believe, and I'm still a fan.

  7. Then why don't you do it the same way he did it with a janitor's bucket a leaf blower and an umbrella try it like that it might work.

  8. it cant be done. Simple physics. Its the same like sitting in a car and pushing the wheel. You cant push the car forward when the source of the energy is connected to the car.
    in that experiment he could easily blow someone else forward by standing behind and blowing the sail

  9. The explanation is wrong. The impulses are directed towards every direction along the plate, so instead the force is not going against the fan, but towards the center of the shield from every side. I can imagine it would work better, if the shield had bent edges, since like that the impulses would be directed backwards, creating a force component towards the direction the fan blows. (That might be the reason it seems to work with an umbrella)

  10. This can work, put the fan on the side and have the sail slanted at 135 degrees(forward being 0)
    Since friction of the wheels stops the sideways movement and the sail redirects the force forward you end up moving forwards.
    Of course its far less efficient then just blowing air backwards…
    But here is the question.

    Can such a system assuming effects are made to reduce rolling friction allow the board to go faster then the wind thats being blown.
    The same way a sailboat can go faster then the wind that drives it…

  11. The amount of inaccuracies in this video… You need a stronger leafblower or a lighter cart, you saw that the leafblower you used was barely strong enough to push you without a sail… And it doesn't violate any law of physics because the air is just accelerated by the leafblower but isn't stored in it.
    Also your small model car with a propeller had the air being pushed in the wrong direction…

  12. Ah, but you didn't use an umbrella. Yeah, that's the ticket, the janitor used an umbrella. Like Mary bleedin' Poppins 'e was. Umbrellas make all sorts of magical things happen.

  13. 🪐 a small plane hobby engine ( placed on a stick) has a lot of power – to spin you in a chair.
    I've always dreamed of
    Those three-wheel land surfers they get up to 80 mph .
    Slap one on your luggage rack in a Le Car.
    👋😎💨 Bryan
    California beach bum would be a great engine on top – real bad – cerveza milage though.
    Hey thanks for the idea when the Sun goes down song

  14. Thank you for answering this question. I always wondered if you put a fan on a toy sail boat if it could push itself. So i guess the answer would be whatever pushes the sail needs to be off the boat.

  15. Using a flat panel will direct the thrust sideways and not rearward. The sail has to be curved to redirect the thrust rearwards. Why don't you simply duplicate the video with a skateboard and umbrella? Try this and see if you have any changes.

  16. This is so weird. At work I was think about the drawing of a truck with a magnet mounted on a an arm that is attached to the bed of the truck that goes in front of the truck. I was thinking that I would like to see someone make a miniature of it and break down the science of it. I know not exactly the same but it won't work for the same reason.

  17. If your trying to “bust” something… it needs to be identically.. so you should have mimicked what was done in the video.. same umbrella, and inside of a mop bucket. What you demonstrated is how two forces can cancel each other out

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