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Navigați în cel mai lung fiord din lume — Sailing Uma [Step 243]
![Navigați în cel mai lung fiord din lume — Sailing Uma [Step 243]](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/1702028256_maxresdefault.jpg)
28 thoughts on “Navigați în cel mai lung fiord din lume — Sailing Uma [Step 243]”
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You said Navigable perfectly the first time then you second guessed yourself.
Dont like brown cheese??? EVERYBODY likes brown cheese
You just serve it wrong. Freshly baked bread, stil a bit warm with real butter and brown cheese ( Fløtemysost) and toped with strawberry jam. Cant beat that. Try and then yell me if you like it or not:
that rainbow is cool
Fantastic video yet again folks… Norway is so beautiful – reminds me of Western Scotland.
Would love to see how you plan/prep for your sailing passages, or do you just make a loose plan and go with the flow?

Try Gjetost (the brown cheese) with jam on toast or Rusk. It goes well with sweet.
That rainbow is so clear that it's clearer than a fake drawn rainbow would be.
Mind blowing.
Is there any menace from human beings while sailing?
Amazing nature is really reminding the creator
I'm sure it has been asked, why didn't you sail to the "end of the rainbow' and get your pot of gold? Finian would have. But then, imagine the norsemen/vikings ghosting up the fjord as you did. Too Awesome.
What is the recipe for Dan's breakfast burritos?
Dont you guys catch fish.absloutely beautifull passage.
Wow!!! That rainbow!!!! Spectacular!!!
Kika I think you were trying to say the word navigable, no worries, it's a tongue twister for me too…lol
Love all the work that you put into these videos , you do such an awesome job!
Great exploration you two are doing. Ok, so not everybody likes the brown cheese. Try slicing it super, super thin and putting it on toasted breads. Maybe with some fruit. A little goes a very long way. It goes well with a nice morning ski.
Mrs Goose invited the pastor over for dinner. The pastor had heard that Mrs Goose didn't have the cleanliest house, so was on watch. He arrived and dinner was served on sparkling clean plates. The pastor, surprised, commented on the cleanliness. Mrs Goose replied, "My plates are as clean as Salt and Pepper can make them.". After the meal, which was delicious and very large portions, BTW, Mrs Goose put the plates on the floor and called out "Salt, Pepper, get in here for leftovers you dogs!" Like Kika, I'm also good at doing the dishes.
Wow – that rainbow was spectacularly bright and pronounced!
Do you have your recipes somewhere? Your meals look so tasty!
I have jumped off the bridge you sailed under. It’s 30m above the water, 32m in the middle, and the water was 46f when I did the jump. Hardest high jump of my life.
The Norse gods have shown you the bifrost! Literally the clearest rainbow I’ve ever seen….and it was even a double rainbow
love the airel shots…
After crossing the glacier threshold at the entrance to the Sogne Fjord, the fjord is as deep as the surrounding mountains are high. That is 1300 meters! This means that the warm surface water from the Gulf Stream flows into the fjord, while the colder deep water stays out. The effect is that of a hot water boiler. This is also the reason why cherries are harvested and strawberries grow here in the far north, at the latitude of the southern tip of Greenland, in early summer. The fjord, like the entire west coast of Norway, never freezes.
The brown, caramel-tasting sweet Norwegian hard cheese is made from whey and takes some getting used to at first. But after a while you like it very much. With butter on fresh white bread it is delicious. I always have this cheese in my fridge.
Still binge watching from the beginning. The Fjord is so beautiful love the peacefulness of this leg in your journey. I can't get enough but am so grateful for all your hard work in composing these exceptional videos. I can image myself there.
When I let go of calling Brunost _cheese_, I fell in love with it! It's like a creamy salted caramel! Maybe give it another try!
Everything Dan cooks looks amazing. What's the recipe? I love kikas zest for life and will to learn. Yall are amazing.
After watching so many well edited videos I am led to believe that Kika has
a twin sister on. Board working the boat with Dan.