Navigarea în Țările de Jos: următoarea aventură

Navigarea în Țările de Jos: următoarea aventură

Sezonul 3 este aici! După ce a traversat Europa de la sud la nord prin canale și râuri, era timpul să ridicăm pânzele din nou. Alăturați-vă nouă pentru unele dintre cele mai bune navigații pe care le-am făcut vreodată – cu nenumărate povești, istorie maritimă fascinantă, tururi vibrante ale orașului și chiar o melodie lăutărească ici și colo. Bun venit la Magic Carpet din Olanda. Aceste videoclipuri sunt posibile de tine. Verificați contul nostru Patreon pentru a obține acces la jurnalul secret al Mayei, acces anticipat la videoclipuri, scrisori surpriză scrise de mână livrate în cutia dvs. poștală, șansa de a ne cunoaște personal și recunoștința noastră nesfârșită! Accesați site-ul nostru pentru a afla mai multe despre noi: Dacă doriți să ne susțineți, dar Patreon nu este lucrul dvs., poate face o donație unică prin PayPal și vă vom trimite multe mulțumiri în schimb!! Vezi muzica Mayei pe Spotify și iTunes! SPOTIFY: iTUNES: Mi-am scos niște ochelari de soare noi pentru a-mi proteja pe apa. Sunt super polarizați, blochează toată lumina care intră din lateral și rămân pe fața mea – în plus, cred că au un stil retro foarte cool. Dacă vrei ceva de-al tău, poți folosi acest link și primesc și eu un mic bonus 🙂 Hartă frumoasă desenată manual a Țărilor de Jos de Chaim Holtjer. CAMERA UTILIZĂM: (când achiziționați ceva din aceste link-uri, vă costă la fel și primim un mic comision!!) Cameră de acțiune 1: Cameră de acțiune 2: Cameră principală uimitoare, minunată, ieftină, superbă: Dronă: Microfon pentru voice over: https: //


39 thoughts on “Navigarea în Țările de Jos: următoarea aventură

  1. Wonderful. More of this please. I lived for some time on a boat in Nederland earlier in my life and have many happy memories of boats, water and this extraordinary country. Love the narration and vibe of your videos

  2. I was sailing on my Tayana 37 a few months ago close to Warns at the lake called the Fluessen…. I crossed a very nice classic looking sailboat with a name which took my attention ‘ magic carpet’ as I had seen a few times some movies on youtube from a boat with the similar name…. assuming that it was a funny coincidence and some locals must have choosen the same name I forgot about it although it also took my attention that the people onboard were waving to me with a lot of enthousiasme and looked very friendly…. now I just bumped into this movie 😅 and it took my attention as I saw ‘ The Netherlands’……. then at 2.12 till 2.20 minute I saw the glass pyramid from the marina in Warns and the bridge from the village Warns and then I knew it was indeed you guys I saw 😅 thats so freakinnnn awesome 🙏 sail safe and enjoy all my sailingfriends. Will be following your adventures with great attention and one day I hope I will do the same …..explore the world by sailboat. The kindest regards Henry

  3. THESE ARE TRYING TIMES AND WE LOVE TO WATCH MAGIC CARPET AND ATTRACTIVE AND TALENTED CREW SAILING SAFE AROUND THE WORLD AND UP THE CANALS OF EUROPE AND NOW THE WATERS OF THE NETHERLANDS.. NEVER A DULL MOMENT.. I hope they don't mind me posting this comment and song I wrote as a service to the cause after being in the hospital in April after a fall and the Pandemic was taking off. Please share for those who help us when sick.. now…. from the past and into the future. The only reward I get from writing and sharing this song is to show them my gratitude for their selfless occupation whether professional or volunteer.. I play the guitar but my left shoulder needing a total replacement won't endure without pain long enough to record the song 5 or 6 times to get a flawless track. A cappella isn't so bad I guess.. I hope you and they like it. Please share if you will… Thank you !!

    Here is an important song I wrote for the wonderful job caregivers here in this nation and around the world are doing helping us who have been sickened by the Corona virus through this difficult time. Imagine what they do putting themselves in harms way on the front line of this pandemic.. exhausted and often feeling deep sorrow for patients who suffer long agonizing days or weeks and many, 3,000 a day and reaching near 300,000 dead across our country to date are lost.. Please share this song with everybody and especially any caregivers you know who need to hear how much we appreciate what they do for us everyday and night… "Smiling Eyes" on Youtube by William Child

  4. Hee that is nice, I see my my own shop at 2.33, Did you like it? We are the oldest ship shop in Holland, anno 1787.

  5. Beautiful video. I seem to remember 95% of my time sailing was spent sailing up wind. Your comments about Mediterranean winds being either too little or too much is very true – winds in Northern Europe tend to be much more conducive to sailing! I’ve often thought you might as well have a big powerboat in the Mediterranean!

  6. Agreed, I notice some years ago this somewhat hidden niche of Dutch sailing and sailing boats, what with their love of aluminum boats. Hartstikke lekker!

  7. We really enjoy your sharing your lives travel sailing. Thanks for the great stories. We sail Gulf Islands with C250 trailed from CA. Waiting for it to be safe.

  8. Thank you for this – will watch all Netherlands episodes.Originally from UK, Living in beautiful North Carolina since 2003 and my wife works here in Netherlands and I have bought a Drascombe Lugger which I keep here in Maastricht – our base for her work. I plan to trail my Lugger (I sail alone) around The Netherlands so excited to watch your blog for ideas …

  9. Maya why do you not play the violin as a Fiddle, there is much more enjoyment in that sound but I really enjoyed your waltz the other night. Thanks to Magic Carpet I got to listen to that beautiful music as the day folds into night. Thank You for letting me listen to it. My dad was from Denmark somewhere near Copenhagen. Mom's family were from Scotland t Peter

  10. Hi there, funny, living in France coming from Haarlem/Amsterdam seeing films of my country of birth, i have a tip, next time you visit the Netherlands, visit Haarlem (my town of birth)west of Amsterdam near the sea, Gezellig !!!!

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