CUM SĂ VELIȘTE TRIM, TACK ȘI JIBE ȘI UTILIZAȚI UN COD-ZERO PE UN CATAMARAN. Pentru acest episod, ni s-au alăturat Sam Newton, navigatorul profesionist al Cupei Americii și Sail GP și proprietarul velelor Rolly Tasker, pentru a vă oferi sfaturi despre cum să vă tăiați mai bine velele și multe alte tehnici de navigare la îndemână. Găsiți mai mult conținut Inspirați și aflați… Conținutul acestui videoclip 0:00 Introducere 1:38 În sensul vântului în vânt ușor 2:49 În sus, în vânt mai puternic 3 :50 Când furia principală este prea strânsă 4:28 Când vela de proa este prea strânsă 5:23 Tranziția de la avânt la aval 6:13 VPLP Design 7:18 Cum să virezi 8:32 Cum să ținești 9:22 Când să folosești un cod zero 10:26 Configurare cod zero 10:52 Implementarea codului zero 11:13 Cum să tăiați codul zero 11:30 Cum să Jibe cu codul zero 12:08 Outro
Elemente de bază pentru decorarea velei catamaranului cu Americas Cup Sailor Sam Newton | Tack, Jibe & Code Zero utilizare

26 thoughts on “Elemente de bază pentru decorarea velei catamaranului cu Americas Cup Sailor Sam Newton | Tack, Jibe & Code Zero utilizare”
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Great boat
and keep up the good work with the videos!
Great work team!
On the Lagoon 42, do you see folks installing screachers instead of Code 0’s to get better upwind performance in light airs? Or do most folks just turn on the engines if it is blowing <10 knots and need to go upwind.
There are currently 6 episodes in this series. Right around 100k views across the 6 videos. 5 thumbs down in total. That's unheard of and this series deserves it! Please make more content like these!!!!
Love this video!
Such informative and well presented videos
Watched this again thanks so much your channel is great and now subbed (sorry I forgot to do that!)
How close can racing cats sail close-hauled to the wind (compared to mono hulls)? Are there any disadvantages to the “square top” mainsails? Does a high aspect ratio cat compete favorably. to a monohull for upwind sailing?
Great. Instruction. Thank you.
yup…understood about every third word
Great vid but it looks like this is aimed at seasoned sailors. Kept mentioning traveler, I dont even know what one is or why you are using it. This wouldnt help me sail a boat because its too advanced and takes for granted I know all the boat terminology and what they are used for.
He is explaining as if everybody knows everything. I would appreciate it if he would have come down in explained in layman's language.
Very nice – now tack in 25 knots with 2 meter rollers with a period similar to the length of the vessel
That American’s got a great Australian accent.
Great video guys, thanks, I am a new enthusiastic cat owner. Really appreciate the tips, thanks. Adam
Fantastic explanation. I had no idea how easy these were to Gybe – that autopilot makes this nice n easy
I am new to sailing. This video was brilliant. Everything was explained in a way that a novice like me could understand. Great work!
Tapping out where he said catamarans don't have boom vangs. Rubbish. That catamaran doesn't but good catamarans do.
Very useful video. I'm about to go on a trip on a friend's cat but my experience has been almost entirely on monohulls so this has really helped.
Great explanations and demonstrations.
Can I get one on one training on my boat?
Love your instructionals on the Lagoon 42. It would be great if you covered in greater detail the process of sailing with the Code 0…rigging, furling, unfurling, trimming, etc.
From an avid Lagoon 42 video geek, this is just FANTASTIC! Please PLEASE make a series!!
You sail it just like any other sailboat.
Well done to the team for an excellent set of instructional videos. Simple and concise to remove my family’s concerns before we charter a Lagoon40 next summer.