Alăturați-vă echipajului RAN Sailing ~ pentru întrebări și răspunsuri, conținut exclusiv și streamuri live Suntem un cuplu suedez care au navigat prin lume din 2016 în timp ce împărtășesc aventurile aici pe YouTube. În 2019 s-a născut fiica noastră și ne-am cumpărat o barcă mai mare pentru a continua navigația în familie. CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI – Website: – Instagram: – Facebook: PRODUSE & CAMERA ECHIPAMENT: https:// Am adunat câteva dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și pentru a realiza videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru, primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: 00:00 Uncurl – Molife 02:12 Wait For The Night (Versiune instrumentală) – Nickolas Jones 03:53 Revolt – Luwaks 05:40 And Suddenly There Was Love – Jonah Aardekker 07 :05 Breeze – AGST Dragoste, Malin, Johan și Vera
Să faci găuri într-o barcă este distractiv! – Ep. 229 RAN Sailing

27 thoughts on “Să faci găuri într-o barcă este distractiv! – Ep. 229 RAN Sailing”
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Please go to rumble! YouTube has become intolerable!
Wow that took some planning
You better be reindeer proofing the deck. Santa is coming to the boat.
A trick when drilling in gelcoat (in order to get super neat holes) is to drill "backwards" until fully through the gel coat with the hole saw. Then switch to drill "normal" through the fibre glass. That way it prevents cracks in the gel coat.
Vera ,never stops smiling , loves playing to the camera .Yes this time of the year is never great ,but you have plenty to keep you going ,ready for the spring. Thak you for another fine video .
Nice that you met Juho and Sohvi.
You should get yourself an extending bit to your hole saw set.
Greetings from an even darker and greyer Finland!
Nice drone footage. Happy Holidays! Cheers!
Hi guys! We just wanted to let you know that we upgraded our rigg to a Selden in mast furling rig this summer. We have a Corbin 39, and the old stack pack was very hard to handle concerning reefing. We are sure you will love your new rigg, and enjoy the ease of handling a large mail sail with infinite reef points. All the best, Ernst and Melinda.
This boat will be incredible. All the upgrades are making it ready for anything. Looking forward to your new adventures. We have watched Alluring Arctic since they started. Really great stuff and very different from the rest.
She's a real happy child your raising her well
Wow! RAN II is becoming a technical tour de force with the thoughtful modifications and upgrades you folks are making. You are being very pro-active about making changes to optimize your on board lifestyle, and fortunate to be able to do so. Have you considered safety netting around the deck for when Vera is able to walk around and more effectively fulfill her role as captain? 🙂 As usual, great videography and audio, editing and musical accompaniment. Wishing you well as you continue your journey. Thanks again for taking us along.
That's some awesome cargo motorbike sail dude has. 🙂
The clip with the little one at the helm dancing made my day!:)
God Bless.
Vera is a beautiful little girl enjoy these times they grow up fast, her first Christmas god bless
The little one has taken over the boat and its adults, googling orders to the crew to make it snappy for there are riches of clean and color patterned diapers and treasure chests of lovely scented baby oil to be had mateys, so let's set course for the biggest towns to plunder their baby wares !!! "Soft clean and nice fragrant bottoms HO !!!"
Wow what a great idea . I love that pipe construction.
It will help me too on a problem for my laurin.
Super cool job on the explanation.. thanks 🙏
And amazing to see vera . She got sea legs already.. how stable… a captains mate
That extra skipper really made me smile… Thanks! 🙂 Fair winds!
A great adventure. Baby loves the boat. Thank you for sharing!
Another great episode, always good to watch. Your boat is great. Good to see Alluring Arctic
There isn't a person on earth that can multi-task like a mother looking after their child. Great video, thank you!
Thanks for posting and sharing. So nice to see how you are all managing as a family during your refit/boat projects.
And I thought van life was cool !,, 🙂
We aren't sure if You two know it, but just maybe Vera is in charge!!! You have such a Treasure in her. Safe travels.
Do you have Rain-X there? It would work great on both sides of those big pieces of glass
Hello my wife and I and our dog enjoy your videos will you be teaching your son to swim
Why don't you invest in windows squeegees, like the type the professional windows cleaners use.
Or you can buy cheaper house hold ones people use on windows around the house and in the showers.
Just watching Malin doing windows by hand.
So funny to see them…been watching Alluring Arctic recently. Love those guys.