13.500.000 USD 2016 133′ IAG „SERENITY” SuperYacht Tutorial și specificații / Tur cu iaht în charter de lux

13.500.000 USD 2016 133' IAG "SERENITY" SuperYacht Tutorial și specificații / Tur cu iaht în charter de lux

iahturi de vânzare: https://bit.ly/3f2TR2L Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys https://bit.ly/3yPe1Z5 MULȚUMESC URIAȘ LUI BOB DENISON și @Denison Yachting PENTRU NE-A GĂZDUIT! Alăturați-vă nouă într-un tur ghidat (ei bine, cam… am avut un „ghid turistic” uimitor, dar foarte timid;) de 133’ IAG SuperYacht „SERENITY”… O să ies și o să spun – s-ar putea să fi fost unul dintre design-urile și modelele mele personale preferate SuperYacht. Pentru toți obișnuiții mei, am în acest videoclip un NOU „CUVÂNT-MINIMAL”-parazit (chiar m-am surprins… haha), poți să-ți dai seama ce este și pentru a-l face și mai distractiv de câte ori in video am spus-o? 😂😂🙈 Îți voi da un indiciu: este o frază…🤪 Asigurați-vă că consultați și prezentarea @Denison Yachting a acestei frumuseți, în special pentru că una dintre caracteristicile acestui iaht a fost schimbată temporar la momentul turului nostru. .. si este ULMINANT… Sunt sigura ca vei sti despre ce vorbesc imediat ce o vei vedea!:-) Ok, de unde sa incep? Cabina principală este în afara graficului pe atât de multe niveluri, bucătăria este UIMINOARE, punțile exterioare… oh, băiete! doar așteptați și vedeți: mai ales Sun Deck! cabinele pentru oaspeți au fost minunate, dar Skybridge VIP a fost pur și simplu perfect (asigurați-vă că rezervați acea cabină data viitoare când veți fi invitat la bordul acestui iaht;) sala motoarelor a fost cu siguranță un punct culminant! #SerenityYacht Asigurați-vă că rămâneți pentru Outtakes la sfârșit, deoarece Omul, Legenda… a făcut o apariție cameo 😜 Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta în comentarii 0:00 Intro 0:49 Exterior 10: 00 Interior 19:10 Bucătărie 21:40 Cabină principală 25:40 Cabine pentru oaspeți 30:15 Sferturi pentru echipaj 32:50 Garaj/Sala mașinilor 35:41 Specificații 36:36 Reprize Interesat să achiziționați IAG „SERENITY”? Listare: https://bit.ly/3f2TR2L VA MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUBS. ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!! 🙂 #SuperYacht #YachtTour Aceasta nu este procedura ta obișnuită! Nu facem turnee plictisitoare, monotone, de tip voiceover! Acest canal înseamnă să te distrezi și să nu te iei prea în serios în timp ce verifici cele mai tari iahturi de acolo. //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: https://www.patreon.com/NautiStyles //CUMPĂRĂ-M LOOK-ul: https://nautistyles.com/index.html //URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram .com/nautistyles/ ○ Blog: https://nautistyles.com/index.html ○ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NautiStyles/ //SHOP NAUTI GEAR: https://shopnauti.com/ // CAMERA FOLOSITĂ: ○ Cameră – https://amzn.to/31gjSoZ ○ Microfoane fără fir – https://amzn.to/2FE0XNq ○ Microfoane cu fir – https://amzn.to/345jjQT ○ Card SD – https:// amzn.to/3j76sSv ○ Gimbal – https://amzn.to/3k9vXUr ○ Light – https://amzn.to/3dzBotx //SUBSCRIBE AICI: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRft… //URMĂȚI URMĂTORUL: ○ AllSeas 2 Part Tour https://youtu.be/sGgSCRSt4jY & https://youtu.be/hhHBVlruKmE ○ Sunreef 60 Sail https://youtu.be/zDGPahgAebk Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot oferi în continuare conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!


43 thoughts on “13.500.000 USD 2016 133′ IAG „SERENITY” SuperYacht Tutorial și specificații / Tur cu iaht în charter de lux

  1. Ich liebe Eure Videos! Ich hoffe, wenn ich Ich Euch unterstütze, dass Ihr Eure "Todolist" abgearbeitet habt und alle diese tollen Feartures auf Eurem Boot habt! Danke!

  2. This boat was built when diesel fuel was a dollar a gallon they wouldn't have all that stone and extra stuff in there are building a lot nowadays even though if you can afford a yacht like that you're not worried about fuel but it's just the trend that's coming

  3. I have NEVER seen so many bars on one yacht! They should have called it "Intoxication" or "Three Sheets to the Wind". BTW Victoria, that's a very becoming asymmetrical hairstyle. You are always so very "well put together" as they say.

  4. 'Insane' and 'speechless' about the mocked up casino, is the right response. Whoever was responsible for making such an incredibly poor decision should seriously reconsider their job.
    At first glance you might think, wow, that's unusual, but the company responsible for marketing/selling the yacht are not there to just setup the first idea that comes into their head. A few seconds more of considering it, would rule it out instantly. The US has very strict regulations regarding the provision of gambling services, as do pretty much every other country around the world, if they permit it at all, so that's why I say that just a few seconds consideration rules it out. Gambling is also a contentious subject for many people, for all kinds of reasons, but the biggest reason why this is such an incredibly bad idea, is that it represents a use case, which doesn't apply to anyone because nobody would ever do it. On that size yacht, the movement on water, for the roulette wheel to be without bias…., an activity that requires a liense, which )in the US) isn't permitted just anywhere but in a few states, and most of them don't have a coastline/are issuing new licenses/ and so on….
    The report card for this company would read D- needs to work harder.

  5. Love this boat, just incredible! I’m surprised just two crew and a captain. Seems like a lot of boat for just two crew. They must be very busy!

  6. WOW!!! Victoria & Rico: What A Beautiful Beautiful Yacht!!! Love Everything About It/IWill Take It! Laugh At Loud 🙂 In My Dreams When I Hit A Lottery 🙂 Of Course It Is Now 2022/You Guys Are Just The Best/Totally Luv Everything You Guys Do & Show Us Here On You Tube! Thanks For Sharing 😀

  7. "Yep. Real beauty, ain’t she. Yes sir. Right smart purchase, this vessel. I’ll tell you what, you buy this ship, treat her proper, she’ll be with you for the rest of your life."

  8. SuperYachts are beautiful and interesting but I would hate to pay millions for one, then have to hire a crew, and a captain, pay their salaries, insurance…etc. Then pay for the fuel cost and regular maintenance cost. I mean right now in the U.S diesel is averaging $5.59 per gallon. This yacht holds 9500 gallons. That is about $53,105. All too much to pay for "luxury, glitz and glamour". Still, I enjoyed the video post. Thank you.

  9. Clearly a "working" yacht that makes its income off of rich people who don't understand probabilities and statistics. Besides the boozing and the gambling, one wonders if some of the cabins aren't used as brothels. Obviously sails just far enough from shore to be beyond U.S. jurisdiction, so why not? Maybe this yacht used to be owned by Jeffrey Epstein.

  10. This ship indeed has all you could desire however……………………….I would still prefer the 125 '38m HEESEN Sea Axis Superyacht you guys also reported on. To me that vessel has more class, in a more subtle, restrained way.
    Not to mention it's price.

  11. That's a very roomy 130-footer and her condition is a credit to her crew. the layout is as good as I've ever seen on a yacht that size, the owner's suite is amazing and I love the direct access to the galley for late night snacks. The lighting throughout the vessel is superb. The only thing I don't see is space for a decent size tender, a 12-foot or so RIB jet is a bit limiting.

    Excellent crew's quarters, more than enough accommodation for her size, 6 plus captain is a lot of crew, most of the time it would 3 so everyone gets a private cabin. The designer did a wonderful job on this one.

  12. 30 years in the military living in Florida the boat is almost 7 years old, I don't even see a water park on it for my grandkids I'm offering $10 million cash.🚨.🚣‍♀️⚓🚣‍♀️🚨

  13. Just think how many people you must you have to step over or screw in one way or another to get to the top to afford a boat like this. No kidding. The people at the top only make it there after shafting everybody below them on the way. Not being bittter, just being honest. One man's booty is a 1,000 others deprivation. It's obscene. Food for thought folks.

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