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Prostituția din Dubai – Ce nu îți spun

40 thoughts on “Prostituția din Dubai – Ce nu îți spun”
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These girls choose to do that, in USA they usually traffick girls, but in Dubai it's prostitution.
In USA child trafficking
Dubai is indeed a weird place to live. At daylight, it feels like a very holy place, with hundred of mesquites every kilometer scattered all around the city. But at night, it feels like a modern-day Babylon or Sodom and Gomorrah. The odd thing is all the 50,000 prostitutes are in the country legally, and none of them are illegal aliens. Some get a tourist visa, but that only lasts 30 days. The prostitutes that live in Dubai for years don't have a Prostitute Visa, but probably some designation like maid, laborer, construction, secretary. The Emirati government turns a blind eye and plays dumb. But some Emirati government officials must be making millions by issuing these visas. At the moment, I would think there are no Emirati prostitutes. But the day is close when Emirati women will wear a hijab at night in the brothels. The prostitute wearing a hijab will be the most expensive and sophisticated of all.
Hopefully this is the real meaning of prostitution.
Oh please
You should do another video of this so-called "dubai prostitution"
prostitutia drogurile alcoolismul si multe alte combinatii dubioase se intimpla ca mai peste tot insa lumea nu s a saturat de rau de asa zise aventuri de tot felul sau asa zise surprize colorate iar legile ii ocrotesc tot pe cei bogati si nu pe noi cei de rind
I was in Dubai back in March and I saw no prostitution. I see many business cards advertising massages, but that's about it.
Most people in the sex industry are not there by choice, they were influenced by a human trafficker who intend to profit off the unfortunate victims. Men who purchase people don't seem to care if it is the victim's choice or not. It is true that the love of money is the root of all evil. This is a problem all over the world, so unfortunately you cannot just blame Dubai. Girls from the United States claim that they reported their trafficking to police authorities, yet nothing was done about it. There is more money in human trafficking than any resource in the world, this includes drugs. So you can see why we have such a problem, and what we are up against.
I once booked a 5* hotel in Abu Dhabi single room, and hotel manager wrote to me, if i want to bring another person in the room, that i need to pay a surcharge
i simply replied, I'll be alone, it is a business trip…
Man who cares
There are prostitutes from the us canada uk australia germany and france and so on…..50k for couple of nights are a lot f money everywhere,not only in poor countries
Your video is utter rubbish. Seriously do your research before you post such garbage, and, (btw I detest Dubai), own up to where you are from and stop using a US voiceover.
Fact: In the late 1990s/early 2000s Dubai had a big problem with streetwalkers. Now this does not go down well in a 'Muslim' Country – or frankly any first world country, so Dubai (not a country btw, just a state) had to do something about it.
Pointless to round them all up and deport them, because new ones would just come back, so they struck a deal with the majority of 3 and 4 star hotels in Bur Dubai (the old part of Dubai now known as the Golden Triangle) near the creek, to take a certain number of prostitutes (based on their bar's square footage).
These bars were empty post the advent of all the 5 star hotels, and all of a sudden they were full!. Try for example, The York Hotel, Seaview Hotel, Marquis and maye 50 other places either side of the creek.
Deal is, Police will leave them alone until 1 week before Ramadan when they 'raid' the bar quietly and get an on the spot fine, which they use for Ramadan gifts.
Everyone knows this – why post this bullshit video?
'The Interesting Flow – What Bullshit it Talks'
American and Ukro pros, males and females and other, outnumber all the rest.
Instagram culture is a huge part of it too.
Really? In one breath you say they prosecuted someone for prostitution and in the next you ask how to end it? No one willing to be in the sex industry would go to that county. I’m assuming you have been there? Where women can be raped and we need six men to prove it happened or we go to jail? Piss off
IG models do it all the time. Hopefully girls who are trafficked are arrested.
Where there is extreme wealth, there is sex.
Where there is sex, there is drugs.
Where there is drugs, there is sadness.
And Dubai UAE is no different to any so called liberal democracy.
Where I used to live (a suburb in Dubai) we would get massage cards dropped near our apartment door almost everyday. I wonder what the government does amidst all these illegals forms of advertising sexual services.
Universal incomes through the World Bank in every country will prevent abuse of citizens involved in prostitution to earn an income. Once you are financially secure, you can pay your bills, relax, take university courses, learn new hobbies, start small businesses with friends, attend local events, immerse yourself in culture, buy real estate, pay property taxes. All we have to do is use this transparent centralized network to accomplish this mission, then deduct income taxes, or usual deductions virtually for citizens that aren’t hired or only are if they work for practically nothing paying all their income for rent, food, or utilities as some examples. Wealthy bankers are the real slave drivers in a global economy gleaned on indebtedness of citizens to maintain vast riches for evil citizens. The whole government is corporate welfare, but we already know that officers take more than their fair share, whereby, we could all be economically secure, eliminating the need for lucrative government employment to spend trillions in community social housing corporations to justify the economic abuse of citizens. In a global population of over 8 Billion citizens, dreaming up boring jobs so that management has work is crazy! Constant learning is smart!
Proof Eucharist is body of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary is his mother.
48I am the bread of life.
49Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died;z
50this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die.
51I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.”a
52The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us [his] flesh to eat?”
53Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.
54Whoever eats* my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.
55For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
56Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.
57Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.b
58This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever.”
Eucharistic miracle.. (medical reports–living heart tissue, blood type AB) (Rome Reports) (Lanciano) (levitating eucharist)
Incorruptible bodies of saints due to the Eucharist – only happens in the Catholic church. No other religion has this miracle (Padre Pio) (Carlo Acutis)
Apparition of Virgin Mary (Virgin Mary apparition in Ivory Coast) (Virgin Mary statue moving) (Virgin Mary apparition in Egypt) 1968 Egypt (Miracle of the sun) (Miracle of the sun) Medjugorje Sun miracle on Easter Sunday Virgin Mary appears in Egypt & Spain-Eye Witnesses
Easiest job you can do . Lay down and be a trash can.
There's nothing responsible about a man who has no self control.. .and keeps his mind on perversness.
Buddy Dubai is mecca of prostitution and brothel in GCC.. Middle East.
It's as easy as ordering a pizza online order a prostitute online.
You will never end prostitution I promise!!!!! because the governments is corrupted and they looking for money too!!!!
I used to travel to dubai every year with my kids, and sometimes transit from there to other countries, I started to find it awkward when I noticed flyers for protitutes on the street floor in Deira. I stopped travelling there and now go through Qatar, Doha instead.
You walk into the souks and some sellers, once they know my country make advances at you, bcos of the way my country women have cheapened themselves.
I never believed people could turn the cities to such level. Dubai should do more, because with prostitution comes drugs.
No offence but a lot of sex workers these days are not victims they are men women & transgenders who are addicted to the easy money.
Plus even if sex work got legalized you would never get retirement for your work.
So once you are up in age & you can't get sex work anymore you still end up poor you haven't changed you're stars one bit!
Until there is a demand prostitution will not end.
Whenever a woman walks around with tissue paper or nothing barely on her here in New York City they're called The prostitute I don't care if you are a hip Hopper and all hip hoppers are prostitutes all hip hoppers do nasty devious Satan stuff and then you got all the other girls that walk around in New York City with toilet paper in between their ass and you can see everything why don't women have respect for their bodies because they don't have respect from themselves and if they want to walk around like prostitutes let them knock themselves out cuz somebody's going to knock them out that's a fact that life is no good it's not a life then nothing but holes and all holes are going to hell why are you still prostituting at the age of 64 or 70 years old
UAE Dubai is a muslim country but look what is happening
माउंट सिय्योन! उत्साह! कनान में जैविक फार्म!
ライジング ラプチャー
カナン ランド オーガニック ファーム
라이징 라프챠
카난 랜드 오가닉 팜 !
Raised rapture
Canaan Land Organic Farm !
Raised Rapture
Canaan Land Organic Farm
Erhöhte Begeisterung! Canaan Land Organic Farm
マウント ザイオン
마운트 자이온
Mount Zion
Mont Sion
Mount Zion
Wo gonna talk about all the Instagram models that get flown over there?
Russia and Bulgaria are European country
The thing that I don't understand is the people who in the comments of this video talk about Dubai badly, but they refuse to leave it and prefer to live in it!!!
They just few decades back made sexual slavery illegal

Before that every arab man was happy
Now still they are happy having happy meals but not openly
Dubbi deportation businessman ..prostitutes deported to jamaica.