Teaser al noului meu iaht din Monaco | Nico Rosberg

Teaser al noului meu iaht din Monaco |  Nico Rosberg

Bun venit la turul viitorului meu iaht! Explorăm Sunreef Eco Line – sunt impresionat de tehnologia inovatoare! Comentează mai jos ideile tale pentru videoclipul Crib Tour 2021 când sosește noul meu iaht 😃 Abonează-te, ca să nu-l ratezi: https://bit.ly/NicoRosbergYT Au fost două zile super interesante împreună cu @SUNREEF YACHTS OFFICIAL în Monaco pe Sunreef 60 E și a fost și mai impresionant să le vizitezi sediul central din Gdansk, Polonia și să vezi cum sunt construite super iahturi și catamarane de lux. Explorarea abordării lor inovatoare de a reduce greutatea și de a utiliza materiale durabile, precum și tehnologii durabile, cum ar fi panourile solare, a fost cu adevărat inspirată. Ce te-a impresionat cel mai mult? Muzică – Artlist: https://bit.ly/ArtlistxNico Muzică – Epidemic Sound: https://bit.ly/EpidemicSoundxNico #YachtTour #Sunreef #Monaco Urmărește-mă online: Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nicorosberg Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nico_rosberg Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nicorosberg Site: http://www.nicorosberg.com


33 thoughts on “Teaser al noului meu iaht din Monaco | Nico Rosberg

  1. hello Nico….I am Brazilian and just started to follow you channel….I am an Mechanical Engineer and I really enjoy watching this video, because I never had a chance to visit a Yacht and I was soo impressed with the technology involved (solar electrical, electrical eng, carbon, etc). Amazing!!!!!

  2. lots of F1 drivers in Marbella…James Hunt had a bar there..and saw Mr. Lauda on the quay … Banus back in 1980

  3. Ich verstehe den Elektro- Gedanken! Aber eine Yacht verstehe ich vor dem HIntergrund Umweltschutz genau so wenig, wie Elektroroller oder E-Bikes, wie sie in der Realität genutzt werden. Ich begrüße jedes E- Bike, wenn stattdessen weniger fossile Brennstoffe verheizt werden. Aber die allermeisten E- Bikes ersetzen doch analoge Bikes, die natürlich deutlich umweltfreundlicher sind. Mir ist auch kaum eine Situation bekannt, in der ein E-Scooter oder eine E- Yacht von Notwendigkeit sind.

  4. Very sensible Nico….your videos really reflect real life. Well done on one world championship in by far the best car. Good luck with your yacht, collection of super cars and amazing life. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  5. This guy makes me sick. He is young, gorgeous, nice, humble and charismatic. If that isn't bad enough, he's a freaking world champion at his profession, obscenely rich and famous! He probably rescues puppies in his spare time. Exactly how is that fair for the rest of us mere mortals!

  6. OMG
    Never heard that much bullshit in one post! Guys everybody should have such „eco“ yacht to safe the planet!!! Unbelievable that even in these hard times spoiled kids like mister Eco here state with million dollar toys like that!

  7. Gosh Nico new beaut car new big great yacht! 😄! I hope you don’t forget to buy Big treats for your dear wife, otherwise you’ll be in real trouble! Just kidding 😄.

    Oh man one of my dreams to live on a beaut yacht!!!

    Great spend and enjoy all.
    All the very Best to you good sport!

    JB. East Surrey. UK.

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