Continuăm Bluewater Sailboat Refit DIY pentru a naviga în jurul lumii și proiectele noastre de reamenajare a barca cu pânze din oțel pe Dawn Hunter! Steel Motorsailer Ketch echipament complet! Astăzi ne punem în sfârșit hardtop și facem o ridicare a catargului barca cu pânze! 📺 ACESTA ESTE SEZONUL #1 EPISODUL #44 DAWN HUNTERS ➡️ S1E44 ⛵VĂ BUCUȚI AVENTURILE NOASTRE? SPRIJĂȚI PRODUCȚIA NOASTRĂ AICI: ⛵ (nivelurile de asistență MERGE CU MAI ȘI 5 USD PE LUNĂ) Puteți, DE ASEMENEA, să ne susțineți canalul PARȚIȘIȚI acest videoclip prietenilor și familiei dvs.! Sprijină-ne să continuăm să vină videoclipurile: ⛵🌒 (Tip Jar) **PATREON: https://www.patreon. com/Dawn_Hunters (CÂND vom atinge ZECE patroni, vom face un chat privat de grup!) 🎥 Iată videoclipurile TRAWLER CRUISING ADVENTURE care s-ar putea să vă placă 🎥 ⚓ Living on a Trawler Full Time Playlist watch?v=HdeE9AZGKLc&list=PLeEPIgr2nwM_sw-74-KZ1i6eeQoVd-yaK ⚓ Trauler oceanic în croazieră în mări furtunoase ( 🆘 FURTUNEA TROPICALĂ 🆘 💨 la MARE!) Marea (MAGMA 🦈 RECHIN 🦈 ATAC🩸🩸🩸!!!) ⚓ Croazieră de izolare (BOATLIFE ☣ CARANTINA ☣) v=pFCPxAafj1s&t ⚓ Miami River Boat Tour (👙 BIKINI AND ALL👙) 🎥 Iată videoclipurile Bluewater Sailboat Refit BOATYARD care s-ar putea să vă placă 🎥 ⚓ Steel Motorsailer – Nu! Gaura proastă! (+ CELE MAI 🔥 ÎNCĂLZITE 🔥 COMENTARII) ⚓ Diy Sailboat Projects – Distrugător de saltele (+ CELE MAI 👀 VIZUTATE! 👀) .com/watch?v=-P-QhKbhm7w&t ⚓ Reparații bărci metalice – Lucrări de incendiu în gaură (💥FOC ÎN GARA!!!💥) ⚓ Incendiu de sudare în timpul restaurării barca noastră de metal!!! (OMG 🤯🤯🤯 ) 🟢 Vă rugăm să abonați-vă 🟢 la canalul nostru pentru videoclipuri săptămânale Restaurarea unei barci pentru a călători prin lume! 🛎️ Activați notificările 🛎️ și reveniți din nou pentru mai multe videoclipuri despre prelucrarea metalelor în curând! ⛵🌒 Despre viața noastră pe scurt… Bluewater Sailboat Refit pentru a naviga în jurul lumii: restaurarea STEEL MOTORSAILER KETCH în timp ce locuiți pe un trauler cu normă întreagă. Continuăm proiectul nostru de restaurare a bărcilor metalice. S-ar putea să fie o mulțime de bărci de tip passagemaker de vânzare în lume, dar cu siguranță atunci când începi să te uiți la traulerul care trăiește în general și la croazieră cu trauler, începe să se scufunde în sensul că nu există o mulțime de opțiuni acolo. Viața traulelor este foarte diferită de cea a navigației și oamenii care doresc să trăiască pe un trauler cu normă întreagă sunt, de asemenea, oameni foarte diferiți de marinari, de exemplu. Barca noastră cu trauler este iahtul cu motor Jefferson din 1984 pe care l-am deținut de mai bine de 6 ani și am fost mai mult decât mulțumiți de el. Iana, pe de altă parte, și-a dorit întotdeauna o barcă cu pânze care să ocolească lumea și de aceea am cumpărat motorsailerul nostru din oțel 1985 De Vries. Și acum frumosul nostru pasager este printre alte iahturi de pasaj de vânzare. Vă mulțumim foarte mult că ați urmărit videoclipul Passagemaker Trawler în timp ce restauram oțel Motorsailer în Boatyard și asigurați-vă că ne dați un like MARE și un comentariu rapid! ⛵🌒 Colaborări sau întrebări de afaceri: ♻ În calitate de asociați amazon, câștigăm din achiziții eligibile 🧰 Instrumente pentru a vă economisi timp și bani: 🧰 Kit de bază pentru bărci din metal: https:// 🧰 Cap. William Rusty Tools: 🧰 Trusă de instrumente esențiale pentru barcă: https://kit .co/dawn-hunters/essential-boat-tool-kit 🧰 Boat Woman Essentials Kit: ⛵Găsiți vlog-ul nostru Sailing și aici: site-ul Dawn Hunters https: // Reduceri exclusive pentru urmăritorii noștri Cumpărați produsele noastre 🔓🗝️ Deblocați conținut secret 🎥 Toate RESTUL REC-urilor, vă rugăm să le găsiți aici: #DawnHunters #SailingAdventures #SailingVlog Mulțumesc pentru sprijinul dumneavoastră, Dawn Hunters
Bluewater Sailboat Refit DIY pentru navigație în jurul lumii! Proiect de restaurare a barca cu pânze din oțel

36 thoughts on “Bluewater Sailboat Refit DIY pentru navigație în jurul lumii! Proiect de restaurare a barca cu pânze din oțel”
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Looking good guys. How is my berth (bedroom) coming along. Just kidding. Thanks for sharing. See ya, next time.
what make is your boat ??
Perfect mix of vaudeville and quality boat refit video. Both informative and simultaneously entertaining,
Check out other sailboat refit videos:
⛵️ Fixer Upper Sailboat Restoration Project
⛵️ THANKSGIVING Sailboat Refit Projects
⛵️ Caught ON A BOAT IN A STORM LIVE from Miami.
looking good guy"s !! 👍
Just found you guys.
Enjoying it.
Quick question. How do you weld stainless to mild steel? Special rods?
I did some binge watching to catch up on your videos. A lot of your projects are coming together nicely and as usual with the unique flare of your personalities shining through. Informative and entertaining…Keep up the good work.
How thick can you put that filler along that edge?
Great Job soon far
Hey Iana & William, great video, hardtop changes the whole look, and the masts. William has amazing talent and visioning the materials and his skills. She will be the most unique motor sailor afloat. I knew Murphy’s Soap is woods best friend. I love that glass/ wood door, progress, progress! 😎
You both missed a perfect make-believe raccoon bite.
Can you use one of those new batteries Tesla is making for storing day time sunlight for evening power it’s pretty large 6 in. Thick 2 feet wide by 36 in long I believe they are in the neighborhood of 3500 bucks. Or just going with bunch of lithium
I just found your channel and will have to go back to see some of the beginning videos. I always thought steel boats, though requiring routine work would be easy to care for. I think from what I have seen and a couple of your comments, the construction needs to be checked for channels that will collect and hold water. ( That and proper paint protection ) Thanks . All the best, Hal
You both are hard grafters as we say in Scotland .
Grateful videos. 😊👍👍
Did you use Sikaflex, (maybe spelled wrong) under you new stainless hatch frame in the stern? Will you have to reseal some of your port lights? Your new wheel house top looks very nice. I think you plan to sandblast and paint the hull correct? Are you using standard marine batteries or lithium? Any plans for rust removal and painting bilges? Your welds looked professional. A new captains seat is is planned! Moving along nicely. Looking forward to more adventures.👍
Hi Iana and Cpt William, I am enjoying your channel and busy binge-watching to catch up. Looking forward to an episode about your solar installation, the brand of panels (rigid or flexible or combo?), invertors, energy output, and management etc. I am converting a catamaran from diesel and gas to electric hybrid adding a solar, vertical axis wind turbine as well to augment energy generation. Ocean volt sail drives will be regen models. So it is very interesting what you have planned for your yacht. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
So happy to see the projects coming together!!
Doing a great job
I use a dustless blaster for removing painted finishes and rust off metal finishes. Very effective and significantly less messy. May be an option if you have more of this work to complete. Good luck
William, watching you work and your mannerism I can tell you have an oil rig background. I used to run a machine shop for an oil company and we did a lot of work for and with a variety of engineers. When I met a new one in the shop, I loved testing them buy handing them a dirty, oily piece of metal. Some would pull their hand back or lightly hold it with two fingers but others grabbed it. I knew I would see eye to eye with the grabbers. You my friend are a grabbed. Not afraid to get your hands dirty or to do some work. Cheers!
Great video guys. Thanks for sharing. You two ROCK.
hi guys i am a new subscriber love how you both work as a team lots of hard work and a lady that's knows how too use power tools cant wait to see more sorry about your friends passing saw a few video's of him and you helping him by the last video I was in tears LIFE IS NOT FAIR SOME TIME how long before you put her in the water
Love your YouTube channel thanks for the laughs, life's to short not to have fun. I'm in the market for a sailing catamaran it's the only way to get my bride on a boat.
Unbelievable amount of work!! When you guys think the boat will be ready ??
I just see the $$ needed to accomplish the rebuild. Rooting for you two 😊
Getting there 👍
Would love to see a boat tour video, also learn more about the boat, its history, design, your changes, etc.
Well done guys its coming along nicely 👍
This girl is exploited! Does the union of marine workers exist? Please help her ! 🙂 In seroius Good job, keep it up!
Newcomer here! Love the energy and ingenuity – great job! And you two play off each other very well. Glad I found you.
Are the visitors a moose and a squirrel? Iana, could you do me a favor and say "moose and squirrel" in a future video? It's a reference to Rocky and Bullwinkle, Boris and Natasha, it's all good!
Is there a galvanic reaction from mild steel to stainless steel?
The enormity of this job and the energy you two are putting into it is inspirational.
How did you separate the stainless steel from the hull to prevent dissimilar metal corrosion? How have you managed to do this in other areas where different metals are in close proximity?
Great Channel
Check out Leo Goldman restoring Tally Ho- he has a unique engine/generator set up that would work well for you.
Also Sailing UMA has an electric motor you could use as a stern thruster.
Looks a lot better. Thats the way with house cleaning, you get it done and holy crap in six or eight months you gotta do it all over again!! Hahahaha just kidding.
Man you guys are working so hard.I was wondering why the now I'm not a sailor but mizen mast is smaller looks like they should be the same but I'm sure I'm wrong are you still going to take out and replace around bad windows dont they have alot of rust and rot on the would dont want you to get sick from mold