Bucuria de a naviga [S3E3]

Bucuria de a naviga [S3E3]

Aceste videoclipuri sunt posibile de tine. Verificați contul nostru Patreon pentru a obține acces la jurnalul secret al Mayei, acces anticipat la videoclipuri, scrisori surpriză scrise de mână livrate în cutia dvs. poștală, șansa de a ne cunoaște personal și recunoștința noastră nesfârșită! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13249792 Muzică în intro de Amarante: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wqe-I8oVew&ab_channel=Amarante-Topic Consultați site-ul nostru pentru a afla mai multe despre noi: https://sailingmagiccarpet.com/ Dacă doriți să ne susțineți, dar Patreon nu este treaba dvs., puteți face o donație o singură dată prin PayPal și vă vom trimite multe mulțumiri în schimb!! https://www.paypal.me/aladinorovegno Vezi muzica Mayei pe Spotify și iTunes! SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3ypa1AKDFqSOP6Cg2GX53p?si=SLM8H6ZPR4CXyDtaqVDWGA iTUNES: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/maya-eliza/1518186756 Mi-am scos niște ochelari de soare noi pentru a-mi proteja pe apa. Sunt super polarizați, blochează toată lumina care intră din lateral și rămân pe fața mea – în plus, cred că au un stil retro foarte cool. Dacă vrei ceva de-al tău, poți folosi acest link și primesc și eu un mic bonus 🙂 https://www.vallon.store?sca_ref=245031.4N6LNivT04 Hartă frumoasă desenată manual a Țărilor de Jos de Chaim Holtjer. https://linktr.ee/chaimholtjer CAMERA UTILIZĂM: (când achiziționați ceva din aceste link-uri, vă costă la fel și primim un mic comision!!) Cameră de acțiune 1: https://amzn.to/2Q0HK9j Cameră de acțiune 2: https://amzn.to/30g1pqI Cameră principală uimitoare, minunată, ieftină, superbă: https://amzn.to/2Q0HNlv Dronă: https://amzn.to/2Hj2lTO Microfon pentru voice over: https: //amzn.to/30jO8Nw


34 thoughts on “Bucuria de a naviga [S3E3]

  1. Ahhh. . .my kindred spirit sings in harmony with you two! SO very much like many hours I've spent day sailing on Lake Michigan between the port cities of Holland, Grand Haven and Muskegon. Pure joy = turning off the key and allowing the wind to fill the sails and gently move you along. Thank you for taking me sailing while the winter winds blow snow past my windows.

  2. But the capital output needed for a house, is no less. Personally living in an 1854 circ. Post & beam, European style building, but in Iowa. (essentially a barn) is a "Landschiff"… the use of antique tools and a new adventure every day.

  3. Hello from Nantucket Island, USA. We really enjoy your videos. I thought you both would like to see a video produced in our area about a VINDO 50 that needs a loving owner. Your channel is mentioned in it actually and that was funny as I was thinking it would be your perfect next boat.


    Hope you are well and be safe.

  4. Maya's music slides one into the video, a flowing current of sweet serene sounds. Back to sailin' ahoy ahoy, tackin' with the winds, ahoy ahoy 👍. Always do appreciate the nice the gold "Aladino" (Alodine,irridite or anodized) mast and boom.✨

  5. Hi Guys , so nice to see this episodes . You guys a very brave , me .. well might used to be in your age, doing 12 years sailing on the ijselmeer and wadden sea with this steel flatbodem clippers with these lee board on each side . I had lots of joy these episode before becomiing Master at the merchant navy. I admire your aim , your focus and strenght , knowing that its not always sunshine and a gentle breeze .
    . I started on the rhine rivers commercial trade withn my parents a beautifull time as well . I am blessed , you guys are too!!

    When you visit Amsterdam again , please let me know .


  6. You know that we put those windmills there especially for sailboats. When we need extra wind, we turn them on. Case in point, there is only wind when you see the windmills turning. 😃 🌬⛵️

  7. In the opening credits intro with people playing instruments … it reminds me of Aubrey & Maturin playing a violin & cello on board the Surprise in Patrick O'Brian's wondrous novels!

  8. "Slowing down isn't annoying, slowing down is the point." Yes. It sometimes takes hours to slow down enough to feel fully present. The bliss of that.

  9. Sailing is similar to Soaring (my new passion). Loads of training time, preparation and set up for that moment of bliss! When you hit that perfect thermal and soar up 5k feet up like an eagle! And come back to earth where you started!

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