Alăturați-vă nouă în turul autoghidat;) al OKEAN 50 FLY. Și ce platformă de divertisment distractivă este acest iaht! Convertible așa l-aș descrie. Rico și cu mine am fost atât de încântați de posibilitățile de spațiu în aer liber, ne-am stricat complet comanda de Tur ok, preferatele mele personale și cele mai importante au fost: extinderea cockpit-ului interior/exterior, flybridge-ul, prova și cu siguranță Master. Aspect excelent pentru dimensiune! Bucătăria are o dimensiune mai mică, așa că ar putea fi puțin dificilă pentru aplicația Liveaboard, dar ce uimitor insular de weekend, crucișător de coastă și a doua casă pe apă. #PowerYacht Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta în comentarii. Mulțumiri imense lui HMY YACHTS pentru că ne-ați lăsat să explorăm pe cont propriu. Ești interesat să ACHIZIȚI acest iaht sau un alt #OkeanYacht? Vă rugăm să contactați: HMY YACHTS Listare: MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-urile DVS. , COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUBSTANȚĂRI! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
#YachtTour Aceasta nu este procedura ta obișnuită! Nu facem turnee plictisitoare, monotone, de tip voiceover! Acest canal înseamnă să te distrezi și să nu te iei prea în serios în timp ce verifici cele mai tari iahturi de acolo. //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: //CUMPĂRĂ-M LOOK-ul: //URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram .com/nautistyles/ ○ Blog: ○ Facebook: //SHOP NAUTI GEAR: // CAMERA FOLOSITĂ: ○ Cameră – ○ Microfoane fără fir – ○ Microfoane cu fir – ○ Card SD – https:// ○ Gimbal – ○ Light – //SUBSCRIBE AICI:… //URMĂȚI URMĂTORUL: ○ Turul AllSeas 2 Part & ○ Sunreef 60 Sail 0:00 Introducere 0:50 Exterior 8:00 Flybridge 10:55 Interior 16:20 Cabine pentru oaspeți 19:45 Cabină principală 24:25 Sala motoare 25:18 Specificații 27:03 Ieșiri Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot oferi în continuare conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!
1.195.000 USD+ 2021 OKEAN 50 FLY Tur iaht cu motor și specificații Flybridge Motor Yacht Barcă cu croi de croi

41 thoughts on “1.195.000 USD+ 2021 OKEAN 50 FLY Tur iaht cu motor și specificații Flybridge Motor Yacht Barcă cu croi de croi”
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Nice! Some questions I have:
– What is the plan to keep a tender or jetski?
– What is the CE classification for the boat?
– would you be able to take it on the loop?
Simple but beautiful
Now, the crew quarters are hilarious on this one. Lol. Get into the pit slave!
Question : why so much water running out of the side of boat ???
Great video. Thank you for your thorough reviews. Very nice yacht.
Sweet Yacht
In the galley….Good job Rico, he's obviously focused on the boat but he's able to multitask and listen to his woman at the same time….who of course always gives him the answers ahead of time.

This boat is triggering my inner Inspector Gadget and my outer McGyver. My interest is peaked.
Yes, co- star.

These Okean yachts are on a whole different level. So much spice and flavor to them. Definitely sets them apart from others!
I might get that in a few years
Hey couple, the first time I am commenting on your channel. It became my preferred channel for the subject. I thought you could do a 3 to 5 min condensed version for every single video you make. Maybe it could be at the end of the edited video. It coud be maybe a separe channel. I say that because I want to see everything but it is not possible as whoever has a life should not or would not be watching videos on Youtbue non stop. I tend to speed up a lot on your videos, jumping and accelerating in most videos. That said I do enjoy to watch slowly and with attention seeing all features and details you can show. Maybe even for some, you could do a longer version. Another thing is that your specs could be somewhere at teh beginning and also a bit more detailed. The ideas are here, from a fan that wont' be showing up much on comments. Thanks. Marcos.
This is actually an extremely interesting yacht because while I don't think it's perfect it really does pack a lot of inovative features in. One thing which I feel like needs to be emphasised though is the level of range and speed the boat has is really impressive for the size, 1350 nm range and a crusiing speed of 20 Kts? That's pretty fantastic. The one major and frankly insurmountable downside is the cost, though. For the same price there are far larger Yachts with arguably the same or more useful internal space and convenience as well as even stats, just by virtue of being bigger rather than smarter. If this Yacht were cheaper it would be nearly unbeatable, but as is it's extremely cool for it's size, but also very expensive for it's size too. That's one of the reasons I'm so grateful you guys always include price
I like this one. I would consider something like this for my first yacht if I had the money… I'd want it slightly custom, but overall, yeah.
As far as what I'd want… the salon could be a little smaller. I like the view that it has, but I would probably never be hosting enough people to actually use all that space. I'd want something else in there… maybe a bigger kitchen… some bookshelves or something. The rooms are nice, but I think I'd rather get rid of the double bed room and open up the space for an office or something along those lines. Maybe like a private salon when you need a breather from the people you're entertaining above, lol. The heads would need to be bigger, so they'd have to alter the design a bit… I like the idea of the crew quarters, but I'd probably want to expand the engine room instead and try to get a bit more height down there. The fly bridge is great as it is, but maybe a larger roof for solar panels and the ability to enclose it completely would be nice. It'd be a shame to lose a third of your space just because the weather is bad or the seas are a little rough. I'd say this is up there with the Bering yachts. Very nice.
Best 1/2 person live-aboard I've seen/you've done! What a pleasant surprise, and extremely well-presented by both of you! I'm not easily impressed (because I'm trying not to exchange oceanfront Solana Beach condo living for on water boat-living) but damn!!!!
What I love about your vids (aside from the awsome boats and expert production values), is the interaction between Victoria and Rico. You two are in love and love what your doing. Refreshing……..and entertaining! Keep it up. I wish you both ALL THE BEST! Can’t wait for the tour of your new Bearing!
IRISH SCOTTS KEV HERE.Riko is so hot.n she's very beautiful on the eyes.omg.theres been a few of these of what there wearing.WOOOOOOF. that I didn't know where to turn…in bi) n love GETMANS N RUSS.Jana Deserve can xo love your ideas my sister's n I are designers n MANY LEVELS are designers n architects.thank u.ive
Roberto Paião is doing an excellent job with the Okean yachts
I only have one question about the loop or driver's too
Wrong range in specs. 1350 nm on 475 gallons? More like 230 nm.
What’s going on with the wood stain on the deck?
Comment, comment, comment.
Keep the great stuff coming!!!
This is a pretty amazing yacht.
(Tiny-house-ish features with the flips and flops of conversions. I love it!!!)
Spacious. The best!!! (And I think my oldest son with autism would love the private (crew) cubby at the back!!!)
Also, I LOVED Rico’s play-on-words, calling the lowered bulwarks “bul-canies!”
Epic. And Victoria, you do horizontally stripes so cutely!!! (I just love you!) And I look forward to seeing more horizontal stripe sundresses in your website. 
And I think the dining table on the bow of the boat is just a totally GRAND idea that more boats should have. This boat seems elegant and playful at the same time… Like someone I know!
A bunch of us are going to chip in and buy a party yacht. Gotta be able to handle a lot of folks and provide some built in entertainment. Oh, and keep the size to a minimum. FOUND IT – this OKEAN 50. Built for comfort, equipped for fun. This is an amazing craft. Or it's a full time adventure yacht. Or a retirement home with more amenities than a penthouse – and how you gunna get a penthouse to float? Another fun tour thanks to the boatiest couple on YouTube.
i love your yacht tours so much. One thing i think you can expand on is what that did such a good job on this yacht is the fuel vs range this one is amazing!!!!
All that scandinavian vibes came from the Volvo twins…
Fuck yea!! I'm in love!!!! Love every inch

Very cool! I wonder how all of the convertible components hold together in a pounding sea.
Be funny cooking on anchor or dock with all those windows open and get mugged by gulls
Thank you for posting these videos, these videos are as close as I'll get to doing the loop. And a great way to spend a rainy Sunday.
Sending support, love, and kindness from Lexington, Michigan, USA ALL THE COMMENTS!
I didn't see any seakeeper.
Awesome boat
Galley almost no have working space for cooking.
All another is OK.
Coaster lol
I love it, but now I am torn! If you had to choose, which would you choose, Okean 50 Fly or Galeon 51 Fly? They both seem like quality made boats. Thanks
Can we review these without these anoying people
Interesting boat without the twat review