SUNREEF 80 SAIL CATAMARAN „ENDLESS HORIZON” Tur SuperYacht / Charter Yacht Charter Barcă cu vele

SUNREEF 80 SAIL CATAMARAN "ENDLESS HORIZON" Tur SuperYacht / Charter Yacht Charter Barcă cu vele

Iahturi de vânzare: Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys Alăturați-vă nouă în turul autoghidat;) al unui alt iaht uimitor SUNREEF numit „ORIZONT ENDLESS” ! Acest Sailing Supercat de 80 de picioare este absolut masiv… cu o gamă de aproape 40 de picioare, este cu siguranță un captivant! Ne-a luat aproape 1,25 ore pentru a face turul acestui iaht, așa că am făcut multe editări pentru a-l reduce la această lungime. lol OK, partea mea preferată și caracteristicile? Cu siguranță, bucătăria, zona de serviciu a echipajului cu compartimentul ascuns și cabina Master au fost fabuloase, Flybridge-ul a fost grozav, iar puntea de față… uită-te doar la puntea de față demnă de MEGA-CAT! Acesta este, fără îndoială, un SuperYacht de vis pentru Liveaboard și face niște charteruri ușoare pentru a compensa costurile. Ce catamaran fantastic… Rico și cu siguranță aveam un episod din FOMO, în timp ce echipajul ne povestea despre viitoarele lor planuri de croazieră. Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acest #SUNREEF 80′ SAIL în comentarii. Știu că unii dintre voi veți spune: „Victoria, acesta nu este un Superyacht!” Ei bine, de fapt este prin definiție, verifică-l aici: 0:00 Intro 0 :42 Exterior 8:38 Flybridge 11:52 Interior 13:39 Bucătărie 20:40 Cabine pentru oaspeți 26:32 Cabină principală 30:50 Spațiul echipajului 34:08 Sala mașinilor 35:35 Specificații 36:06 Ieșiri interesate să-ți comanzi propriul YACHT SUNREEF ? Vă rugăm să contactați ROBERT RIVA robert.r @ MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUBSCRIERE! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!! 🙂 #Catamaran #YachtTour Aceasta nu este procedura ta obișnuită! Nu facem turnee plictisitoare, monotone, de tip voiceover! Acest canal înseamnă să te distrezi și să nu te iei prea în serios în timp ce verifici cele mai tari iahturi de acolo. //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: //CUMPĂRĂ-M LOOK-ul: //URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram .com/nautistyles/ ○ Blog: ○ Facebook: //SHOP NAUTI GEAR: // CAMERA FOLOSITĂ: ○ Cameră – ○ Microfoane fără fir – ○ Microfoane cu fir – ○ Card SD – https:// ○ Gimbal – ○ Light – //SUBSCRIBE AICI:… //URMĂȚI URMĂTORUL: ○ AllSeas 2 Part Tour & ○ Sunreef 60 Sail Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le furnizez, s-ar putea să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot oferi în continuare conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!


30 thoughts on “SUNREEF 80 SAIL CATAMARAN „ENDLESS HORIZON” Tur SuperYacht / Charter Yacht Charter Barcă cu vele

  1. Easily my favorite catamaran so far. The roominess is fantastic. The interior is classy and the storage is awesome. Another great tour you guys.

  2. I have a serious question for Mr. NautiStyles. Not being snarky or facetious, I really don't know. Why would one have hydraulic systems on a private yacht as opposed to electrical? For an electrical system you have a power supply (batteries, basically) connected to wires that run to an electric motor at the base of the furling head sail. (Alternatively, you could have a line running from the furler (sp?) back to a winch in the cockpit.) If the motor fails you replace the motor with a spare. But in a hydraulic system, one probably have multiple devices feeding from a pump that pressurizes a tank that fees multiple high pressure oil lines to different parts of the boat. If the pump fails, you have multiple failures (including the rudders(?). Does one line failure depressurize the entire system? I don't know, but I would bet money a failed hydraulic line would make a mess all by itself. So, why hydraulics as opposed to electric? It is a marine environment. Things break. Stuff fails. Feces occurs (Forrest Gump). So for this boat, I suspect one needs a Captain/Engineer or preferable a Captain and an Engineer, because who is going to sail the boat while the Engineer is fixing stuff? I do not know how this works on a boat of this size.

    In a separate tutorial, I would dearly love to hear from YOU how a boat this size is crewed, maintained, fixed and sailed by owners who are not the Dashews. That would make a GREAT video by the two of you.

  3. I need to hit the Lotto! I believe Nadal's 80' yacht is a Sunreef but it's all power no sail. Mine would have as much solar as possible plus sail and auxiliary power.

  4. I've been looking at a couple of these Sunreef 80.. very nice, spacious top to bottom.. ceiling height is fantastic. So, if I ever have money for it, this kind of boat is in my short list 🙂

  5. Do they have any stress test footage on any of these boats? Do builders reinforce any areas that commonly take impact damage, say, from the dock?

  6. I'm also not a boat guy but for the fact that they both really enjoy their review of each boat that they review really gets me into it. When someone like, enjoys and have fun with what they're doing and it comes across on screen then I'm drawn into it. Great job guys.

  7. Nice 90 degree hardened stone corners & scrappy unstable chairs in the lounge. This boat screams "my owners an idiot" loud & clear! Well done designers.

  8. I was shocked to see the number of zip ties that can chafe and rub through wiring and such under the vibration of a boat. I know nothing about boats, but I know in aviation we never ever use zip ties for that reason. We now use a product (that I'm not affiliated with in any way) called a "Grip Lock Tie" that's similar to a Zip Tie but they are rubber lined and they won't wear holes in wiring and tubing and can be reused. So curious why boats would use so many zip ties, especially if you ever have to change anything out or add new wiring. Seems like even velcro would be far superior to prevent chafing. Hoping someone with more boat knowledge than I can explain this to me.

  9. Too many doors in the storage and closets furnitures (for example, in the master room). It looks nice in the videos but is annoying in the every day use.

  10. This ozzy and you 2 are awesome thank you so much for all your detail Victoria and Rico ,Love your enthusiasm thank you thank you from ozzy much love back at you both 😊 😀 😀

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