Cyberpunk 2077 – Kerry’s Song (copertă pentru chitară) Eurodyne Yacht Song

Cyberpunk 2077 - Kerry's Song (copertă pentru chitară) Eurodyne Yacht Song

Am înregistrat chitare pentru cyberpunk 2077 Abonați-vă și cereți tab-uri! Patreon: Melodia a fost scrisă de PT Adamczyk, care m-a pus să creez și să înregistrez o versiune de chitară pentru jocul pe care îl ascultați. Instagram: lysy_n_guitars


34 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Kerry’s Song (copertă pentru chitară) Eurodyne Yacht Song

  1. This is just so calming to listen to, like you just forget about all the problems in the world and just… I can't even explain it, you and Adamczyk really did a number on this one because damn every listen time I listen is just beautiful. This is one song that will never grow old.

  2. I am a musicphile/audiophile or whatever you want to call me….i love music of all types and this is one of the most beautiful pieces i have ever heard. I listen to it on repeat quite often. Absolutely amazing work and thank you very much for creating it.

  3. Honestly It's hard to put to words what this game means to me. Bugs aside and the failure to deliver on the execs hype which I don't blame CDPR for, I look aside that and see the game for it's story it has to tell. The characters you interact with and how you impact their lives, It seems lately that a game has done so well to tell a griping story with complexity. I have always loved the Cyberpunk genre so I do have a bias but I would recommend this game for its story as well as the amazing music that compliments the story, tracks such as this song playing at a pivotal part of a character's progression is the bow on the gift. Thanks for your contribution Piotrek and I wish you continued success.

  4. It was this cover that encouraged me to try the game. If anyone reading this is on the fence, I'd say go for it. The story and characters are as good as the music.

  5. And as you finally avenge your fallen team, you walk into the night and come across the girl from before, she looks at you concerned, a broken leg and arm, bleeding and in horrible condition, she asks you what happened but quicky realizes your team is not there with you, she understands what you went through. You ask her to play one last song, and as it plays out, you feel at peace, as if the world had stopped, as if this horrible storm was put to an end… You take off your mask and close your eyes, another agent lost to Eden.
    -Lost agent Drifter unit

  6. Merci… La scène dans le jeu est d'une grande poésie. Cette musique amplifie tout. La simplicité, la mélancolie : j'ai pleuré en jouant.

    Merci. Bravo. Et merci !

  7. "Warning, now leaving the safe area."
    "Warning, Agent on your team is downed."
    "Warning, Agent on your team is downed."
    "Warning, Agent on your team is downed."
    "Warning, Agent on your team is downed."
    "Vital signs critical."

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