Ce se întâmplă când această barcă se răstoarnă? #pantaloni scurti

Ce se întâmplă când această barcă se răstoarnă?  #pantaloni scurti

O barcă de salvare cu motor de 47 de picioare este principala navă de salvare a Gărzii de Coastă a Statelor Unite. Aceste bărci funcționează într-o varietate de condiții, inclusiv valuri de până la 20 de picioare. #NotWhatYouThink #NWYT #shorts Filmări oferite de US Navy, utilizate sub licența Creative Commons Attribution. Multumesc pentru aceasta! Imagini de testare de tip roll-over prin amabilitatea „Al American Marine” Notă „„Apariția informațiilor vizuale ale Departamentului de Apărare al SUA (DoD) nu implică și nu constituie aprobarea DoD”.


33 thoughts on “Ce se întâmplă când această barcă se răstoarnă? #pantaloni scurti

  1. Why don't they make more/every boats/ships like this that can flip back over after being capsized??? This should be a no-brainer. How many lives could be saved if implemented????

  2. Totally BS costs by special interests contracts. Think: NASA costs overrun’s. Meh, fat cats sitting on long pointy thimbles to cover their asses.

  3. I visited the Port of Ludington Maritime Museum in Ludington, MI. The museum is adjacent to the coast guard station, which has two of these boats, IIRC. The museum even has an exhibit on them, including footage of the sea trials, etc.

  4. If I had the money for a Yaught I'd buy one from the coast guard if possible I have never seen one sink

  5. It was one of the best British inventions, in my opinion. Coastal guard services will always be needed, and the self-righting invention was a huge step forward for the rescue capabilities.

  6. No capsizing or self righting shown anywhere in this video. It would have been more informative if a roll over test was edit in as we know they are built with that capability.

  7. Quite simple, the bottom liquid is denser than the boat and top liquid. The top liquid is not as dense as the boat therefore it sinks. Also, one liquid is highly polar, and the other is non polar.

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