Ultima navă cu pânze – Jurnalul lui Josie Choate Spencer

Ultima navă cu pânze - Jurnalul lui Josie Choate Spencer

Duncan Spencer, autor premiat și marinar de apă albastră, împletește povestea „Vikingului” și a ultimelor nave comerciale cu vele rămase prin jurnalul mamei sale, Josie, care și-a rezervat trecerea pe „Viking” în 1933.


25 thoughts on “Ultima navă cu pânze – Jurnalul lui Josie Choate Spencer

  1. It saddens me greatly to think how, after centuries of perfecting such a glorious and beautiful thing as a tall sailing ship, along with it's accompanying traditions and skills, we eagerly tossed it all out like last week's garbage for little more than the pursuit of the almighty dollar.

    If there's any truth to the saying that money is the root of all evil, there is no better example of it than our deliberate removal of the tall ship from civilization.

    Had all the world's cathedrals been torn down and replaced with shopping malls, it would have amounted to a far lesser crime for us to have perpetrated against ourselves.

    But karmic justice is prevailing as the same coal and diesel and gasoline that destroyed these magnificent ships destroys the planet and ourselves with it.
    It's really no less than what we deserve.

  2. Very well done. I spent a number of years at sea on modern ships under power. Even though I never sailed on ships under sail, I still feel spurts of nostalgia when I hear accounts like this.

  3. This is a spellbinding story that I'm so glad to know. It's hard to imagine a time so romantic and adventurous, and only a generation ago.

  4. Yes I also was there. A young mariner attending the merchant marine academy. I trained on wooden sail ships. Graduated to commercial steam ships and finally diesel propulsion carried me to my final memorable sojourns at sea. Blue sea, green sea and the odd black sea of the Alaska Gulf.. Many countries, many a beautiful woman. Tasty cheese from Holland and wonderful sidewalk cafe dinners in the south of Italy. Dolphins that approached the bow at full speed only to turn at the last moment and effortlessly ride

  5. Brilliant footage of the time but from a very privileged prospective. It was nothing like as described for the “working” crew.

  6. superb self documenting of photographed diary. This is better than any movie, it's all real. I like how her writting has no romanticism, its simplicity is healthy reading.

  7. Go Sail A Boat! It's not that hard, grab a can of sardines and a bottle of water… it's not that hard, and you don't need the emotional bullshit of this story… go sail a boat. Whatever, ww2 happened… no one care you rich old white man.

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