Leziunile pe o barcă cu pânze pot fi un adevărat spectacol. Deci ceea ce facem pentru a ne fi în formă și a rămâne în formă este la fel de important ca și menținerea bărcii. Săptămâna aceasta vorbim despre plăci gonflabile cu vâsle și unde să le montem, astfel încât să nu provoace scurgeri, și facem niște snorkeling epic pe parcurs și pe Musha și Rudder Cay. #fitness #workout #yoga #cruising Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theokellys Squarespace 14 zile de încercare gratuită: https://squarespace.syuh.net/AvmDj Consulting: https://www.sailclarity.com/ consultarea iTunes Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/under-the-sheets-with-the-okellys/id1470844381 Private Fb Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/475364229906600/ Produse folosim: https://www.amazon.com/shop/nickokelly ___ Nick și Megan au #navighez și trăiesc #OffTheGrid în ultimii 20 de ani. Ne place să #călătorim și să petrecem timp în #natură și sperăm să ne vedem aici! Cărțile și cărțile audio ale lui Nick: Get Her on Board este despre a-l convinge pe acea persoană semnificativă să-l cumpere în această prostie de croazieră. Oamenilor par să le placă. Toate încasările merg către câinele nostru Sugar. Cartea audio: https://www.audible.com/pd/B00CIE9I1I/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-006507&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_006507_rh_us Cartea: https://www.amazon.com/Live_bty_d_dbty_dbt_006507_006507_rh_us Marja este despre a câștiga bani din mers, tranzacționând acțiuni și opțiuni. Am scris-o împreună cu Pat Schulte de la Bumfuzzle. Oamenilor par să le placă și asta. Toate veniturile au fost donate pentru barca noastră. Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/B00CMCGHPQ/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-006031&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_006031_rh_us Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578116642/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_syNQCbZ7X68EN Audiobooks: Bumfuzzle – Tocmai ieșit în căutarea piratilor. Îi cunoști pe acești tipi și acum mă cunoști pe mine, așa că ascultă. https://www.audible.com/pd/B00CWJISRE/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-007114&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_007114_rh_us Bound for Distant Seas, de James Baldwin a James Baldwin, aceasta este povestea lui mică, simplă, a aventurii sale barcă. https://www.audible.com/pd/B015HQBDWU/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-043332&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_043332_rh_us #Leopard46 #BoatLife #TravelSatmaranDigitalS #Catamad

21 thoughts on “NUMĂRUL UNU MOTIVE PENTRU OAMENII ÎNCĂTEAZĂ NAVEGIZAREA – Trebuie să rămâi în formă!”
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Hey! You guys are a breath of fresh air in the sailtube community. I’m eating this stuff up and most are youngens (sorry you know what i mean). I enjoy your life advice that the others aren’t able to speak. My goal is to retire sailing seeing the world like you guys.
Your canal is a lot of fun and is also informative.
There is another way in life. You are an inspiration.
Thanks for that. Best regards from cold Germany. brrrr
You are fun to watch from Canada
. Can’t get your snake video out of my head 

Hah, this reminds me of my wife's super old video (content good, video quality bad) that ended up getting her in cruising world magazine and speaking at boat shows. We were anchored and she was going nuts not being able to exercise. https://youtu.be/JlB-NawzL9c. We still have our boat, bought a place in Mexico, and now she has the online program https://www.bewellstaywell.net/. Enjoy your sailing! If you make it to Puerto Vallarta, let us know.
nice piano, bet it cost "under a grand"?
I couldn't help of being reminded by the cutaway to Megan "Dancing" of the scene of Goldie Hawn dancing in Housesitter lol…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOQ3ul12RwI
because its boooooooring. Everything is for a season
Great stuff guys!
Get an X3 bar resistence training system….you'll be in better shape on the boat than off!
FYI; the smaller bands are great for maintenance type of workouts.
Exactly what I needed to hear.
Yur no gurly mahn, Nick. You pump up nicely.
Well…. this youtube video's title is misleading.
Soooo…. what’s the maximum dynamic load a hull and rigging can handle from subwoofer frequencies? I’ve done lots of car audio and may be tempted to install a couple 6000w mono-blocks pushing a few 18”s

I was active duty in the USCG out of Miami Beach in the early 90s, I was on a patrol boat that spent about 280 days a year at sea and they were mostly in the Bahamas your videos brought all that back to me, thank you. Talking about fitness I used to jump rope on the fantail of the patrol boat to stay in shape, the guys that lived in aft berthing hated me. We explored a lot of remote places that were pristine. If you ever get a chance go to Hogstie Reef just south of the Bahamas.
Is it cause the wind dies down?
You guys are a nice couple. We really enjoy watching your channel.

You guys are hilarious! Thanks
We are looking for help to buy a boat. I didn’t know if you are still doing brokerages work. Love your videos, and I’m also a PDX person. -N
Hello guys, I can't thank you enough for your videos. I'm considering buying into a charter program. The boats are new, the charter company manages the charter and that helps offset the cost of the Catamaran. Have you ever looked at these options? If so, what are your thoughts? I was looking at Atlantic Cruzing and Dream Yacht sales…
I enjoy all your videos, you guys are awesome