VÂLE | 1 Hour Best of Epic Pirate Adventure Music Mix – Muzică pentru viața unui pirat

VÂLE |  1 Hour Best of Epic Pirate Adventure Music Mix - Muzică pentru viața unui pirat

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26 thoughts on “VÂLE | 1 Hour Best of Epic Pirate Adventure Music Mix – Muzică pentru viața unui pirat

  1. this is epic, the instruments in each one of these pieces just mix together really well giving the songs a grand feeling

  2. Whenever I hear one of these, I imagine myself heading into battle, sword and shield in hand, letting out a battle roar. I can't be the only one.

  3. I have listened to enough epic music in my life to consider myself a coinsure, and this definitely makes it in the top 10. I love studying to this, but it always makes me wish the world were still so simple. Why did technological advancements have to come and make everything so easy. It seems we have almost lost more than we've gained.

  4. story time:
    you and a crew of 18 others are on a gritty old rotten wooden boat, been on the seas for far too long left adrift by a fight with another group. your group of 18 are starting to see things and hallucinating do to sickness and other such, and suddenly one of them calls out "OH MY LORD IT'S A SEA SERPENT !!!!" at first you don't believe them, Surely something like that simply isn't possible right ? then a thing the size of five mountains stacked on each other rises it's head from the water. Suddenly panic takes over the entire ship the eyes of the massive leviathan are on your boat, it's tail like a wave rocks the boat and it lets out a low and thunderous guttural Roar deafening all the terrified screams of the men and women abord the now doomed vessel and you call your troops to action. firing what would to any normal entity be a killing blow with the equally deafening sounds of 100 cannons firing, but to this beastly leviathan it did not but take a single scale from it's back before it takes the entire ship into it's maw eating the ship whole. unfortunately for you and a few unlucky fellows, you were thrown from the ship now in the seemingly endlessly deep ocean with a thing that ate your boat and could have fit about 100 more before it would even have to chew, you sink below dazed by the throw, the water around you is dark and you can only hear the sounds of rushing water passing you on all sides, before suddenly a massive eye opens and starts to glow.

    *you start to feel a sudden calm as a soft voice sings to you, the waves once cold start to turn warm the water once blue starts to turn red, your eyes once unable to see now see clearly your voice once unheard beneath the waves joins the singing.*


    The cries of your pain rise forth the leviathan the fins like razors the cuts along your body from it's massive fins leaking the deep red the dark water turns light from the storm now over head and you see the leviathan coiled around you and is spinning it's coil your flesh starts to turn to scales, your eyes start to glow, your hands grow webbing and sharp claws, other things that may have been your crew swim to you,

    *you once again feel a sudden calm take over you as they sing again, and again the cold waves turn warm the once red from the blood turns back to blue and your voice now truly joins theirs* and you now trick foolish sailors to their watery graves, or so the land dwellers believe sure your appearance has taken quite the drastic hit but you are none the less alive and well in the ocean below now following the massive leviathan on it's quest, for in food it eats it always leaves extra and those who you save was but another poor soul now rescued from the land.

    so what did you think ? I just randomly thought this up from the songs and the picture as well,

  5. why is noone thalking about the fact their is an open fire liek 2 feet away from the sails. its such a small thing but it bothers me so much!!

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