Cu Vendée Globe acum complet, Pip Hare dă o tură cu barca ei, Medallia, și retrăiește înaltele și coborâșurile cursei ei singure fără asistență în jurul lumii. Vedeți mai multe de la Pip la: ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a Yachting World acum – ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre tur, vizitați site-ul nostru: ► Dă Like-ne pe Facebook aici – ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter la: https://twitter .com/yachtingworld ► Simțiți-vă liber să comentați mai jos! ► Amintiți-vă să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut
Turul cu barca post-Vendée Globe al lui Pip Hare – vezi în interiorul Medalliei după 95 de zile pe mare

31 thoughts on “Turul cu barca post-Vendée Globe al lui Pip Hare – vezi în interiorul Medalliei după 95 de zile pe mare”
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You are truly an amazing woman for our age. We followed your entire Journey and we think that you are one of the most professional sailors we've ever seen. Thank you so much for your hard work and for providing an example of what a top-class sailor should be.
1:45 Pip enjoyed sturdier bowsprit than Desmarteau,, the don Quixote of the Vendée Globe
That’s a very interesting video showing what a huge challenge this race has been. Many congratulations on a remarkable achievement.
Looking very happy and well Pip, hope you get rested. Nice memoirs to keep you going till the next race!
Really interesting and informative. Well done again Pip!
Congratulation on your remarkable achievement and success in VG RACE first of all!
you are special and kind in introducing IMOCA60 in which i am very interested.
Thanks for your kindly explanation about the big machine and telling us your stressful experience during the race
from south Korea.
Just got offered a crew spot to sail a volvo 70 from st Martian tp Spain a dream offer but unpaid no way I can swing it
I have so much respect for you so please don't take this the wrong way, do you like younger men cause im in love lol. But foreal you are a awesome person wish I could race against you
Congrats pip thanks for bringing us along
We're all very proud of you, Pip! Keep fighting the good fight – And remember that we're all cheering you along!
Interesting ,hope to see you in 2024,with all your nice vacations with Andy .
Thanks Pip fabulous effort. All boats should have a Polly Barometer!. Good idea writing on the cabin walls. And you can never have too much non skid! The last of the weather in the bay was a bit intense! Good sail back to the UK! Hopefully you can have crew and you can be a latte sailor. Cheers
New Marvell Superheros movie: Pip Hare.
Pip Thank you for your gracious attitude and willingness to share with us.
You are one of my heroes. An ordinary person doing extraordinary things. Thank you so much Pip, for bringing us along with you.
You are such a woos. Love ya!
Good idea to come back on the boat
Great walk through! Amazing achievement, very brave. It's interesting that you mention having an enclosed cockpit and cockpit reefing – modern boat design (even "blue water") seems to have completely moved to open cockpits and exposed helm positions – I've ever been able to understand why, but there's always numerous people on forums arguing that you dont need them, let alone non-slip on the bowsprit – I don't think I've ever seen that before! Well done and congratulatiosn on a grat acheivement!
Just look at you now compared to when you began the race what an amazing story that made you confident and glowing with each memory of your journey with so much going wrong and the stress that you got through and now just fond memories your character as a person has become very dynamic and positive and sharing each moment with absolutely nothing but truth of the moment can't wait to see you with a modern vessel that has all the fruit so you can become more relaxed and more of a challenger in the race x
Thank you so much Pip, you are an exquisite person and such a sailor with an enlightened smille,Thank you,Thank you
As simple as the Flair cap may seem ! Mount it on a plaque. It's significants will grow and grow over the years.
Amazing u were sitting on those Bow poles all on your own in the middle of nowhere
How about a Pilothouse for the next one Pip?
I so rooted for you, and for all the other women in this race. I am so certain, if it weren't for tech issues, all women would have finished in the top 10, and definitely it will be won by a woman in the future. I am also convinced in 2024 several boats will have the inside the cockpit characteristics of this year's Hugo Boss, simply because skipper comfort is key. Good Luck in three years, and do aim to win!
Unbeliaveble work on that rudder!! Respect!!
That was great thank you,,,,
I loved the part when she said "For the next Vendee…", what a remarkable person, congrats Pip and I can't wait to follow you on the next one!
Curious about the cost of communication system and data prices…
for your future projects.
Hope you get a newer boat with a confortable bed
"Pip Hare", cool name!
What a sweet and determined person.