Navigați spre sud spre Bahamas și Caraibe

Navigați spre sud spre Bahamas și Caraibe

Visezi să navighezi spre sud, spre Bahamas și Caraibe, dar nu ești sigur care sunt cele mai bune rute pentru a ajunge acolo? În acest seminar, cel mai popular seminar de ambarcațiuni, vă arătăm cum să evadați în aceste insule magice! Folosind imagini video frumoase din serialul de televiziune Distant Shores și canalul YouTube, precum și imagini statice, muzică și narațiune, împărtășim experiențele acumulate în timpul a peste 30 de ani de croazieră și discutăm cele mai bune opțiuni. Te vei îndrepta către clime mai calde în josul ICW, vei sari în larg sau vei merge pe Calea spinoasă? Alăturați-vă pentru a afla ce rută are sens pentru dvs. și vă veți menține echipajul fericit și în siguranță. De asemenea, schițăm un plan realizabil pentru o croazieră tropicală de succes și evidențiem destinații care nu trebuie ratate. 00:18 Croazieră din 1989 01:17 Prezentare generală a seminarului 02:47 Ruta ICW South Intracoastal Waterway 03:12 Ruta Great Loop Mississippi Ten-Tom 03:51 Cum să traversați Gulf Stream 05:00 Abacos Bahamas 06:50 Ai nevoie de puțin adâncime proiect? 07:31 Zonele de croazieră din Bahamas 08:11 George Town, baza de croazieră Exumas 09:20 Pilotaj pe apă puțin adâncă în Bahamas 10:25 Croazieră în largul insulelor familiei Bahamas 12:20 Rute offshore către Caraibe 12:53 Rută offshore către Bahamas 13 :24 Navigare în largul Bahamas către Caraibe direct 16:04 Calea fără spini din Bahamas către Caraibe în pași 16:51 Strategie meteorologică pentru fronturi reci 18:27 Insulele Virgine Britanice 20:44 Destinație de navigație charter în Grenadine și St Vincent 22:24 Vă mulțumim pentru urmărire Echipament: Pantaenius Yacht Insurance: BRNKL Yacht Security & Monitoring: Elicele lui Brunton: https://www.bruntonspropellers .com/ Elvstrøm Sails: Seldén Mast / Furlex:​ Lewmar: Raymarine: https://www.raymarine .com/ Scanstrut: Navionics Charts: GN Espace Ocean Chef: Highfield Gonflabil clasic: Generator Integral On-Engine: MG Energy Systems (baterii cu litiu): Ultra Anchor (35 kg): Înregistrarea iahtului Oceanskies: •••••••••••••••••• ••• Despre Paul și Sheryl Shard sunt producători și videografi de televiziune de documentare de călătorie premiați, care fac o croazieră internațională din 1989 și își documentează aventurile globale pentru televiziune, rețelele sociale, în cărți și publicații de navigație. Ei au navigat peste 110.000 nm, inclusiv 9 traversări oceanice și sunt producătorii și prezentatorii seriei TV de aventură cu navigație Distant Shores, care este difuzată în 47 de milioane de gospodării în 24 de limbi din întreaga lume (AWE, Nautical Channel, ACCTV, ShineTV). Prin programele lor TV, videoclipuri YouTube, articole/bloguri și seminarii de croazieră populare, Shards îi ajută pe oricine visează să navigheze să iasă pe apă și să experimenteze propria aventură în siguranță și confortabil. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cadouri pentru marinari! Dețineți întreaga colecție Distant Shores – Acum la special! Toate cele 157 de episoade complete de jumătate de oră fără reclame ale seriei TV Distant Shores Sailing Adventure sunt disponibile ca descărcări HD și, de asemenea, pe DVD pe site-ul Distant Shores. Obțineți întregul set care este perfect pentru urmărirea excesivă, vindecarea blues-ului și, de asemenea, faceți un cadou grozav pentru marinarul din viața ta! Informații și comandă aici: Versiuni descărcabile: •••••••••••••••••• ••••• Vă puteți conecta cu noi și pe: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: /DistantShoresTV ÎNTREBĂRI DE AFACERI: ••••••••••••••••••••••• MULȚUMESC PENTRU ABONARE!​ •••••••••••••••••••••• Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Sheryl și Paul


42 thoughts on “Navigați spre sud spre Bahamas și Caraibe

  1. Excellent summary of the Bahamas, BVI, Caribbean and the Grenadine islands. Really demonstrates the diverse sailing opportunities available in the wonderful sailing area.

  2. Excellent video. You hit two of my main to do list in the near future. One is to get my wife to the USVI, or BVI, and charter a sailboat over a week for her to see what is like. I bought a 35 foot boat 6 years ago, as a retirement gift (planning to retire in 2024) and plan on doing the thornless route, but don't want her to get spooked on that trip, so I rather let her experience the good spots first before introducing the "how to get there". She's helping with the refit, but has never been in the boat while in the water, as we were separated for many years and got back together recently. I lived in the boat for 2 1/2 years so I been in. Thanks for this great videos, which made me subscribe. Fair winds.

  3. Absolute best sailing and cruising channel available. Now that I’ve been in South Florida a little over a year, I’m very much looking forward to to the Bahamas and the Virgin Islands this coming winter season…

  4. Most articles I have read recently state that the ICW is underfunded by the government and the draft in some places is less than 4 feet. So sailors be careful and do your homework. Towing companies have reported they respond to a grounding every 24 hours.

  5. I looked into chartering a captained sailboat in the virgin islands, and it's $15k-$20k USD per week for a family with 4 kids. This seems like a cost prohibitive way to see if we like the sailing life, and our sailing skills aren't advanced enough yet to trust ourselves with sailing without a captain. Any other more affordable options?

  6. About the most informative video I have seen on the subject. Routes to the islands, different ways to experience sailing, what each group has to offer, etc.

    My wife is now excited about the possibilities. I want to go full time, but she can't get her feet out of the mud.

  7. Love the videos so much … I started watching about a year ago .. and have become facinated .. I rushed out and bout a sailboat haha .. 27 foot Catalina .. was not a smart buy but it gave me the opertunity to learn about the boat . Doing fiberglass and the many other projects . 6 months later I had an opportunity to buy another sail boat that has quite a history .. the name is little rascal 21 foot wilderness. Previously owned by any Boyer .. after reading the history on Google of where this Little vessle went . I was amazed .. it's so small .. for anyone reading .. Google this small 21 foot sail boat … It will blow your mind …I bought little rascal for 1500$ … Now she is at home in Calgary Alberta Canada .. in the midst of a total refit …not sure what or where I will take rascal but .. I do love the little vessle . Would love to talk with amy Boyer if anyone knows her … So now I am wanting to sell the Catalina and buy a boat perhaps in Florida and make the crossing … I am just looking for a cheap sailboat ..any help on a place to find a cheap sailboat from anyone is greatly appreciated I'm not rich .. but do want to escape the rat race and make a fun utube Chanel of ( yes u can sail if your poor ) .. once again thank you for the videos and inspiration.. cayenada from Canada …

  8. This ensures my name is Douglas my sailing vessel is Savannah breeze out of fort Pierce Florida I'm planning my first trip to the Bahamas I have 4.7 draft and I'm asking where would be a good place for me to start out I'll probably be leaving from Palm Beach and going west checking it at West end and then any recommendations where to go from there

  9. @1:52 I have a hesitant mate, gonna need to get her onboard before I fork out our life savings to get a boat and go cruising around the world:)))

  10. Any chance of covering Check-Ins in more depth? From what I understand if you don't do it when you say you do it, you can get some hefty fines.

  11. Thank you very much, to make it easier by viewing your great videos!! We are living through the 5. lockdown here in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia!! I am 79 years old and too old to go sailing on our bays!! I used to sail in Switzerland and also here in my younger days!! Enjoy your life and your life style, believe me, getting old SUCKS!! All the best and fair winds !!!!

  12. My wife, my two children and I spent Christmas in Green Turtle Kay Abacos in 2010, then explored down to Georgetown. I too recommend this place to anyone who loves to sail. We had experiences we could not have replicated even if we were millionares (which we are not). We went from Early December to May and it was a great break from the cold US winters. Beautiful waters, people and great trade wind sailing awaits all.

  13. tks for the great video, so many super suggestions and sharing your experience…. will be using you experience to prepare our plan to going there from Montreal in a few year👌

  14. Great video. Given you have had 3 southerlies, wondering how much real world value you found from the shallow draft? In terms of exploring places,protection, or beaching? I’m a monohull sailor today, but eyeing a seawind cat that draws only 1’9” with boards and rudders up. No sail drives or shaft. Did you use this for accessing interesting places or anchorages that you didn’t show on video?

  15. three minuets in now, and i have to stop and say that i have found out more of what i was looking for info wise than the past six months of binge watching several to many YouTube cahnnels, thank you for making this video, going to watch the rest of it!

  16. Paul and Sheryl, As you know, we've watched all your TV and YouTube series over the years. I must say, I honestly believe this was one of your best episodes ever. Combining route planning with weather and destination awareness. Sally and I have sailed the Bahamas, BVI's and the Grenadines down to Grenada a number of times and we thought you did a super job of introducing all three. Thanks again!

  17. So is sailing in the Bahamas and the Exhumas for instance more difficult than the Bvi’s, Grenadines, etc?

  18. Thanks for this great video….. What are you thinking is the best time for this trips. I´m lokated at St. Lucia… so i will do it in two steps. North and South. Any Recomandations? Lovley Greetings Giulis

  19. Any fears of getting to far south? I'm a bit concerned about getting too close to Venezuela. I've heard stories of American sailboats getting attacked, or going missing entirely.

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