10 Rogue Waves pe care nu le-ai crede dacă nu ar fi filmat

10 Rogue Waves pe care nu le-ai crede dacă nu ar fi filmat

10 Rogue Waves pe care nu le-ai crede dacă nu ar fi filmat! În acest videoclip trecem peste 10 Rogue Waves pe care nu le-ai crede dacă nu ai fi filmat! Pentru mai multe videoclipuri Rogue Waves, asigurați-vă că vă abonați la canal. Mulțumim pentru vizionarea acestui videoclip: 10 Rogue Waves pe care nu le-ai crede dacă nu ar fi filmat #roguewaves #biggestwaves #bigwaves Dacă ești nou, abonează-te! – bit.ly/3gqS0oA Urmăriți aceste videoclipuri: Top 5 CELE MAI MARI Valuri Rogue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxV383D7-lU 10 Valuri Monstru SUPRITE DE CAMERA https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=RMUxSwUB0p0 Top 10 cele mai mari valuri necinstite în furtuni uriașe și tsunami https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5MHmt0HAHk 15 valuri uriașe care nu par reale https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=iVM2dQ_7DyY 5 valuri mari pe care nu le-ai crede dacă nu pe video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwuKvmNQrRM Nu revendicăm aceste clipuri ca fiind ale noastre. Tot creditul revine proprietarilor de drept. Nu ne asumăm nicio proprietate asupra clipurilor afișate în videoclipuri. Proprietatea aparține proprietarilor respectați. Folosit în conformitate cu doctrina „utilizare corectă” din Legea drepturilor de autor. Pentru orice chestiune privind drepturile de autor, vă rugăm să ne contactați la TopGeneralityMGMT@gmail.com înainte de a lua orice măsură. ~ Generalitate de top


40 thoughts on “10 Rogue Waves pe care nu le-ai crede dacă nu ar fi filmat

  1. These waves make me wonder about what the causes are. Like Tsunamis or earthquakes and maybe even deep underwater volcanic activity. I know some of them are just high winds ect but It's really interesting.

  2. The MAVERICKS (Half Moon Bay) picture they showed in the beginning with the massive wave and a huge crowd in front of it, is fake. I was there. The raw footage they showed is real, but not that fake pic. Anyway, we had a front row seat on the cliff, and tried warning several people but they didn’t listen. Crazy day!

  3. One 60 degree winter day my friend and I were at a bar near Malibu.He decides to go swimming in the rocks. I told him he was nuts and if he got into trouble i wasn't helping and leave me the keys. I was a lifeguard and distance swimmer at one time. He got on a big rock with sharp edges and a huge wave swept him off. The people said your friend is in trouble but I didn't help him because it was too dangerous. He got out cut all to hell but a nurse in the bar patched him up. I think it was a rouge wave that got him.

  4. NEVER seen and therefore do not believe in the BS title "Rogue Wave". Have surfed 25+ years and have NEVER seen a 25 ft Rogue Wave come thru on a day when it was say a consistent 10-15 ft…..NEVER

  5. I'm so glad he reminded me that I don't have to worry about a wave rolling my way if I'm not near an ocean. I was about to panic.

  6. I don't think the OP off this video knows what a rogue wave is given that only two of his ten could be considered a "rogue wave" the rest were just big and on par for what was going on at that time and place.

  7. Awesome 🤩 they asked for waves 🌊 and delivered. I do not understand the people on the sand stood far too close?

  8. The surfing ones aren’t rogue waves. They’re just a large swell. The definition of a rogue/freak wave is a wave that is twice the height of the significant wave height. The significant wave height is the average height of not all of the waves, but the upper 1/3 of them. For example, consider a data set of current waves (arranged in ascending order) that is 10, 10, 15, 15, 20, 20. The tallest 1/3 waves would be 20, 20. The average of 20 and 20 is 20. So the significant wave height would be 20 feet. A “rogue wave” would need to be twice this height – 40 feet or higher.

    In other words, rogue waves aren’t one of several large waves that are typical in the current conditions. Rogue Waves are abnormally huge waves that hit you out of nowhere and were not expected at all. They are found far out at sea. Not on the beach.

  9. The maker of this video clearly has NO CLUE what constitutes a ROGUE WAVE. And yet the clue is in the name, it is ROGUE. Meaning it is a wave that is not expected to be there, a powerful wave that disappears as quickly as it appeared and is powerful enough to shred the bow of a super tanker. Giant surfing waves such as Maverick in California, Jaws in Hawaii, Nazareth in Portugal and Teahupo'o in Tahiti are NOT rogue waves. These surfing waves are consistently there due to the coastal shallow seabed, hence the presence of surfers and surfing competitions. How could a nuclear testing explosion be considered a rogue wave?! This video is idiotic. Known places where real rogue waves have been experienced or sighted by sailors are near the sub-Antartic seas and off the Green Cape of South Africa due to the convergence of cold Atlantic Ocean currents with warm Indian Ocean currents. The North Sea off Scotland as well as the tip of Brittany in France (Finistère, la Mer d'Iroise) are also known for rogue waves sightings.

  10. As long as it's not all bumpy and blown out . Mmm mmmm dead glass . No chickening out I too have been scared silly . South California . Yes it gets scary big not often tho

  11. so dramatic when you northerners explain 50ft high
    Bruh..???? 15 metres a utility pole is 11m
    sure that humongous as bro bigger then GODZILLA

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