Aceste 7 cupluri de croazieră cu barca cu pânze sunt în tendințe chiar acum – YouTuberi de navigație

Aceste 7 cupluri de croazieră cu barca cu pânze sunt în tendințe chiar acum - YouTuberi de navigație

Să navighezi în jurul lumii cu partenerul tău visul suprem? Profilăm aceste 7 canale în tendințe cu cupluri de croazieră cu barca cu pânze.

[These 7 Sailboat Cruising Couples Are Trending Right Now]

Sailing Panda Sailing Avocet vezi micile lucruri Sailing Zephyr :// L’Odyssée de Sagar Rani Sailing Jibsea Sailing Merewether https: // ⛵️ Creatori de conținut: ai dori să fii profilat? e-mail:

Epidemic Sound

Toate videoclipurile, melodiile, imaginile și elementele grafice utilizate în videoclip aparțin proprietarilor respectivi, iar eu sau acest canal nu revendicăm niciun drept asupra lor. Declinarea răspunderii privind drepturile de autor, în conformitate cu secțiunea 107 din Legea privind drepturile de autor din 1976, se acordă o „utilizare corectă” în scopuri precum critică, comentariu, știri, predare, burse, educație și cercetare. Utilizarea loială este o utilizare permisă de legea dreptului de autor care altfel ar putea încălca. Fiind un canal orientat către fani, acest videoclip nu are un impact negativ asupra lucrărilor originale și este destinat doar promovării acelor canale de furnizor de conținut. În plus, acest videoclip nu este de natură transformatoare. Sunt folosite doar mostre mici din videoclipurile originale și numai acolo unde este necesar. #sailingyoutubers​ #whywesail​ #croazieră cu barca cu pânze


27 thoughts on “Aceste 7 cupluri de croazieră cu barca cu pânze sunt în tendințe chiar acum – YouTuberi de navigație

  1. MJ SAILING is currently building a 42' catamaran from a kit. The build is taking place near Annapolis, Maryland. Tune in! They are just a few weeks into this multi-year project, and it will be completed almost entirely by Matt and Jessica alone.

  2. I think it is awesome showing these sailing channels and what they deal with ….. Different places they stay ect …

  3. I realize we live in the information age and can learn more than ever before about sailing without ever setting foot on a boat, BUT….the number of people buying boats and crossing oceans with literally no experience seems like a tragedy waiting to happen. I hope I'm wrong.

  4. I'm amazed how much time people are putting into these videos, each one takes a TON of time and effort. My favs: (1) Free Range Sailing (Troy and Pascale "Pasky") are great… making do on an old 31', documenting a continuous series of repairs and upgrades… very clever problem solvers, good solutions on a tight budget, they go into the details of each project… I really enjoy that. (2) Sailing Soulianis (Kirk and Lauren) are a charming & relatable couple, very practical… also very good at documenting maintenance and projects, they show the hard-stuff (70%) along with the easy-fun stuff… they really cherish the good moments, but show that the sailing life style is rarely easy.

  5. This show is about new utube sailing shows, just getting going this is a big
    Task there are so many new shows
    It's really hard to keep up with all.
    Why we Sail does an excellent job
    So don't be to hard on them
    It takes alot of time an effort to bring
    These shows
    As always Great Show
    Denny from Minnesota
    One show I highly recommend
    Feel the Breeze family
    They have over 13 thousand in
    6 months

  6. I would like to recommend the channel 'sailing yacht florence' : charismatic crew, proper sailing (Indian Ocean, Trade winds), practical info, psychological reflections about sailing life and dangers.

  7. Most of the sailing channels that I've seen appear to be mostly weekend warriors more interested in showing off their boat while getting pissed faced drunk at the marina's. My favorite channel is Sailing Yacht Florence where they actually, you know…sail around the world.

  8. Never heard of any of them before, thanks! With that said none of them appeal to me lol. I watch tiny boats with little money, I'm into channels that are having the experience I expect to have. My favs are Sam Holmes and Wind Hippie, I liked the Sailing Frenchmen until he got into racing. Love a solo sailor in a sub-30 foot boat! If you know of any channels like that I'd love to see them.

  9. Most of these suck compared to Sailing Delos or La vagabond and some are no longer sailing. This sort of sucks.

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