Mama și fiica Sailing Dream Team! – S2EP11

Mama și fiica Sailing Dream Team!  - S2EP11

În acest episod, mama mea și cu mine navighează pe primul nostru pasaj în larg, peste noapte, spre Charleston! Avem o noapte lină și calmă înainte ca vântul și valurile să se ridice dimineața și cineva are puțin rău de mare. Dacă sunteți interesat să susțineți canalul meu, vă rugăm să vizitați: De asemenea, puteți susține aventura direct prin PayPal! Urmărește-mă pe Instagram: @taylorfrancis_


46 thoughts on “Mama și fiica Sailing Dream Team! – S2EP11

  1. I’m impressed with your guts that you have Miss Taylor! One thing is for sure is I have never sailed before. Taylor I’m going to watch and learn from you, to learn as much as I can. I will likely become a patron in the near future. Learning from you will be a fair exchange, don’t you think? One suggestion I have , is tell us what your doing on the boat. For example I’m lower (the blank sail). Good luck in this the future and stay safe!

  2. Taylor you are happy, confident and clearly know what you are doing. What better way to share all this than with your mom. Happy sailing!

  3. Taylor so nice to see you and your Mom sailing together, you are such a beautiful girl and sailing ⛵️ as a professional. Love to you from South Africa 🇿🇦

  4. Many thanks for good videos. We are locked in our house and waiting something…. and there is nothing to watch on TV or NET… Suddenly and surprisingly met with your good face, human attitude and seamanship. Be careful, be safe and healthy. Dont be in ANY crowded!

  5. When I first saw the title of the video I didn't know it was you. When I heard your voice I put two and two together. I followed you and Bobby for years on Sailing Doodles. I clicked on the subscribe button and the bell. I will continue to follow your site.

  6. Hi Taylor, you are copy of your mom, and in this whole video I waited to see you in bikini and in the end realized that 1. You are with your mom 2. Its cold ….. I love you Taylor (sea you when I see you)

  7. Taylor, I just found you. You are magnificent! Always retain your confidence. You are the perfect age to pick up the challenge of life. You are living it. All the rest is BS. Trust yourself always. Check yourself at least twice on every voyage, before you depart, no matter how short or pleasant or easy it is promoted to be. Do your homework always. Trust no others. Head them, yes. Trust them no! You are the Captain.

  8. I found that a 3 dollar Walmart bucket and lid with a box of trash liners and a nice roll o TP is very handy in the cockpit on the Intercoastal./ICW. CAN I GET AN AMEN!???

  9. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🥰🥰🥰🥰OMG YOUR MOTHER IS SOOOO BEAUTIFUL 🥰🥰🥰🥰🇺🇸🇺🇸 I’m just a (FFG) 🇺🇸Friend from Georgia 🇺🇸. Clearly we all know now where Taylor has gotten her Extremely Outstanding Breathtaking ShowStoping Head turning Jaw Dropping Out Going Attitude From and that is from her Gorgeous Mother 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  10. I love your mom, Taylor. Her response to the boat's movement on the water (namely, her sea sickness) is identical to mine. I am 46 years of age and when I told my late mother that I had bought a boat she replied by calling me an "idiot". When I asked her why she called me an idiot she replied "why would you buy a boat when you get sea-sick sitting in the bath?" "We are Arabs", she added. "We do camels, not boats". I did not want to back-chat my mom but I couldn't help but point out to her that we are Lebanese (so, technically, we are NOT Arabs) and, even if we were Arabs, we do NOT have camels in Lebanon. So, in her true violent – but loving – nature, she slapped me on the back of the head (yes, she still did that eventhough I am a grown man) and told me not to be a smart arse 🙂

  11. That was a great video, it felt like I was there and your mom is so sweet. You are a strong lady to do this mostly on your own and I don't know if I could do that as I can't swim, lol. Lots of safe journeys and well wishes to you Taylor .

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