THE VOYAGE – Bark Europa navighează 10.000 de mile marine de la Ushuaia la Scheveningen

THE VOYAGE - Bark Europa navighează 10.000 de mile marine de la Ushuaia la Scheveningen

THE VOYAGE – Bark Europa navighează 10.000 de mile marine de la Ushuaia la Scheveningen În prima jumătate a anului 2020, Bark Europa a navigat fără escală din Argentina către Olanda, pe fondul izbucnirii Covid-19 și a restricțiilor internaționale în curs și a blocajelor portuare. Aceasta a fost cea mai lungă călătorie fără escală pe care a făcut-o vreodată, peste 10.000 de mile marine, pornind de la Ushuaia, în vârful sudic al Argentinei, până la portul ei de origine, Scheveningen, în Țările de Jos. Acest videoclip este o relatare de primă mână a vieții la bord în timpul acestei călătorii. Puteți citi mai multe despre această călătorie pe site-ul meu ( Subtitrările sunt disponibile în engleză, spaniolă și slovacă. Site: Instagram: Site-ul web Bark Europa: Bark Europa Instagram: Vă mulțumim pentru Bernt Folmer pentru filmările cu drone de la sosirea noastră. ( _________________________________________________ Coloana sonoră licențiată prin „Memories” de Sean Williams ( „ Aceste momente” de Ben Winwood ( „Climbing the infinity” de Dor Friedman ( „Standing „ de C3NC Music ( Videoclip de pe și _________________________________________________ 🌐 GĂSĂM-MĂ Site: Instagram: Twitter: 📷 GEAR Camere Fujifilm X-T4: Fujifilm X100V: https://amzn. la/3tA8YpQ Fujifilm X-H1: GoPro HERO9 Black – Obiective Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR: Fujinon XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR: Fujinon XF14mm F2.8 R: Fujinon XF35mmF2 R WR: Accesorii Microfon – Înregistrare sunet – /3fdGKNZ Variable ND – Hardrive – , Geantă pentru cameră –


46 thoughts on “THE VOYAGE – Bark Europa navighează 10.000 de mile marine de la Ushuaia la Scheveningen

  1. I'd give my eye teeth to sail a voyage in a tall ship, just to see one gives me one hell of a buzz.
    Great video I was with you all the way.

  2. Thank You Captain, Thank You Crew, Thank you filmmakers, and everyone else connected with telling this tale of the high seas! Absolutely riveting!

  3. My favourite thing on YouTube! Really high production values – great cameras, shots, editing, pace, music, tone, script and narration. Well done.

  4. I followed every step of this epic journey online, and it's nice to see it on video as well. A great adventure in some ways, but it must have been hard for the crew who were expecting to fly home to their friends and families. A real testament to the dedication, skill and masterful seamanship of the Europa crew (and nice to see a few familiar faces too).

  5. Amazing what yog guys did there. Great Crew and great ship. My city got 3-Masted Bark too. But she`s not ready to head out back to sea.. If you wanna visit the ship head to Stralsund:) Hopefully one day we will see both of them at sea 🙂

  6. Gracias por el video lo miro todos los dias les cuento que soy de santa fe argentina navego en rio co mi barco a motor mi sueñ0 es poder navegar con ustedes puedo colaborar en el barco si tienen un lugarcito gracias es un sueñ0

  7. What a fantastic experience for the crew! I wish my stars aligned better so that I might have been able to join you.

  8. I've just finished my first week of sailing on the Eendracht and am planning my next trip on the Bark Europa. This is a perfect introduction!

  9. A daughter of a Merchant Sailor who never wanted his little girl to go to sea. At 54 I realise I have a dream to sail, to test myself and at the very least to TRY. Life gets in the way but after watching this I know my time will come, I know I will get my chance its just a matter of timing.

    This made me cry, it was humbling and the crew were simply amazing. The narration sent shivers down my spine as did the filming. I would say this video would give anyone who wants to go on a sailing adventure a pure, no cgi, no editing just an honest view of what you can expect. Well done to everyone.

  10. Thanks for taking us along on your adventure. It’s great to see real people doing real things instead of sitting in front of a video monitor pretending to do real things.

  11. An unexpected Oddesy. I'd say one of the BEST COVID experiences in the World. Welcome home from the cruise of a Lifetime. Well Done. 🙂

  12. I heard this mentioned on the Photography Daily podcast and was intrigued. Lovely film, really enjoyed it. The voiceover was authentic, I'd say perfectly suited. You have me inspired.

  13. Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !"

    Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam."

    Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!"

    Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?…"

    Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!"

    Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky."

    Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction."

    Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?

  14. Dear Richard! A huge big thank for publishing this film from this very unique voyage. Honestly, this is my first ever long-range voyage "on" a tall ship (though I'm an experienced yacht racer. ) I've loved every moments of the film. What makes the film experience even higher is that I have had sharp memories of the fears and of thouse late-march days of 2020. We, landlocked people tried that time to get out of the scares of this sudden pandemy madness. When you set sail from Ushaia, e.g. parallel we concluded, so we would stop the continuous fear from the disease, and we had to do hiking tours to mother nature, just in order to leave the closedness behind us. Your voyage is more then rememberful and charming: bark Europa might have provided you with the safest little island on Earth. It is great to see the various moments of your onboard life, how excellently you could cooperate together. From seeing your film I was able to realize, why I loved sailing so much! Thank you and the entire crew for the experience I received with following your days. And special respect for taking thouse high seas so safely. Just seeing on screen how a big hull cuts the waves, is a breathtaking experience.

    I hope so all you are well nowadays, and I wish all the best, and the mostly fair winds to the crew and to you! The Voyage is a great film of your advanture!

  15. What an adventure. I'm sat in my van looking out over the Lincolnshire Wolds having watched your journey and it was the perfect meditation.
    I hope one day to experience something similar 🙏

  16. Me niego a morir sin haber vivido una experiencia semejante. Juro y declaro que algún día voy a ser tripulante en una travesía como esta.
    I refuse to die without having lived through such an experience. I swear that one day I will be a crew member on a voyage like this.

  17. A really fantastic film to watch as a landlubber – not something at 82 I will be doing, altho I did make 2 transAtlantic /Caribbean voyages many years ago on some of the last transatlantic liners (1962, 1968), very enjoyable, altho not something I wish to repeat ! Very courageous of all the sailors, and I am just so happy you all got back to your port safely !

  18. What an epic journey! Sailing is a tough job that only looks easy on pictures, but it's so much rewarding and unique experience. Freedom ♥️ well done Crew!

  19. I can’t believe this doesn’t have millions of views by now, so well shot and produced. Took me on an epic journey, thank you for that.

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