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229.000 USD 2005 CRUISERS 405 Express Motoryacht Croi și tur de iaht de pornire
20 thoughts on “229.000 USD 2005 CRUISERS 405 Express Motoryacht Croi și tur de iaht de pornire”
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Can’t wait to see you all in the LIVE CHAT for this PREMIERE! Should Rico and I do a LIVE Q&A in the next couple of weeks? 🤔 let me know in the comments pls 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
As with any boat its not the cost of buying it, it`s the running costs. Filling up with diesel would cost nearly £2000, then the mooring fees, refitting etc. Mind you it costs nothing to dream
That's a pretty cool nicely laid out YH. Powered correctly. I may have missed location of this yacht??
i feel kinda ripped off because the thumbnail clothes didnt match the video lol
Can you live on one of these?
She is selling a 229 k boat and dress up like a kindergarten teacher. 🥴
Đi 2 vợ chồng thì OK đi thêm với bạn bè đéo có chỗ ngủ chổ ỉa thì nhiều, bếp nhiều quá xấu ko đẹp
I watch these just to see Victoria. She's a 10 bomb
That's really nice for $229k
I am super impressed for the value/quality…a few electronic upgrades at the helm and this is a dream for the price!!!
typically, what are slip fees?
love the content and boat! just super annoying everything is compared to OURS .. makes you almost unwatchable
My favorite plus it's the U2
I like this one. Plus it's at a price point I could possible afford too, lol. I'd have to sell my house though, XD.
Beautiful boat! I can't imagine what that slip costs? Any idea?
Wished I have the money bc I would buy it in a heartbeat.
WTF is patreon?
A very good layout. How many hours did the engines work?
Very new to this. But its a dream of mine to live on a small yacht. Of course I have to when the lottery and retire first. Lol