DUGOUT CANOE BUILD – Timelapse, de Outbackmike

DUGOUT CANOE BUILD - Timelapse, de Outbackmike

Un an cu normă întreagă de construcție de canoe s-a condensat în opt minute. Am construit această canoe pentru o expediție solo de 1500 km în sus pe Marea Barieră de Corali din Australia, supraviețuind complet pe uscat și pe mare. Puteți cumpăra cartea despre asta aici; Rezervați https://outbackmike.com/product/modern-day-castaway-book/ eBook https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C656J5VN Audiobook https://open.spotify.com/show/3He3XX2JmT4SgviBLBoCeJ Voi va lansa o serie întreagă pe Youtube despre viitoarea expediție (inclusiv un videoclip de construcție mai detaliat), plus un lungmetraj și un turneu de roadshow în Australia cu filmul și canoea. Iată versiunea completă povestită a construcției de canoe; https://youtu.be/Bw4ymUo66nI Vă rugăm să vă abonați la canalul meu de YouTube dacă doriți la seria mea de expediții Surviving the Great Barrier Reef. De asemenea, puteți verifica aventurile mele anterioare pe acest canal. Vă rugăm să mă urmați pe linkurile de mai jos dacă doriți să fiți notificat când lansez lungmetrajul și datele turneului Australian Roadshow; Instagram https://www.instagram.com/outback_mike/?hl=ro Facebook https://facebook.com/Outbackmike/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Outback_Mike Site web www.outbackmike.com.au Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare: -) Salut Mike


35 thoughts on “DUGOUT CANOE BUILD – Timelapse, de Outbackmike

  1. This is really impressive, but it’s even crazier to think indigenous ancestors did this with nothing but electric Ryobi chainsaws. People were so ingenuous with so little technology 💜

  2. See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me
    And no one knows, how far it goes
    If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
    One day I'll know
    If I go, there's just no telling how far I'll go

  3. Impressive but it would have been better if you hadn't used a chainsaw. You go the distance to do everything by hand, even making a DIY Caliper, but then you threw the chainsaw in. I understand why but if you were going to the extent you did it just would have given it so much more X Factor. I understand why you did it & I completely understand.

    Just a little nitpicking on my end. Majorly impressed with how you address the minor pieces but still important. Being able to carve them out of thin air! No matter what very impressive & great job!

    Now, go make a 40 ft one! 😂😂😂😂

  4. And of course Mike, Nokomai Station was the home of Shrek the sheep that had gone a few years without shearing. Thanks for sharing. Take care mate.

  5. Made me think of Thor Heyerdahl and the Kon-Tiki, no doubt you know of this man and what he did. Sure hope you can respond to this just plain out of silly curiosity question. When I saw you install the steering rudder on the port side of the canoe I thought hum, you appear to be right hand dominant why would he do that. Since the beginning of canoe building it was put on what would be called the starboard side because of their dominant hand.
    Thinking of it I might of just answered the question I was going to ask, why did you install the rudder on the port side? Is it because the part of the world you’re from you steer a car on the left side of the road?😊 Or is it something else all together?
    Throughly throughly enjoyed your build series. Cheers!

  6. If you live on an island you should definitely know how to build this. I live in Hawaii and learned these skills from very young. I don’t “prep” because I have everything I need in nature to survive and provide for my family forever.

  7. Bellissima… Come so costruisce questo armo velico? Mi fai un disegno di come è fatto e dove vanno messe i cavi per mantenere su albero, boma e vela? Grazie. Filippo. Italia

  8. i came here from a bullshit channel that stole your videos and made this documentary about you doing things traditionally, it sucks compared to your video that's just you and no bs

  9. You are so smart and creative
    With 2 wings on both sides, it helps keep the canoe balanced when moving. You have succeeded, congratulations.

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