Umilirea Valkyre – partea 1 (bărbați care ucid femei)

Umilirea Valkyre - partea 1 (bărbați care ucid femei)

Uau, acestea sunt niște șezlonguri rezistente!


22 thoughts on “Umilirea Valkyre – partea 1 (bărbați care ucid femei)

  1. I'd also like to see them try to crawl away after getting shot or having a fellow valkyre drag them away. The police in GTA V do this

  2. If I was a Valkyrie and I was sent to the scene of a failed attack. In my mind, as I picked up every sexy, toned body that was once one of my sister in arms, I'd be thinking

    "What a dumb bitch. All she had to do was aim straight! We had every clear advantage: the numbers, the guns, the timing, the location. These useless girls all got what they deserved !" I'd think to myself as I would throw her lifeless, bikini clad body into the back of the truck we use for body retrieval like the trash she is. They would be cremated, turned back into the little nothings they always were.

    "I'm different, maybe I'll take on a whole army of marines and gangsters by myself. Dumb apes would be too distracted looking at my tits to notice me blasting their brains out!" I'd think as I would go to retrieve and dispose of another of my fallen sisters.

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