Instructorul de navigație Jon Mendez explică de ce abilitățile de pilotaj sunt încă esențiale și cum le puteți folosi pentru a intra în orice port fără a avea nevoie de ajutorul chartplotter-ului dvs. Seria noastră de videoclipuri How To vă este oferită în asociere cu ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a YBWTV acum – ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre tur, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – ► Urmărește-ne pe Facebook: ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: ► Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: ► Ce ai părut? Spune-ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Amintiți-vă să apăsați butonul de LIKE și să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut
Cum să folosiți abilitățile de pilotaj pentru a intra în orice port fără un chartplotter | Barcă cu motor și iahting

32 thoughts on “Cum să folosiți abilitățile de pilotaj pentru a intra în orice port fără un chartplotter | Barcă cu motor și iahting”
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Always learning. Thanks for this!
I learned Nav as a teen sailing the Caribbean, hardly any lights anywhere. If a green marker looked red, it just meant it had gone rusty. Real seat of the pants stuff. I used to help Don Street update his charts and cruising guides for the Leeward and Windward Isles.
Brilliant information as always. Best on youtube
Thank you for this video,so interesting plain speaking, excellent straight forward instruction,no froth and vidio was about the job in hand and not someone playing to the camara.very refreshing.thanks again
great pilotage video. thanks Jon, these are superb for us novices !
Great lesson. Thanks for posting this.
What I don't understand is how is this guy not in Guy Richie movies?
I've been boating for 50 years and I still learnt loads from this video, completely brilliant !
That was very clear and useful. Really important to pilot by the lights and not the chart plotter. I came into Padstow over Doom Bar for the first time a few years ago at 03:00. Pitch black. One of the channel boys had been moved a bit (to cater for the shifting sands on the bar presumably) and the (up to date) chart plotter would have sent me out of the channel. Possibly not by much – but I'd rather trust the local knowledge and buoyage.
And it wasn't scary at all – until I took a walk the next day and had a look at the bar at low tide…
I enjoy your vids and learn a lot – but when you say "you can see" well we cannot in the first 5 mins. Your cameraman was pointed on you for the majority of the time. At 6 mins in I finally saw the sector lights you were speaking about and after that the vid and your commentary lined up far better. * mins and onwards again we saw you not what you were speaking about.
Yet another informative and engaging video from Jon Mendez. Thanks again Jon!
Pilotage? what?
Great idea and useful, except that the videographer keeps focussing and showing John! For gawds sake, when you are trying to show something happening that is important and ISN’T the face of the presenter, please don’t focus on the person but instead focus on the thing (like the lights from a distance away) and let the presenter overdub. It was incredibly annoying and useless to have John talking about what he’s seeing, how interesting it was – and the videographer slavishly shoots John! So great idea, but please change the videography.
Do you use a special handheld compass?!
Always great information Jon. Thanks.
Heck I know captains that do that all the time in there home ports Geez they way some of them drive can scare the hell outta a person… But 20 or 30 years of doing the same thing makes it easy…. But this was a great confidence builder for those little ports I would love to go see and now I am not to nervous to do it in the dusk.. BRILLIANT!
Thank you John! Excellent educational how to video as always!
Superb training, I have been nervous about night pilotage and this helps enormously. Thank you.
Excellent video
Very good video, it would be an idea if the camera was facing forward so we could see what you see thank you
Only criticism it would of been very informative if the camera was focused on what you were looking I at from your point of view instead of focussing on yourself the majority of the time , good video otherwise
On entering Dartmouth the 6 knot speed limit starts at Castle Ledge Buoy, the green starboard hadn't mark you passed when saying that you hadn't entered the speed limit area. Check your chart, check the pilotage directions and check the harbour handbook. In the area inshore of Castle Ledge Buoy you frequently encounter children in canoes and on paddle boards. There are also crab pot markers which at the speed you were doing doesn't give you enough time to react so you'll end up with a rope round your prop or a fisherman with lost gear. This video is very irresponsible and entering any harbour in reduced visibility at the speed you were doing is almost criminal. This video should be deleted as it sets an appalling example to all recreational boaters.
Just wondering about magnetic variation. When flying we have to factor variation in our navigation, is it still a factor when navigating boats? Great video John.
I love this man for his knowledge, accuracy and his marvelous English!
Thank you for the coming into harbour lesson.
Amazing…that was fascinating…I like the attitude that the plotter is a safety net and marine skills are to the fore…
just like flying Rnav strobe is am radio morse….
even if you are not a flier or boater it is good to understand this stuff … if you were to need a to navigate from a crash or forced downing it might mean the difference in living and dying!! he does such a splendid job of execution and explaining the topics…..
I’d admire what your doing but not being a boater myself as much as I would like to be.
I think this bit to much to take in or maybe its because I don’t understand it all.
But really enjoyable watching you.
Don’t think a sectored light is pilotage. Last time I went into Dartmouth I was running head marks and stern marks on the castles.
Very informative videos
Very interesting but t’would be much better to see more of what you’re talking about and less if you. We can still hear you so no need to keep cutting away. I barely saw your pilot plan long enough because the camera kept cutting back to you for much longer
Han it was on the plan. Same goes for lights etc. A clear view without worrying about keeping you in the frame would be better.
Thanks though.
wondered if you have corrected your compass and produced a correction card. Or is the compass close enough that you are able to use magnetic bearings from the chart. Good video!