Traversarea oceanului într-o barcă externă: povestea lui Al Grover

Traversarea oceanului într-o barcă externă: povestea lui Al Grover

Al Grover și fiii săi s-au luptat împotriva unui uragan monstruos, aproape de înec, probleme de combustibil și epuizare, în drumul lor către câștigarea unui record mondial Guinness pentru a fi prima barcă cu motor extern care a traversat Atlanticul. Omul și mașina împotriva oceanului. Alăturați-vă nouă când îl vizităm pe Grover în casa lui din Freeport, NY pentru a auzi povestea sa incredibilă direct. Navigatorii din întreaga lume găsesc inspirație în povestea lui Al Grover, acum în vârstă de 94 de ani, care a fost prima persoană care a traversat Atlanticul cu o ambarcațiune cu motor exterior. Astăzi, suntem mândri să vă prezentăm întreaga poveste din spatele aventurii sale epice. Obțineți povestea completă aici:


39 thoughts on “Traversarea oceanului într-o barcă externă: povestea lui Al Grover

  1. A great story as brave as Lindbergh. As far as bilge pump discharge issue, put a loop in the hose above the discharge outlet. Going to the Bahamas I've put four 5-gallon gas cans on the swim platform in Rubbermaid totes for extra fuel. Refueling in six-foot seas was kind of sporty. Met a guy near Marsh Harbour in a cruiser that had so much fuel in a bladder he couldn't get on a plane. Fun times.

  2. I've spent 20 years living aboard and cruising the Caribbean and the Atlantic, and men like this are the mainstay of our world. "Wooden ships and iron men" indeed… we may build better boats, but not stronger men.

    I've sailed a lot of blue water, been out in Gulf Stream with waves breaking over my boat, had 4 hurricanes pass directly over me… every word he said reminded me of life on the water, and makes me miss it even more than I usually do.

  3. Awesome story but was not first To do that.
    1970 2 teenagers from Finland did same with 5m Long Marino mustang.
    Without almost any preparations.
    Trip from Dakar To guana take 47 days and boat tip over once.

  4. I am a sailboat guy myself but god what a great story, and a great man too it looks like. It wasn't mentioned, but it looks like from the pictures that he was a WWII veteran as well. An Airborne soldier? Thanks for telling a part of his story!

  5. Dan should’ve let him tell the story. Quit telling him to jump ahead. Patience listening then edit later, meanwhile close the mouth.

  6. Summer 85, São Miguel island, in the small marina of the nautical club? I was 12 then. I was swimming there, near your boat. And we changed some words there…your visit was a small event back then.

  7. 2x 60hp engines (used one at a time) were far too big and inefficient, he could have used a 15hp engine to get 8mph at hull speed and used a quarter of the fuel.

  8. Totally love this guy and his courage and ingenuity! Would love to meet him for beers and stories sometime? Dont know if i have the gonads to jump on 18' outboard and head across Atlantic Ocean?

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