Omul care coboară cu nava lui? #pantaloni scurti

Omul care coboară cu nava lui?  #pantaloni scurti

Omul care coboară cu nava lui? #pantaloni scurti


46 thoughts on “Omul care coboară cu nava lui? #pantaloni scurti

  1. For all those shouting give help, it's a lot more difficult than you imagine. That is a 5 ton boat stuck in the sand so a very powerful tug would be needed to drag it to deeper water. A small craft could sink by being pulled backward when the yacht gets slammed by a wave.

  2. What we really needed to see, was someone, and this man, getting that boat out if trouble, so we can all learn something

  3. Maritime law that you help stranded mariners . Or at least contact the Coast Guard and have life preservers ready for deployment if needed !

  4. I am a mariner and I shipped for 22 years and I have had a license for 45 years I would on that boat with that man helping him out and mabe pumping the bilge get a generator running something! But to go past without doing anything to help you should never be allowed to own a boat.

  5. Everyone is hovering around waiting to claim salvage rights.
    Most of those rubber-neckers would throw you both ends of a rope.

  6. That goes against all boaters rule. Instead of helping. Making an evil laugh. The ocean is a bitch.and it never forgets. I’ll tell u that much

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