5.300.000 USD 2020 SUNREEF 70 SAIL „Ocean Vibes” Tur cu catamaran de lux cu iaht

5.300.000 USD 2020 SUNREEF 70 SAIL „Ocean Vibes” Tur cu catamaran de lux cu iaht

Acest iaht este de vânzare: https://bit.ly/nautistyles Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys https://bit.ly/3yPe1Z5 Suntem atât de încântați să vă aducem un tur de iaht Nautistyles de lux cu catamaran de lux în Hull nr. 1 Primul 2020 SAILREEF 2020 construit în valoare de 5.300,00 USD, numit „Ocean Vibes”. Cred că acesta ar putea fi doar modelul meu personal preferat de catamaran Sunreef până în prezent. Alertă de spoiler: am „prins” câteva caracteristici interesante de design pentru NBBL (New Boat Build List) și ne-am bucurat foarte mult să explorăm acest frumos catamaran de lux. Prova masivă este de moarte, spațiul flybridge-ului este cu siguranță special și, deoarece acest aspect special de iaht are Galeria în jos, va fi distractiv să-l comparăm cu celelalte modele de iahturi Sunreef pe care le-am vizitat deja. „Ocean Vibes” are câteva tușe frumoase personalizate și lui Rico i-a plăcut foarte mult mobilierul din Salon. Care model de catamaran cu vele Sunreef este preferatul tău? Mai multe excursii cu catamaran: https://bit.ly/3v8gUQd Spune-mi ce părere ai despre ea în comentarii 👇🏼 Mulțumiri imense @WorthAvenueYachts și ANTONIO BELLI pentru că ne-au permis să explorăm pe cont propriu. Interesat de acest iaht? Listare și contact: https://bit.ly/nautistyles //CUMPĂRAȚI LOOK-UL MEU: Rochie: https://amzn.to/3wiDwO8 Pălărie: https://amzn.to/2T9H33e //MĂRĂMÂNȚE PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, DISTRIBUȚIUNI ȘI SUBS! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!! 🙂 #SUNREEF #Catamaran #YachtTour Aceasta nu este procedura ta obișnuită! Nu facem turnee plictisitoare, monotone, de tip voiceover! Acest canal înseamnă să te distrezi și să nu te iei prea în serios în timp ce verifici cele mai tari iahturi de acolo. //INSCRIEȚI-VĂ ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: https://www.patreon.com/NautiStyles //URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nautistyles/ ○ Blog: https://nautistyles.com/index.html ○ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NautiStyles/ -//CAMERA GOOZAR/ -//S0j3 ○ Dronă – https://amzn.to/38wLj1y ○ Microfoane wireless – https://amzn.to/2FE0XNq ○ Microfoane cu fir – https://amzn.to/345jjQT ○ Card SD – https://amzn.to/3j76sSv – https://amzn.to/3j76sSv – https://amzn.to/3j76sSv – https://amzn.to/345jjQT – https://amzn.to/3j76sSv – https://amzn. zn.to/3dzBotx //SUBSCRIBE AICI: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRft… //WATCH NEXT: ○ Mai multe iahturi ECO https://bit.ly/2SRQ68R ○ Yacht-uri de croi la prețuri accesibile https://bit.ly/3bvKJ5w 0:1:06 Fly Exterior 1:06 17:36 Interior 22:14 Cabine pentru oaspeți 30:48 Sala motoare 31:56 Specificații 32:45 Ieșiri Mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot oferi în continuare conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!


32 thoughts on “5.300.000 USD 2020 SUNREEF 70 SAIL „Ocean Vibes” Tur cu catamaran de lux cu iaht

  1. Thanks for all your comments everyone, I'm reading all of them and trying to respond to as many as I can 💙🙏🏻

  2. Of course every boat has storage… You don’t need to open up everything … That would cut about ? eight minutes out of your video … Get them down to 13 minutes

  3. Awesome presentation, it's always so much fun and full of information. Would love you to do a video about the pro's and con's of Monon Hull say about 80ft explorer type boat and a comparable Power Catamaran. Would really like to hear your thoughts.

  4. Please interview Tony Collins the owner and founder of Eoncoat. He knows boats after living on a 58 ft Hatteras for 5 years. He traveled the world rebuilding turbines before founding Eoncoat. A ceramic primer that is green. Antimicrobial and fire resistant and prevents corrosion for 20 plus years

  5. Fell like this one checks a lot of boxes in what you were looking in a charter vessel to buy. Cabins for 10 + 2 crew simular to your Bering 75. Perhabs that was your second choise. Looks great

  6. Difficult to tell why people like it if in big storm it can be easily torn to be upside down or broken in two parts if frame not from metal .

  7. What a great surprise ! A Sunreef !!! With you it's Bering or Sunreef…
    You don't have any credibility. You're just boat dealers. No critics. Nothing. Just slaves serving masters… 🤮🤮🤮

  8. Does anyone ever get the feeling that Victoria and Rico are really casing the place by looking in every damn storage thing?😅😅😅;);)

  9. If you have solar panels on your boat to charge your batteries and no longer have the ability to get fuel, you can still go places, mainly back home or stuck out in the middle of a empty ocean without seeing another boat for days or weeks. I have never been a sail boat fan before in my 50 plus years of life until about two years ago when I watched several of your sail boat videos and I quickly seen the benefits of having one. Because if it's a ocean class type of boat then there is not many places you cannot go visit. That's why I wanted to comment to say thank you, for you two for getting me to love the sailing part of boating. It has alot of pros and a short list of cons. I think if you could have a telescoping pole in your bearing boat you're having built in 2023 here then your new boat could virtually go anywhere without fuel providing you also have solar panels along with a large battery bank with electric motor for like a wing engine. I have to wonder what it truly costs for buying all the different lengths of very strong ropes that you must have to operate all the sails. I bet that dents the pocket a little bit. Then cost of the sails themselves. Maybe one day you can share with us the real cost of buying them and how important it is to not buy the cheapest one you find. Because you really want to get quality sails and ropes that will work best getting you to your adventures and returning you back home. I love you both, great videos and remember that each morning before you leave your house you need to tell your family how much you love them. Because anything can happen during the day. Share Love and Kindness Plus Compassion for everyone. An you will have a very blessed day yourself. I know it works.

  10. NOT a fan of the lower galley. It's 2a and I wanna snack, so I'm gonna need to wake the crew to grab a sandwich? OR, it's an August afternoon in Florida, and there's a horrible tropical storm blowing through, I'm gonna starve before I wanna get soaked to grab some dinner. Not a fan. Also, There seems no way to enclose the flybridge helm, so you'll be constantly exposed to the elements. This is a fair-weather vessel, at best.

  11. Worst boats to work on. They're rich. But they're not Rich rich. So they feel the need to show you and others they are rich to become more rich. Horrible work environment. The 1% are by far the best to work for.

  12. Again very relaxing and more entertaining to watch than your typical German movie produced by Degeto. Also her fashion style seems to be nauti or nautical in a very positive way.😅😊

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