După vânturi puternice și o zi puternică la ancoră, avem un tender furat și câteva zile destul de interesante! Prindem un pui de baracudă, facem o pâine delicioasă pentru barcă, luăm o navigare minunată către un mic golf uimitor, unde ne putem relaxa sub frumosul soare marocan și ne putem întâlni cu Guardia, totul se întâmplă cu echipajul Pickle. săptămână! Următorul episod primim mai mult „ajutor” Guardia și suntem escortați în portul de agrement din Melilla! Avem negocieri și în sfârșit explorăm orașul uimitor înainte de a ne întoarce pe coasta spaniolă continentală. Mulțumiri masive dragilor noștri patroni care ne ajută să facă totul posibil! Dacă vă plac episoadele noastre, vă rugăm să luați în considerare să ne susțineți, ne place să vă împărtășim aventurile noastre și chiar ajută la ca toate acestea să fie posibile! Urcați la bord la http://www.patreon.com/sailingpicklefamily. Ne puteți găsi și pe Facebook și Instagram. http://www.facebook.com/sailingpicklefamily http://www.facebook.com/chris.sailingpickle.79 http://www.facebook.com/beaupickle http://www.instagram.com/sailingpickle http: //www.instagram.com/chrissailingpickle http://www.instagram.com/beaupickle http://www.tiktok.com/nickypiccalilli http://www.tiktok.com/beaupickle Câteva muzică de www.bensound.com
Ep 44 Navigație și aventuri cu scufundare slabă de-a lungul coastei africane
25 thoughts on “Ep 44 Navigație și aventuri cu scufundare slabă de-a lungul coastei africane”
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25:08 nice booty ! 😆
You beutiful woman
Very beutiful
It's not nuts and bolt, it's twig and berries.
the most beautiful and brave woman in the world
Do all of you miss 🇬🇧
Family nudism ❤
23:15 that's a big spread of food
Bear, you are a nudist through and through. Good for you!! Papa and I live in our 38-foot RV in a nudist resort. It's a lot of fun cause we don't have to wear clothes all day long. I have been watching every episode and I am a big fan of your family. Love your accents. I dig your tattoos too, the color is awesome. I bet they each mean something. I got three tattoos when i was 15. One for my dad, my mom, and my little brother. Tattoos and nakedity are always welcome in my book. But, naked or not I will always watch your channel. You have a great family. Mr. Chris, you really ought to wear shoes. Beau, omg you are very pretty. When are you going to help with helm duty at night?
I suppose this is what our world is coming to
Cute boy
i like see this tattoo on our mothers underbelly, its nice, and she has her appendix still inside is it right
Nikki are beau and bear 🐻 homeschooling
Is there a bathroom on the sailboat I've never been on a sailboat
As an impressionist myself gotta love that awesome British accent I know it has nothing to do with video but I do love your sailboat makes me want to take out my sunfish
Muchas felicidades familia, me encanta cómo disfrutan
Awesome times & memories being made! Love nudism – especially skinny-dipping!
Look like yous guys are freezing your asses off.
23:23 Hermosa elección SEXTEEN.UNO
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
10:10 Hopi:
11:12 Sun:
00:18 Joonie:
18:00 Yoongy:
23:23 Son unos de los mejores conciertos
mañas no se la
Las elecciones cinematográficas y artísticas son brillantes. Referencias culturales europeas realmente interesantes. Ojalá la cultura europea se representara más a menudo tan bellamente. No puedo dejar de decir "oh, esto es hermoso" a lo largo del video. Luz, en serio… el que se encargue de la iluminación, genial
Come to India folks. It would be amazing to have you guys here.
I was wondering It would be really cool to see Both of your kids skinny-dipping That would be very neat to see
You move the camera way too fast At 25 30 And I wish her daughter was Skinny-dipping I wish everybody was naked8
Are you full time boaters
How old are you mom ❓️