Navigam către un adevărat PARADIS al verii! – Ep. 256 RAN Sailing

Navigam către un adevărat PARADIS al verii!  - Ep.  256 RAN Sailing

Alăturați-vă echipajului RAN Sailing ~ pentru streamuri live, conținut exclusiv și multe altele Suntem un cuplu suedez care au navigat prin lume din 2016 în timp ce împărtășesc aventurile aici pe YouTube. În 2019 s-a născut fiica noastră și ne-am cumpărat o barcă mai mare pentru a continua navigația în familie. CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI – Website: – Instagram: – Facebook: PRODUSE & CAMERA ECHIPAMENT: https:// Am adunat câteva dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și pentru a realiza videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru, primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: 00:04 Away for Too Long (Versiune instrumentală) – Torii Wolf 02:43 Meet Me in There – RaFa Sessions 08:03 In Bloom (Versiune instrumentală) – Victor Lundberg 09: 18 Vera, Where Will You Be – Sami Kritzer (nu din Epidemic Sound) 10:16 Nick Nacks – Martin Landstrom 11:04 Hopes and Beams – RaFa Sessions 13:51 In the Cold Night – William Benckert Love, Malin, Johan & Vera


39 thoughts on “Navigam către un adevărat PARADIS al verii! – Ep. 256 RAN Sailing

  1. Wow, that's beautiful. Nice to be back in the water, ooh and that cinnamon bun does sound and look delicious. You had some great fun on the bikes, awesome, what a gorgeous Island and that guys house with the signs was unique. Thanks for another great vlog. 🙂

  2. Hi. Wonderful pictures & videos! But you who "honked" around much of the earth, when & where did you last hear "Göken"? ("cuckoo" bird)

  3. Vera looks to be growing considerably. Love that you have your channel so close to "real time". Thanks for making great quality videos.

  4. Another uplifting video to enjoy before bedtime! Always so relaxing and a great way to de stress, after watching the latest news!

  5. Loved that sign on the shed "Kiwi next 1200 Km” Im a Kiwi , never seen a sign like that here, they are a very protected bird here now as imported predators have wrecked havoc on them and a most of the native species . On the upside much is been done to reverse that trend . Really enjoy your videos they broaden our horizons to be sure 🙂

  6. How about a cook book from RAN sailing. Your food looks really fun to a land locked Wyomingite🤠

  7. Kosteröarna is really nice. Personally I prefer Nordkoster.
    Been to that hill. We had an IOTA amatuer radio expedition there some 9 years ago.

  8. FYI, Eps.256 was only available in Hawai'i 6/20/2021@ 10:46a.m. I had checked in the evening 19th. with no new up-dates. U-tube shows it available 2-days ago. 🤔
    Anyways 👍

  9. Another fantastic video. Your story telling about the things you come across is so informative. Love it!!

  10. That bike scene was great and it must have been difficult to film. He's like a Hollywood pro cameraman!! Vera is so coming alive in personality.. oh the jazzy music during the bike ride was perfect .. fun !!

  11. 😀😀😀 Happy Mother's Day in Sweden. The 20th, yesterday was Father's Day in the US and I had the first lobster dinner in a year … a Father's Day gift from my daughter in Seattle…(money transfer to me to go out and buy) .. I bought a miniature Orchid with a magenta lobster looking form on its petals. And I sold a painting of my new style !!! Yea!! What a great Father's Day !!! EnJoy your times and especially the simple pleasures in life.

  12. Vera is so well behaved. When I was her age, I was throwing things, uprooting plants, digging holes, pulling cat tails, and vomiting on everyone. Peak fun! It's been downhill ever since…

  13. Such great informative, harmonious videoes. Such amazing family.Vera will be tall for sure. I learn so much about sweden. Thank you. Tourist office should pay you for all great info.

  14. when i was up in north dakota and Alaska i could deal with cold water but now that i have been in south texas water that is less than 80 degrees f is cold

  15. We enjoyed this much, as Malin enjoyed her cinnamon bun! Speaking of that,…"Yes mom I am eating this dandelion, You had a cinnamon bun, and I had a bag chips, hummmm, I wonder if those purple flowers are tasty". Safe travels!

  16. its is so beautiful there, I hope one day i can come to visit Europe again. I very much enjoy seeing picture of your country

  17. A Island with only 100 people, no cars. When can I move there is the question I'm asking myself. Perfect. So Beautiful. Vera has a wonderful life to grow up in. God Bless You.

  18. It looks like you have an air bubble in your compass; hopefully it is the fillable type when you turn it upside down!

  19. For anyone living outside of Sweden planning of visiting i can say that Summer in Sweden is so perfect its amazing. Beautiful nature, lakes near wherever you go in the country, you can camp, pick berries and mushrooms freely. It's called Allemansrätten, I'm guessing our neighbors also have that law.
    I would highly recommend Stockholm, Gotland (Visby), Northern Sweden and Falkenberg. there is a lot more places that are amazing though.

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