Este mai mult decât un acvariu imens! Plimbați-vă cu mine în Oceanografic din Valencia, situat lângă Orașul Artelor și Științelor. Vino și plimbă-te cu mine.
VALENCIA ~Oceanografic ~ SPANIA #oceanografic #valencia #spania

5 thoughts on “VALENCIA ~Oceanografic ~ SPANIA #oceanografic #valencia #spania”
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Nice video, thanks for sharing
Obrigada por compartilhar!
I just got back from Spain and took a trip to the oceanographic. It was insane how big it is. I managed to see everything i wanted to and still didnt see everything. I was there for just about 2 hours.
Yo oceanografic it’s great and
Did you know ocenografic is the biggest aquarium on Europe
The park is big you need to walk outside long time seeing almost nothing (hearing cars)