Diferența dintre zi și noapte | Navigand St Croix

Diferența dintre zi și noapte |  Navigand St Croix

Am navigat în St. Croix cu o misiune mare, să scufundăm Frederiksted Pier. În primul rând, începem prin a remedia aparatul nostru de apă care a fost scos din funcțiune de aproape un an. Apa dulce, este cea mai importantă resursă de pe Saoirse. Pe vremea când nu aveam un filtru de apă, fiind capabil să obținem apă a determinat unde ar trebui să mergem mai departe. Dar noi nu știam nicio diferență, așa că nu a fost așa de mare lucru. Dar odată ce ai unul, poate fi o provocare să te adaptezi la bidon. Al nostru a fost scos din funcțiune de aproximativ un an. După un diagnostic greșit; Beau începe în sfârșit să reconstruiască pompa de înaltă presiune. Sperăm că acest lucru va face șmecheria! St. Croix, una dintre cele trei insule care formează Insulele Virgine americane. Este considerată a fi cea mai subestimată insulă dintre cele trei, probabil pentru că este puțin mai departe de ajuns. Dar scufundările de aici sunt printre cele mai bune din lume. Frederiksted Pier este unul dintre acele locuri. Din cauza pandemiei, navele de croazieră nu au mai fost în port de foarte mult timp, lăsând natura să facă treaba. Este cel mai vibrant coral pe care l-am văzut până în prezent. Am profitat de ocazie pentru a face și prima noastră scufundări de noapte acolo. Sper ca iti place! MULTE mulțumiri tuturor patronilor noștri minunați, http://bit.ly/BB-Patreon, care chiar dau peste cap și ajută la realizarea acestor videoclipuri. dragoste mare, Beau + Brandy #beauandbrandy #frederikstedpier #stcroix ––––––––––––– –––––––––––– -AJUTAȚI LA SPRIȚINĂ PRODUCȚIA- Alăturați-vă Patreon-ului nostru: http:/ /bit.ly/BB-Patreon Donație o singură dată prin Paypal: http://bit.ly/one-time-donation-bb Asigurați-vă că sunteți abonat: https://www.youtube.com/c/sailingsaoirse Lista de dorințe Amazon : https://bit.ly/beauandbrandywishlist -SWAG- https://sailingsaoirse.com/shop/ -MUSIC- Epidemic Sound este locul în care găsim toată muzica noastră. Probă gratuită de 30 de zile: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/mxtzxe/ -LES BE SOCIAL- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beauandbrandy Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sailingsaoirse -ECHIPAMENTUL NOASTRE ÎN FOLOSIM- camera principală: https://amzn.to/2lm2bSY go pro camera: https://amzn.to/3hMxf5C cameră de rezervă: https://amzn.to/2l8e3ry Waterproof Dry Back Pak: https: //amzn.to/2VICYkH setare electrică*: controler: https://amzn.to/2lm7hP7 motor electric: https://amzn.to/2ZnLfvN controler motor: https://amzn.to/3getpSw ____________________________________ *Acest canal este un participant la Programul de afiliere Amazon. Ajutați-ne să câștigăm puțin fără niciun cost pentru dvs., doar faceți clic pe unul dintre linkurile noastre Amazon înainte de a verifica. Marcaje de timp: 00:00 Repararea aparatului de apă 04:02 Paddleboard la scuba 05:39 Scuba dive la Frederiksted Pier 09:48 Pregătirea pentru o scufundare de noapte 11:20 Caesar Salad Recipe 15:38 Ce am văzut în scufundarea noastră de noapte 23: 02 bloops


37 thoughts on “Diferența dintre zi și noapte | Navigand St Croix

  1. Ok, I won't lie I think you're both crazy, BUT I also love that you did something I could never do. The thought of being in the water at night terrifies me but the things you showed us were … epic. Thank you so much for this episode, I look forward to more dives.

  2. Brandy, you are brave mama!! I bet it was beautiful but for me, I couldn't do it at night. I'm happy you guys are exploring so much of the beautiful seas!! Love you guys!❤

  3. In my younger years in Bermuda, we used to find seahorses hiding amongst the seaweed, often so camouflaged they were very hard to spot.

  4. It took me forever to get my first seahorse. Many, many dives. Then I take my son out on his first official dive after certification and he finds 2 of them. Good luck in your search!

  5. Hey! We live 1 mile from the Lea and Perrins bottling plant in Worcester (England of course). – it's Pe-rrins not Purrrns! We love the way you say Parmazzhhaan not Parmezan! Can you say Basil in the next episode? American pronunciations are so funny to hear! We loved this episode and particularly Beau's cool wink when saying 'It's about convenience'. Thumbs-up as usual.

  6. night dives are always easy (and shallow) – if its otherwise, stop the dive and dive some other place and time… night dives are the best

  7. Water maker for just drinking water and cooking and rain collection for everything else should be the simple set up that way you only really need 2 gallons potable per day. Glad you got it fixed , crazy part prices!
    Cheers Warren

  8. So glad for your awesomely epic night dive! The anenome that you saw on the way back was a ghost anenome. Super cool! Basket starfish look VERY different from brittle starfish, although they are related. (Look up Basket Starfish and you will see how different they are. Basket stars can be about 2 ft when open, or just look like a tangle when closed. ) Awesome episode!!

  9. Welcome to the Island. I have seen the seahorses under the pier. The ones I have seen were hanging on to small pieces of plant life on the bottom. They are hard to see because they blend in so well. I hope you get to see one while your here. The octopus hide very well in holes primarily around a clump of rocks. If you see a pile of shells, look closely because they use them to cover themselves. Every once in a while you will see them traveling along the bottom.

  10. I'm sorry to disappoint you but what you use has nothing to do with Parmigiano (as it is written), they are products that "copy" the names of Italian products but are not Italian.

  11. Worcester is weird, it's pronounced wuster (the U sound like as in wood) …….. yeah we do odd things with place names in the UK. Sorry.

  12. Yay a watermaker! 👍👏
    Seeing a sea horse would be epic, like the bioluminescence! Hope you see one soon! I share that excitement!

    You are so brave swimming over there in the dark! 😱

  13. So ironic that we were just there! Our latest episode, we hung out on the dock waiting to get onto Lyric Sails, but the huge squall ruined everything. We didn't realize that the dock went that far out! Back to your dive! Love all of the beautiful colors during the day, but I don't know how you had the courage to jump in at night and swim over there! No way would Ally do that! Crazy. But super cool. Thanks for another awesome video!

  14. Just curious, did ya’ll get a new floating home? I thought ya’ll were talking about it, a few videos back, but couldn’t tell if u were talking about now or when u first bought Cersha??? I know I spelled it wrong- 😢
    Landlocked in Nashville, TN.

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