Croaziera MSC Virtuosa | Capitolul 4 | Tur la Yacht Club, noapte albă și apusuri de soare. Alăturați-vă mie în ultima zi a croazierei mele într-una dintre primele călătorii din Marea Britanie de peste un an. Un tur complet al Yacht Club, inclusiv prânzul și cina, toate îmbrăcate după tema Nopții Albe și apusuri frumoase. Nu uitați să dați like și să vă abonați; turul cu cabină și turul complet al navei vor veni foarte curând, ca să nu mai vorbim de o croazieră prințesă pe Regal Princess, nou-nouțul Iona de la P&O și Virgin’s Scarlet Lady, toată această vară! #croaziera #mscvirtuosa #cruiseship #travel #travelblogjamie
MSC Virtuosa Cruise Yacht Club & White Night | capitolul 4

10 thoughts on “MSC Virtuosa Cruise Yacht Club & White Night | capitolul 4”
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Chapter 4 on the horizon; last day onboard MSC Virtuosa and you won't want to miss how the other half live in the Yacht Club! Premiering on Saturday 26 June 2021 at 8am BST!
It all looks so 'lovely' Jamie. Glad you had a good cruise. I have 550 days to wait until my next cruise and it seems like For Ever. Thanks for sharing your happy days.
Excited for chapter 4!

Those views are stunning!
I think I'd have to book Yacht club if I ever cruised with MSC, it looks great and the buffet seems to have more finesse. I love a crisp Sauvignon blanc, especially a Marlborough. Great video, I've enjoyed Victoria's guest appearances.
Thank you for sharing this amazing series! The MSC Virtuosa is beautiful! It looks like you had such a great time and alway, always, always, have the late night snacks.

Fab! Get me to that Yacht Club
I’m not too posh for a cheeseburger 

Not having this mocking of northerners mind. Vastly superior to southerners. Poor Victoria
Two empty plates that you don't remember LOL! How fab is the Yacht Club, we definitely need to co-ordinate a future experience, we loved it too! Your accent does need a bit of work
Great vlog!
Hey Jamie, did you the extra cost of Yacht Club are truly worth it? We're already booked on a September trip and have been offered to bid for an upgrade, but undecided on it!