Sailing Salty în St Croix | Beau and Brandy Sailing

Sailing Salty în St Croix |  Beau and Brandy Sailing

St Croix din Insulele Virgine este cea mai mare dintre USVI-urile și scufundările de aici sunt o atracție și o atracție uriașă. Avem o vele umedă sărată în jurul insulei de la Fredriksted până la orașul geamăn Christensted, schimbând velele de cap pe drum. Odată ce ajungem la Christensted, suntem invitați să ieșim cu SCUBA pe barca lor pentru a face scufundări în THE WALL și Turquoise Bay, alias Turtle Airport. Încheiem ziua cu o întâlnire pe Saoirse cu niște Keto Pizza și un film în groapa noastră. SCUBA: mare dragoste, Beau + Brandy #beauandbrandy #thewall #stcroix ––––––––––– –––––––––––––––AJUTĂ LA SUSȚINEREA PRODUCȚIEI- Alăturați-vă Patreon-ului nostru: Donație o singură dată prin Paypal: Asigurați-vă că sunteți abonat: com/c/sailingsaoirse Lista de dorințe Amazon: -SWAG- -MUSIC- Epidemic Sound este locul în care găsim toată muzica noastră. Probă gratuită de 30 de zile: -LES BE SOCIAL- Instagram: Facebook: -ECHIPAMENTUL NOASTRE ÎN FOLOSIM- camera principală: go pro camera: cameră de rezervă: Waterproof Dry Back Pak: https: // setare electrică*: controler: motor electric: controler motor: ____________________________________ *Acest canal este un participant la Programul de afiliere Amazon. Ajutați-ne să câștigăm puțin fără niciun cost pentru dvs., doar faceți clic pe unul dintre linkurile noastre Amazon înainte de a verifica.


20 thoughts on “Sailing Salty în St Croix | Beau and Brandy Sailing

  1. So good to see you both wear safety vests when you're at sea. I see so many who think safety is optional.

  2. The moment you say "we may want to put in a reef" PUT IN A REEF – that is one lesson this sailing channel surfer has learned!
    When you get to 13k feet is that when you start to offer your regulator to the fishies?

  3. Awesome sail. hard to tell wether you jibing or tacking. Fun to watch. The underwater shots ….gorgeous. Thanks Beau and Brandy..oh yea, prop guards might a good idea…ouch!

  4. Enjoyed the sailing, sail handling, jibing. The dive pictures were great! Also, the pizza looked top chef !!! Thanks

  5. I don't want to be the one to cure your enthusiasm. Nonetheless, I'm not so sure you won that 1st round on the judges score card!? 1:40 Ha! Thanx for sharing the Adventures! <3 😉

  6. random but.. i dont know if you guys have watched the series "The 100" but Beau reminds me of lincoln in that show lol… thanks for the uploads, and stay safe!!

  7. I've said it before and I'll say it again … you guys do more ACTUAL sailing than most of the other cruising channels. (at least the ones I watch lol)

  8. So now that storm season is here. How have you handled this in the past and how this year?
    Now on electric. Solar,to the batteries shore power to the batteries. Motor battery/ batteries. House battery/batteries. How are things fused and where. DC distribution. Types of loads.. DC to AC distribution.
    How you switch your running light anchor light, interior lighting at night.
    I didn't ask for a schematic but if you got it why not. Do you have color codes for wires. Numbers.
    Motor type,size,drive and control systems.
    Thank you

  9. Great video. Good to see you sailing. Hope the head injuries heal soon!. We recently in St Croix and this video brings back good memories!

  10. Hi Beau and Brandy, I have a question! My question is : Do you have a printer aboard the boat, and if you do what type is it and do you like it? I thought you mentioned it once in regard to printing out forms for customs. My boyfriend and I are going cruising in October and thought it might be a necessary purchase. Thanks! 😁

  11. He guys, really love your video's. I also like to eat more keto when on the water, provides a much more stable type of energy for me 🙂. One suggestion if I may 😇:
    Would be great if you did some more plant based recipes in your video's 🙂🙂🙂. Good for the animals, good for the planet, good for us 🥰.

    Please keep them video's coming, wish you fair winds! 🐣🐷🐮🐳

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