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Acest lucru îți va SALVA VIAȚA! – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 181

24 thoughts on “Acest lucru îți va SALVA VIAȚA! – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 181”
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Beautiful Brittany

God bless you guys on your passage 

Smart move using a MOB device! Make sure you guys wear your auto inflate life jackets when you are alone at the helm.
Gotta slow the boat down when fish on.
Nice safety focus. But I wonder why your kid has a black safe west. Why not a bright colour? Wouldn´t it be easier to find if he by accident falls into the water?
Anyway. Thanks for another nice video!
It's so great watching Rhyse grow up from an infant til now
Slow the boat when you hook up. And you'll catch more.
Your fishing problem is the boat is working against you. Your fighting the fish and the force of the boat pulling against you so your double fighting
You need a bigger rod and a reel with lower gearing
Just turn into the wind a bit when you hook up. You need to slow the boat to about 2 knots to bring in those fish….
You gotta set the hook once the fish is on. Aka give the rod a swift upward jerk with the reel locked. Then unlock the reel and reel it in.
You keep pulling the hook out of the fishes mouth. You can not pull like that and keep the fish. Slow down and then reel it in. You will increase your catch ration dramatically. Good luck.
I have never found fishing difficult but i dont see how you can slow down a sailboat while fighting a big fish.
Your ripping the hook out of the fishes mouth. When you hook a big fish, don't attempt to reel it in until it tires out and attempt to keep it on top of the water. Deep sea rods are stiff and you can break them, so don't bend them so much.
Sharpen your hooks mate!
I will have to second the Escape for the wife you guys are helping me out a lot keep up your great work and hopefully I can be sailing with you someday on my own cat you guys rock your son is awesome
Hey if you get in real trouble pick an island and head in what's the worst that could happen they throw you in jail its a lot safer in their jail then in the middle of the ocean in a sinking boat
Desde Quito Ecuador, les saludó, keep going Thank you.
Just amazing trip ! Enjoying your videos

Parabéns para a família sucessos sou teu fan

you guys are well equppied and ready ready for any imminent danger . Well done..
So envious. Be safe and soak it all in!
EVERY sailing video you watch they're ALWAYS working on their boats. Doesn't anyone have a boat that runs without all of the work?