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Am promovat un BIG Sailing Sponsorship Sailing GBU

25 thoughts on “Am promovat un BIG Sailing Sponsorship Sailing GBU”
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Chinese stainless, what can ya say, rubbish!!
Can't go wrong with a Highfield..
Fair play to you both, I enjoy your honesty, you are doing the right thing. Thank you!
That was one of the best video story board presentations I have seen on YouTube. You guys are dynamic couple.
those glasses sit very nicely on the lady's face. keep em forever
you guys are funny.
Ok thanks to cool
I don’t mean to upset the cart, have you figured out Christian how you’ll raise the anchor. I mean what’s the rig your going to use in an emergency when Matt can’t do it.
Matt, great choice for 1st mate, show us more of her…she's adorable! Your ok, for a dude. Lol Love your channel.
Never stop learning … this is the best thing you can give someone on their way through life.

Oars, not paddles. Paddles are for canoes and are used one at a time. Oars are used in oar locks in pairs.
Matt dont sing PLEASE
Thank you guys for making such honest videos and not being afraid to admit you don't have all the answers. Life IS all about learning!
Yourr alright with me mat
From Australia. You certainly like to live dangerously LMAO
Well, ya'll don't use sunglasses. Wellcome to cataracts.
Dirty dog , aroooo!

yes I watched an ornathalogical piece and it stated that the bird is definitaly the word , it went on to say that everybody is talking about the bird
I also have a channel ,just starting also just got a sail boat,Hope to meet you both in person someday. Ireally enjoy watching you two. thank you
How much experience did you have in sailing before you bought your $5000 boat?
You finally shave it off and admitted it's all gone
Not sounding to bright dissin cat owners check out Riley and Elena on sailing la vagabond and get back to us with a disclaimer
Hyfoil owes you guys a “consulting fee!” Design flaws are one thing but suggesting upgrades to design warrants “consideration!”
Hyfoil are you listening to Six Sigma don??
El machirulismo americano desborda lo patético.
Que quieran conquistar audiencia con las poses en bikini de la chica, denota claramente el afán recaudatorio y retrógrado que trata de vender.
Felicidades por la recuperación de esa embarcación. Les quedó muy bonita y perfecta, pero hasta ahí he podido aguantar los vídeos. Gracias.