Cât câștigă Sailing Doodles pe YouTube?

Cât câștigă Sailing Doodles pe YouTube?

Cât câștigă Sailing Doodles pe YouTube? Bobby White este un fost pilot corporativ care în prezent își vlogează aventurile de navigație în Caraibe cu cei doi câini ai săi, Maverick și Goose. El își postează frecvent conținutul video pe Sailing Doodles, care este canalul său YouTube. Să ne uităm la cât câștigă. AdSense – Estimăm că Sailing Doodles câștigă în prezent 1.000 USD în fiecare zi în contul Patreon – Sailing Doodles câștigă în prezent aproximativ 432.000 pe an din veniturile sale din Marfa Patreon – Presupunând că Sailing Doodles realizează o marjă de profit de 20% din vânzările de mărfuri, veniturile lor ar să fie estimat la 3.000 USD pe zi, 92.000 USD pe lună sau 1,1 milioane USD pe an. Cheltuieli Bobby White folosește aproximativ 10% din venitul său anual pentru a investi în marfa sa, pentru a merge în Caraibe și pentru a cumpăra mâncare pentru doodle-urile sale de labra, care este de 112.000 de dolari, lăsând 988.000 de dolari plătitori de taxe. Impozite Bobby White suportă o rată de impozitare anuală de 8,25%, care este de 81.000 USD. Aceasta înseamnă că ia acasă 906.000 USD anual ►Disclaimer◄ Cred că tot conținutul utilizat intră sub incidența utilizării corecte, dar dacă vreun proprietar de conținut ar dori să conteste acest lucru, nu voi ezita să elimin imediat conținutul respectiv. Nu este intenția mea de a încălca în vreun fel dreptul de proprietate asupra conținutului lor. Dacă se întâmplă să găsiți arta sau imaginile dvs. în videoclip, vă rugăm să-mi spuneți și voi fi bucuros să vă creditez / Eliminați conținutul. E-mail de afaceri: qualityscript01@gmail.com


24 thoughts on “Cât câștigă Sailing Doodles pe YouTube?

  1. Yep and the guy still is stemming money from his viewers, it’s not even close to a sailing or boating channel it’s just Bobby filming young woman with barely nothing on! The guy is just a pervert in my opinion that has very little knowledge of boats, yes he has a few nautical miles experience but he has been lucky that he hasn’t seriously hurt someone yet ! T&A and drinking is not a sailing channel

  2. Ok, if you’ve ever owned a boat or a plane you know they’re not cheap. I’m sure he also has to pay most of the crew and models and he’s not taking and likely not editing all the video himself either at this point. Looks like he might still be doing ok, but I’m sure he’s making much less than you imply.

  3. No way the shirt and clothing sales is remotely correct. Interesting vid. God for Bobby if this video is even half true.

  4. I think he’s paying the girls too.

    Not judging just that you didn’t include.

    Estimate 40% share total, varying by number of girls.

    You also assume he has no other employees, which is just wrong.

  5. I would say this is over optimistic. I doubt his clothing like and other products makes a fraction of that. And you are skipping a lot of expenses for his boat and his production costs.

  6. If this was truly put out in July of 2021, then your information is outdated… He no longer lives in TX, he now claims Puerto Rico as his primary residence. He also no longer travels with his 2 dogs, one passed several months ago, the other is having some health issues and now lives with Bobby's parents in TX…. his crew members also get a share of the youtube revenue while traveling with him…

  7. If this squirrel is actually making this kind of cash why is he continually begging for money to buy cameras & gear plus he's lost two sailboats in the past couple of years that he was asking for money to fix up, then to find out the scammer wasn't actually fixing it, he sold it. If you enjoy watching people go to lunch, happy hour, dinner, & drinking day & night, with an occasional couple minutes of sailing thrown in, then be another sucker & throw cash as him so he can keep going.

  8. More power to him. The guy had a stroke and had to quit his job as a pilot. He took a gamble bought a boat and went sailing . Yes he has some beautiful help on the boat , he took the chance and its worked out . Make all you can .

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