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Navigand în jurul Marii Britanii, episodul 14, Navigăm spre Hebridele Scoției

46 thoughts on “Navigand în jurul Marii Britanii, episodul 14, Navigăm spre Hebridele Scoției”
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Brothers I belong to a boat club in Lowestoft – if you need to stay at the most easterly point of Britain on your way round-we have visitors moorings. I’ll pay for you to stay for a couple of nights if you’d like to stop by. Lowestoft cruising club. Let me know nearer the time. Cheers jez
Great sailing footage with wind and tide and navionics information. Where are you guys currently as there is obviously a time lag in editing? What video editing software do you use? Thanks and fair winds
A question . Have either of you got a favourite place to sail to. Love watching the videos it’s so relaxing x
I was going to ask a question, but already been asked many times, what experience do you have, and what would you consider to be the minimum you would need to do this type of journey.
I'm often on a rib diving, but would love to do what your doing.
Fantastic, loved every minute of this episode (as always) after work tonight. My one question would be ‘Do you sleep well at night or do you sleep in fits and starts? I think I’d sleep on and off. Could watch hours of your adventures boys. You need to make hour long videos as we love watching you both so much. The highlight of our week! Keep safe and well and stocked up on cheese!
Guys, Gents, Brothers, What charts are you using?
Great videos from a fellow taff! Proper roughing it on cheese on toast and worcestershire sauce! Loads of questions, where did you learn to sail? whats the furthest you've sailed? ever had any brotherly scraps? what boats have you owned in the past? and last but not least, what part of our great city do you hail from? luvs the city twang! Keep up the good work lads!!
Hi Gents, Love the videos. The Hebrides look fantastic! For your Q&A, what do you think your next adventure will be after this one? Live long and prosper
Let us know how much anchor chain you have in the Q&A as you’re often putting it all out. Thanks
Best to put a sail tie around the boom and through the reef line crinkle at the aft end of the boom. It takes the strain off the Reefing lines
Although I’m an Aussie I absolutely love the areas you are visiting. I did the UK Three Peaks Yacht Race 3 times and your voyages bring back such wonderful memories. Keep up the great work and ‘fair winds”.
PS: I forgot to add that whilst working as a sailing cruising instructor in the UK in the 80s, i was allocated a Rival 34 – and absolutely loved the boat. Called Red Runner, she was a superb sea boat.
Boys, another brilliant video. I think I can say on behalf of most of us watching your envious journey around our beautiful British Isles…I wish I was with you! I have read some of the Q&A's that your other friends have asked you, mine is like a few have asked. I have completed my day skipper's theory, due to COVID, not able as yet to complete my practical. My question is…how far up the sailing course are you both to complete your circumnavigation around our shores. Thank you in advance as always, take care & fair seas…Simon.
Hi Guys.. Another great video. Welcome to real Scottish weather. You would not get anywhere without the SW breezes and the Atlantic rollers!! Hope that you picked up some Gaelic when you were in the Hebrides for you to take back to Wales and compare the Welsh Gaelic with the Scots Gaelic. Keep up the great videos.
identify yourself, the dork that gave this a thumb down!!
Good morning guys, me and the mrs are currently learning to sail. We are switching to wind from a motor boat. We are learning a lot from your adventure and look forward to watching you every week do thank you very much.
Questions…what route into sailing did you guys take? What rya courses do you feel necessary and the best route to be competent? Have you cruised abroad and if not, do you plan too?
All the best to you both and will keep an eye out for you on the essex coast.
Chris and karley from essex
Great video guys did you say you were staying were you are for 10 days due to winds ? Also what radios do you have vhf etc ? Cheers
Great videos watched them all one after another what app do you use on the iPad for chart plotting? Are yous stopping at Newcastle ?
another well put together film lads?, my question is to Luke, how did your learn to edit the videos so well, and Adam what navigation software are you using on your tablet, stay safe both, and fair winds
Another cracking video, thanks guys. My question is: I see that you are quite happy to change your original plan to a different (but nearby) destination during your voyage – which is often a sensible thing to do and is good seamanship: how do you decide the original choice and then what causes you to change your minds?
Perhaps you should get yourselves some more stainless steel flasks and then you can make them up whilst at anchor and consume them over the day.
One drink I like is hot blackcurrant with a squeeze of lemon juice.
When will you be in Shetland, got hot shower, beer bacon and cheese all at the same location?
Amazing Video again

Well done boyos
Coffee in Lukes TEA cup how could you Adam
Keep the great videos coming we all love them
stay safe
hi guys – hope all is good up north! Getting little confused with dates on the vids and where you are – today is 13 July. Can I please ask where are you tonight, today? or is that a secret?! Guessing you on the way south again??? Are you going to Holy Island? Thanks for the great entertainment. looking forward to next few vids. Hope you dont run out of pegs. Looks like a heat wave now arriving….God's speed and may you stay safe….simon
Think you’ve got enough questions boys?
Hope it’s a 3 hour episode
Another great episode!
Karl Pilkington at sea!
another interesting video. One advantage of not using any sailing guides to anchorages etc, is that you discover new ones that others didn't think of, and conversely, you miss perhaps some of the best scenery? I know of some who have changed seacocks while in the water, but it can be tricky! I suspect you are more conservative than me in my R32 – it needs lots of wind to get moving. I'm just back from a circumnavigation of Mull, and on Friday setting out again for the Hebrides. By now guess you'll be well south, perhaps leaving Scotland on east coast soon? Great videos, keep it up!
No shame in seasickness, it can affect anyone. Alcohol and certain foods such as cucumbers will make you more prone. After trying many remedies, the most effective we have found, with no side effects, are special sea glasses with a built-in artificial horizon. You can wear them over normal glasses. It is best to wear them before the symptoms arise, but they will work if you start feeling fuzzy. Keep safe, thanks for the videos!
My question is:
I know you work for long periods of time in between your sailing holiday's, what type of work do each of you do?
Wishing you both the best of life sailing and you land
life too.
I seem to be constantly booted off you tube and lose track of you sadly. Love your videos
The jib is a bit crinkly on the foil at the bottom. Can you tighten the halyard? Stugeron is magic. Be careful if you are abroad, they should be 15mg, and we managed to buy 100 mg tabs by mistake, which would probably have knocked us unconscious! I take 2 before setting off and 1 every 8 hours until I forget – that's my recipe for successful seasick-free sailing. No shame – Nelson got seasick!
Crack on lads, keep it real. Thoroughly enjoying the Channel.
What anchor watch app do you use and how do you find it?
As I said way back in episode 1, your trip around Britain is not so much a grand voyage as it’s a series of stops at all kinds of locales around the Isles. The net effect is better than seeing the 30,000 ft view – it’s an intimate view of dozens of towns and ports – some small and others large. There’s so much history there everywhere you go — from the 20th century and reaching back to the times of Robert Burns, Shakespeare, John Milton and Geoffrey Chaucer. Might be nice to learn of 1 thing from each stop along the way. Never know…
I'm feel sick nearly every time I go out but refuse to let it stop me. Personally Sturgeron makes me feel worse I use Kwells. If anyone takes the mess I tell them that Nelson suffered terribly with it. Every time they set out from port he would lock himself in his cabin for 2 days letting his second in command take over till he settled so that his crew wouldn't see him – fact.
Enjoying your videos guys, sorry if this has been asked already but impressed by your anchoring, how much chain do you have, and what weight anchor?
Anyone who says “you shouldn’t get seasick, you are a sailor” obviously has never been on a boat. Firstly how on earth would you get seasick if you are not sailing? Secondly there is absolutely no shame or embarrassment about getting seasick. There are many lifelong sailors who suddenly experience seasickness without warning or having done so previously. It’s involuntary, and is to do with the disparity between what your eyes tell you brain and what your balance mechanism in your ears is feeling. It can hit any sailor at any time regardless of experience or skill.
Anyone criticising you for it is, frankly, an imbecile.
Just a point of fact, you say “sail always has priority over power”, not quite accurate. Some large ships are restricted by their ability to manoeuvre or can be restricted by draft in the channel so cannot move out of your way. Best course of action is to hail them on the vhf and confirm intentions.
What king of boat is yours and what length?
This video makes me want to explore Scotland, it's beautiful there… Thanks for sharing!
When I was 16 I spent a month on a Canadian ship as a civilian cadet. I remember loosing my lunch in the head right alongside men who had been at sea for thirty years, it's no big deal.
Just a little input regards priority at sea,….. Commercial boats and ships have priority over pleasure boats, I suspect the skipper of the boat in the video was being considerate after seeing you.
Motorised pleasure boats have to give way to sailboats when sailboat is under sail power, but the rule is starboard has right of way if both are under engine power….. if both are under sail, the yacht nearest the wind must give way to the one downwind of it.
It’s been a while since I read any theory, but I seem to remember that being the official way of determining things
Hi lads,
I’m back watching around Britain again
I’m curious about how much fuel you used on this around Britain trip?
I’m sure Luke would have recorded the amount somewhere
Admiral Lord Nelson got seasick all the time. Just tell those yahoos to shut their pie-holes. In my experience it is usually said by those who have never been at sea in the first place!
Howdy brothers! I would like to suggest granulated ginger for sea sickness. You’ll find it at almost any grocery store. Just shake a few granules out (no more than half teaspoon) and swallow them. It’s good! Tastes like spicy candy to me. It’ll help take care of that queasy feeling and it’s natural.
I live in New Zealand and I really enjoy your videos. Sadly I no longer have a sailing boat bit your experiences really remind me of my sailing exploits around the Hauraki Gulf and other places in the North Island