Iahtul Amel 52 atacat de orci (balenele ucigașe) în largul coastei spaniole

Iahtul Amel 52 atacat de orci (balenele ucigașe) în largul coastei spaniole

http://www.halcyonyachts.com/ Au existat numeroase rapoarte despre Orca care atacă iahturi de pe coasta spaniolă încă din vara trecută și nimeni nu știe cu adevărat de ce. În acest videoclip, trăim 2 ore de hărțuire de la o grupă de orci în largul coastei Barbate, în sudul Spaniei. Aceasta este a cincea interacțiune pe care am avut-o în timp ce livrăm iahturi de-a lungul acestei porțiuni de coastă. Filmul a fost filmat pe 14 iulie, în timpul livrării cu iaht a unui Amel de 52 de picioare din Gibraltar în Marea Britanie. Muzica este „Empire Seasons” și „Russian River” de Dan Henig.


40 thoughts on “Iahtul Amel 52 atacat de orci (balenele ucigașe) în largul coastei spaniole

  1. How many times have HUMANS attacked ORCAS??? Humans are the MONSTERS!! IDIOTS! ORCAS are so much more intelligent than humans! Bigger brains 🧠, dense brain matter, extra lobe we don’t have ( no other mammals have this extra frontal lobe and it’s HUGE) just because ORCAS don’t have hands, and gadgets that destroy their habitats…….. humans are completely IGNORANT to think we are smarter! I beg to differ! Most humans are dumbed down and can’t think without their smart phone!!!

  2. There seems to be a common scheme to all of theese attacks. That is, they allways bite of chunks of the rudder. In my opinion they are hunting. Why? Because just recentley somebody described how orcas hunted a beluga whale. And what they did is, that at first they would bite of the two of his breast fins (don`t know how you call them, but you get the picture). The two fins right and left at the breast. And after that they would proceed with the real kill. I assume that one could look at the boat from underneath and consider the rudder being a fin. And from the orcas point of view it makes sense to first bite of this "fin"! So after looking through a lot of this footage of orcas attacking boats it seems to be a fair guess that they really are hunting those boats like they would be hunting a whale! What are your thoughts.

  3. watch a pod of orcas hunting a blue whale (33m for the blue what and 16.2m for this sailing vessel), THEN try to tell me this is an attack…. you still had a functional rudder after the "attack", you think the orca just has weak jaws? You didn't get lucky, they chose to leave you be….

  4. Maybe they target yachts with 'stand alone' rudders because they remind orcas of fins on other whales?
    I have read reports that orcas turn upside-down just before attacking rudders, if you imagine looking at a yacht upside-down (below the waterline) it would certainly give orcas this impression?, maybe it just p-ss-s them off!
    Have keel-hung rudders also been attacked ?

  5. Use an Air Horn, take a piece of pipe, put one end just into the water, blow the Air Horn in the other end, the sound will go into the water scaring them away..

  6. Just light the quarter stick of dynamites and throw it overboard the concussion is going to drive the orcas away

  7. Rudder in steel or bronze or a steel cage around the rudder that can be turned on with some low current electricity

  8. I can't help but wonder if there is a reason these beautiful creatures are doing this. They have much to be fearful of with humans, as sharks & whales are hunted killed for fins & by products of whales. Over fishing, the navy doing who knows what in our oceans plus the mind bending effects on whales, sharks, dolphins with searching for gas in the oceans. So many ships & boats in oceans like no other time. Maybe not all humans these whales come across are kind.

  9. Well chilled music really matches the content of the report 😂, why people think that orcas approach the boat to eat them… There are no orca attacks reported in the wild and people snorkel with them in Norway

  10. This has been a recent phenomena off the cost of Spain and Portugal. In light of recent multi reports, in the same general area, it is believed to be the same pad of Killer Wales!

  11. I've read they may do this because of food competition with us hoomans, respectively fisherman. This pack is also pretty stressed from the ship traffic around Gibraltar. There's a research group, Iberian Orca, who have made a codex for boat owner in the region so they can ship confident their boats there while not stressing the Orca population.

  12. There used to getting free food from the back of boats the bi catch from trawlers and that what there looking and waiting for is food to start spilling out the bi catch shoot

  13. Some fishermen probably attacked and injured or killed some of the Orcas and now they consider all sailboats as their enemies. As the scientists came to the conclusion it's a "learned behavior". Why in the long past they were not hostile?

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